View Poll Results: Who is the Presidentiable you HONESTLY believe have the will to fight corruption.

51. You may not vote on this poll
  • Noynoy Aquino

    10 19.61%
  • Dick Gordon

    12 23.53%
  • Joseph Estrada

    0 0%
  • Bro. Eddie Villanueva

    1 1.96%
  • Manny Villar

    2 3.92%
  • Gibo Teodoro

    24 47.06%
  • Nick Perlas

    2 3.92%
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Results 11 to 20 of 178
  1. #11

    Just stick with the issues. Why use offensive emoticons? Thats a violation of the rules.

    Why? If I start the poll, does it prevent me from commenting on the results? Defend your choice why Teodoro is the leader whom you honestly believe who can fight corruption.

  2. #12

    In his campaign rallies and in public forums, the Lakas-Kampi-CMD presidential bet continues to make statements like “I can’t really say anything against President Arroyo,” “It’s not right for me to attack the President,” “I owe President Arroyo a lot” and “She is not the issue in this campaign.” It has not been possible to budge Gibo Teodoro from his feelings of indebtedness to Gloria Arroyo for having plucked him from the House of Representatives and making him the Secretary of National Defense.

    His pre-campaign-season audiences expected him to stop being Mama’s boy and to be his own man. To their great chagrin, he didn’t. Every time Gilbert Teodoro Jr. has made one of his I-can’t-hit-my-benefactor statements, an audible sigh of frustration mixed with dismay has been heard among his audience.

    With the campaign season now in full swing, there is bound to be a higher level of expectation for Gibo to take off the kid gloves and come out swinging. All his rivals except one — the man people are beginning to call Villarroyo — are now hitting out at Gloria Arroyo, charging her with all sorts of high offenses and low crimes. But, like Senator Manny, Gibo continues to refuse to take shots at Arroyo. He insists on confining himself to discussion of plans and intentions for his presidency. It is as though the last nine years have not happened.

    The strategy of the former congressman from Tarlac appears to be one of letting his rivals — except, as stated, Manny Villar — do all the mudslinging while he discusses issues and policies. He thinks that he can get by, and go on to win the presidency, that way.

  3. #13
    Gibo leading. This is absurd! Its getting hilarious!
    Last edited by surikbots; 02-15-2010 at 12:37 PM.

  4. #14
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    Just stick with the issues. Why use offensive emoticons? Thats a violation of the rules.

    Why? If I start the poll, does it prevent me from commenting on the results? Defend your choice why Teodoro is the leader whom you honestly believe who can fight corruption.

    Deal with it. And why do I, or anyone for that matter, have to defend my choice to you, of all people? Last I checked this was a poll and all anyone needed to do was click on his/her choice.

    Speaking of blind partisanship, your contention that only Noynoy can fight corruption is in itself blind partisanship.

    Deal with it.
    Last edited by Tarmac; 02-15-2010 at 12:39 PM.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarmac View Post
    Deal with it. And why do I, or anyone for that matter, have to defend my choice to you, of all people? Last I checked this was a poll and all anyone needed to do was click on his/her choice.

    Deal with it.
    I did not ask for a reason for your choice. But as intellectual people, everyone owes an explanation why you vote for a certain candidate.

    With the results showing Gibo is leading, it has becoming a mockery of our intelligence.

  6. #16
    7 votes for Gibo as the person who can HONESTLY fight corruption is tje funniest and most hilarious thing I ever encounter in mock polls.

  7. #17
    Ngano man diay og leading c Atty. Gibo Teodoro... Dunai problema? do not dictate us to whom we are going to vote. This is a free country.....

  8. #18
    Elite Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by surikbots View Post
    I did not ask for a reason for your choice. But as intellectual people, everyone owes an explanation why you vote for a certain candidate.

    With the results showing Gibo is leading, it has becoming a mockery of our intelligence.
    And what is the difference between between "reason for your choice" and an "explanation why you vote"?

    If, in your esteemed holier-than-thou opinion Gibo isn't a valid choice, why did you include him at all?
    Last edited by Tarmac; 02-15-2010 at 01:05 PM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member layco's Avatar
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  10. #20
    as per topic.. i voted for NoyNoy.. pero dili xa ang ako bet for president..

  11.    Advertisement

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