manual ang Program mode
M and Av
Manual if im using my flash off camera and on photoshoots so i have more control.
Av if I go out on photowalks and shoot events.
By practicing spot metering, exposure lock and exposure compensation, Av (aperture priority) can pretty much cover a lot of shooting situations.
Example: the sunset situation mentioned by noelie.
- spot meter the area/sky around the sun
- press exposure lock
- recompose
- fire away
* Use exposure compensation if you're not getting the results you want. Do not go auto focus, use manual focus instead and experiment. You can come up with interesting bokehs during sunset
By knowing what or where to spot meter - Av can easily become a favorite modeI remember in photo walks I can here my mates scrolling away their dials to get the proper exposure
If I go completely lazy, I just switch to evaluative metering and just let the camera decide - not recommended for backlit subjects
Manual if I have my flash gun on or off camera.
heheh... for me bro kung mag sunset/sunrise ko mag manual dyud ko.. kay mas ma control nako ang lights.. pwde man sad sa av mode just adjust the exposure compensate set to pnka negative ba ron mo stand out dyud ang color sa sun .. dli ayu ko mo gamit sa mga landscape mode.. manual og av ra ko. heheh
sakto dyud na gi sulti ni sir dbgg. hehe.. shoot shoot permi and try differnt settings, each settings can give you differnt kinds of input.. enjoy ^^
best answer.
i was gonna say pwede duha ang answer pero naa naman diay ni tubag. 98% naka AV ko.
sa na tanawan nko na video tutorial kay dili pod maau na taga shot nimo mag cge ka og usab sa daghan kaau settings. og mag auto pod ka, ang camera kay dili pod maka sakto og auto settings. so ang iya sulti tabangan nimo ang camera you set the aperature then the camera auto selects the aother settings, same way with the shutter priority.
M if shooting with ext flash
Av for all other shots without ext flash
Tv for action shots
Mostly Av ko m.shoot..
M and the sunny 16.
although S and A are very much good options, my hand goes instictively to M
because i used to practice on an old minolta with a broken meter.
Vote ko ug usab kay Aperture priority ko 4 months ago pero karon full manual nako kay nakat-on naman ko ug metering. At least dili nako magtag-an-tag-an, sure ball akong exposure nya less PP nasad. Ma minusan na akong sleepless nights sige ug PP ... hehe
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