View Poll Results: Who is the Presidentiable you HONESTLY believe have the will to fight corruption.

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  • Noynoy Aquino

    10 19.61%
  • Dick Gordon

    12 23.53%
  • Joseph Estrada

    0 0%
  • Bro. Eddie Villanueva

    1 1.96%
  • Manny Villar

    2 3.92%
  • Gibo Teodoro

    24 47.06%
  • Nick Perlas

    2 3.92%
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  1. #151

    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    I don't think naa nay objectivity ang pagka answer sa question.... even if someone asked...

    Who has the better track record.... Gibo or Gordon..... the answer would probably still be Gibo...

    Voting here has largely been based on which candidate you support... not anymore based on specific questions....

    I move that this thread be locked since the poll question no longer solicits any objective answers.

    I beg to disagree that this poll should be locked. Let the poll go to its normal course.

    To Gibo supporters: why do you want this poll locked? Are you not proud that your candidate is leading in this poll? You should be happy because another poll shows your candidate is leading. Let this be the testament of your loyalty to your candidate. If you believe that Gibo has the best anti corruption platform, then by all means gloat over the results of this poll.

  2. #152
    C.I.A. elvishtattoo's Avatar
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    yehey! Gibo is LEADING! pero I voted man for NoyNoy... dishonest ko, surikbots?

  3. #153
    This thread made me LOL! so the TS expected the results to be partial to her candidate which would eventually give her bragging rights. But of course, the coin doesn't always fall where you intend it to be. Thus, the whining. Pathetic.

    A lot of people believe that corruption could be fought by putting GMA behind bars, but dearests, it's a loooong process and it'll take a lot of time and recources. As much as I would like to see that sorry-excuse-for-a-human being behind bars, i don't want my taxes to be wasted, naah.. i would rather have them (our politicos) spend it for infrastructures and use it to advance the country. And the 'trial' (if there ever is to be one) would be just another chance for our senators to make a fool of themselves. By and by, Arroyo herself is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I voted for Gibo because, aside from i am of course biased talaga, I believe in the carrot and stick approach. THAT is a good measure to once and for all moderate, if not eradicate, systemic corruption. The other type of corruption though, grand corruption, (the most dangerous at that) could be moderated by utmost transparency in government transactions. The how though, is one thing i have yet to hear from the presidentiables.

    So pray tell, if Nonoy is heaven's answer to corruption... what are his plans to achieve such an ambitious feat? Just askin'

  4. #154

    i think we should just say (for the sake of the thread starter's happiness)
    that we HONESTLY THINK that NoyNoy will fight corruption with all his heart..

    but let's vote for somebody else..

  5. #155
    C.I.A. elvishtattoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mariaClara View Post

    i think we should just say (for the sake of the thread starter's happiness)
    that we HONESTLY THINK that NoyNoy will fight corruption with all his heart..

    but let's vote for somebody else..

    bisag unsaon pa nato sya pag atik, dili jud nya madawat nga ang figures above will always favor Gibo. thus mo ingon sya nga DISHONEST ang pag vote kay nag expect sya nga kadaghanan nag tuo nga si Noynoy ang maka fight sa corruption, just as she strongly believes. this is like nth poll dri sa istorya and Gibo is always on the lead. naa jud syay ika sulti about sa figures. EVERY TIME. kesyo nag balik2 ug vote and karon nsad, dishonest.

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by coolit View Post
    I voted for Gibo because, aside from i am of course biased talaga, I believe in the carrot and stick approach. THAT is a good measure to once and for all moderate, if not eradicate, systemic corruption. The other type of corruption though, grand corruption, (the most dangerous at that) could be moderated by utmost transparency in government transactions. The how though, is one thing i have yet to hear from the presidentiables.

    So pray tell, if Nonoy is heaven's answer to corruption... what are his plans to achieve such an ambitious feat? Just askin'
    Noynoy's answer to corruption: use the same solution as Gibo (carrot and stick). LOL...
    How can Noynoy fight corruption when he doesn't even have a plan himself? Pa effect ra na iyaha oi... The only thing Noynoy has done against corruption is to televise himself saying: hindi ako magnanakaw.

  7. #157
    either gibo/gordon.

    noy2²: hindi ako magnanakaw
    villar: wala akong ninakaw
    erap: babalik na ang magnanakaw
    gloria: wala na kayong mananakaw

  8. #158
    Go G1BO!...

  9. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    As I have said, I was expecting people to shed partisanship and just vote honestly. based on objective observation based on forums and debate, I believe people can discern and determine who among the presidentiables has a clear platform for corruption.
    Mao lagi na modeny pa jud ka.. Because they have a different opinion than you they are partisan.. Objectivity man kayha imo gipangita ngano di man ka kadawat nga mas kumbinsido sila sa plataporma ni Gibo kaysa imong manok? You have to respect their opinions.

    That is why I am asking those who voted for Gibo why he is their choice. or why Gibo is topping in this poll.

    Yet people will answer, dont ask questions, just accept it.
    natubag na ni nila oi di lang ka kadawat.

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    how can I determine if they are honest or they are just simply lying when they will not explain why they voted for a certain candidate?

    As I have said, I am not even asking them who will they vote for President. I was asking a specific platform. Unlike sa pikas nga free for all. In this thread, the platform is specific, corruption.
    Why do you accuse people expressing their opinions as liars? unta na ni oi

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