Im trading my Intel Pentium 4 2.0 MHZ CPU to AMD Platform at least Sempron or Duron 1.6 and up
Procie= Intel Pentium 4 2.0 MHZ
Motherboard= IBM P6 socket 478 w/ audio and LAN(3 mem slot DDR Pc133)AGP
RAM= 3 x 128 MB PC 133
GEForce2mx200 32mb Videocard
ATX CAsing with 350 PSU
Lite-On CD Writer
Procie & Board = 1.8K bundled
RAM = 128 MB PC133 = 300each(3pcs)
HDD = 500
ATX w/ psu = 600
Vcard = 200
Lite On Cd Writer = 500
contact @ 032-580-4342 / 09226170481
contact @ 032-580-4342 / 09226170481