View Poll Results: Who is the Presidentiable you HONESTLY believe have the will to fight corruption.

51. You may not vote on this poll
  • Noynoy Aquino

    10 19.61%
  • Dick Gordon

    12 23.53%
  • Joseph Estrada

    0 0%
  • Bro. Eddie Villanueva

    1 1.96%
  • Manny Villar

    2 3.92%
  • Gibo Teodoro

    24 47.06%
  • Nick Perlas

    2 3.92%
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Results 31 to 40 of 178
  1. #31

    wala lagi apil c jamby...jamby ta ako gbutaran c bro.eddie kay maka dios...dli mana mawala ang corruption...ang pangutana kinsa nila ang gamay ra ang kurakuton...para sad maka tilaw ang mga tao sa money mga gbayad sa pagkadako nga tax....peace!!!

  2. #32
    The results of this poll is embarassing. The man who expressly tell the people he will not prosecute Arroyo despite all her anomalies is leading.

    Good God!

  3. #33

    Gibo: Higher IQ that all candidates put together. I believe he will continue to support Cebu's needs

    Gordon: 2nd choice, but I don't think he's as capable as Gibo

    Nonoy: Dumbest of the bunch, and probably doesn't even know how to spell "corruption" As a Senator/Politician, the only thing he was able to pass was gas so how can we even dream he can fight corruption.

    Villar: He'll want to make his money back so forget about him.

    Bro Eddie: Actually I think he's loopy

    Estrada: Hahaha, are you serious?

    Perlas: I don't know why he's even running

    Madrigal: I like the way she's going after Villar, but she doesn't have a chance either

  4. #34
    Perhaps Gibo supporters dont bother to answer me but tell me to stop the poll instead. They might be ashamed of their vote.

    I thought pro Gibo would rise to the occasion and vote honestly. Instead, they make a mockery of this poll.

  5. #35
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    bias man ang nangutana,kahibaw naman ka sa answer surikbots.kng moask ko nga "who wud u believed nga naay galing at talino?for sure kahibaw na ta sa answer.kng mo.ask ko "who wud u believed na mkatransform.Xempre ang transformer(Dick Gordon)....

    Quit asking stupid questions....Ganahan ra man ka ba na Noy2x Aquino ang itubag ana.mao ng post ka ani nga question

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by donrey View Post
    bias man ang nangutana,kahibaw naman ka sa answer surikbots.kng moask ko nga "who wud u believed nga naay galing at talino?for sure kahibaw na ta sa answer.kng mo.ask ko "who wud u believed na mkatransform.Xempre ang transformer(Dick Gordon)....

    Quit asking stupid questions....Ganahan ra man ka ba na Noy2x Aquino ang itubag ana.mao ng post ka ani nga question
    So this is an acceptance that Noynoy should have lead in this survey. But look at what the Pro Gibo is doing.

    Is this a stupid question. For one time, I was just asking the people to be honest. I did not even ask to vote for Noynoy for President. All I am presenting who among the candidates you believe can HONESTLY fight corruption.

    I want HONEST answers but partisanship prevails.

  7. #37
    I challenge Gibo supporters to explain their votes.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    Gibo leading. This is absurd! Its getting hilarious!

    what's hilarious and absurd about it?
    if not gibo then who are you expecting to lead?
    noynoy? that's hilarious and absurd!!!

  9. #39
    Gibo is leading. But the more votes pouring in for Gibo, the more it becomes outrageous.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    The Pro Gibo cannot defend the reason why their candidate is leading. Instead, they arrogantly tell me why I make this poll instead.
    lol the reason why they chose Gibo is obvious. Do they really need to tell you why?

    Why cant they just tell me what makes them feel Gibo has the capacity to fight corruption? Is it because they themselves are not convinced that Gibo HONESTLY can fight corruption.

    Not a single pro Gibo here has taken up my challenge to explain why their candidate is leading in this poll. Instead, they just repeatedly tell me to shut up.
    lol somebody already answered you all you need to do is accept it

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