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mga sir hinay-hinay lang mo dula karon midyo init ang airsoft karon specialy atong wala kahibalo sa rules pls read first the general rules of airsoft para aware mo sa unsa ma hitabo, this is only a friendly advise espcialy to airsoft gamers lisod na madamay tanan mga players sa usa ka sayop lang sa ning dula pls be carefull mga bro para dli ta manga pagan ani . thanks
bro any place dri bro bawal bsan pa sa inyo nga place basta ipa kita nimo in public nga walay reason why nagdala ka ana except kong ang area nimo games site ninyo, dapat sad ang game site compund then w/ permit sa barangay & nearest police station para aware sad ang Authorities bro, if incase na a mo reklamo nga outsider kay na a mga sundalo or armado dha kahibalo ang Authorities nga airsoft na cya most important bro avoid public display ka ang ma angin ang mga higer airsofter nga ning spent ug money para lang ana nga sport bsan illegal na,
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check this site bro pls print or read this general rules or share this to any newbie people para aware pud cla
Airsoft is a recreational game and collector's hobby.
Airsoft guns are highly detailed replicas of authentic firearms. They are exact in every detail to their real counterparts. They use electric, spring, or gas power to shoot 6mm bb's. They have an effective range of up to 200' (60+ mtrs) and most are fully automatic. The bb's they shoot usually weigh only .20 gram so they do not hurt nearly as much as paintball. The bb's leave no mark and calling yourself out is on the honor system.
Airsoft is a game of honor. These realistic looking guns are combined with authentic looking uniforms and scenarios to play live wargames.
Similiar to paintball, players compete in mock combat but with much more attention to theatrics and roleplaying. Airsoft players focus on the fantasy aspect of the game as well as to the purely competitive sport like paintball. Effectively, airsoft players like to 'play army' in a safe and friendly environment.
This hobby is in no way 'militant' except for the looks of the guns and gear. Realistic looking guns and uniforms add to the gaming experience. Just as with video games or war movies, players enjoy the thrill of mock combat to challenging themselves, their teamwork and fieldcraft skills. In addition, playing airsoft is great way to excercise, enjoy the outdoors, and camaraderie with fellow players.
Honor and Sportsmanship
Honor and sportsmanship is expected at all times.
Airsoft is a game of honor. This goes for velocity limits, ammo rules, calling yourself out on the field, etc. Cheating is grounds for ejection from the game and possible ban from the field.
Sportsmanship is expected both on and off the field. Players are expected to behave like gentlemen and there is no tolerance for attitude or belligerence. Your actions on the field is a reflection of your character. Any other behaviour jeopordizes your ability to participate and you simply will not be invited back.
Airsoft is strictly an honor system. There is no mark like in paintball to indicate a hit. If you feel or even see yourself get hit you immediately call yourself out. At long ranges, or with thick clothing, or gear, you may only hear the bb strike you but again you must honor the hit and immediately call yourself out.
Airsoft does not work without honor. To disregard a hit and play on defeats the fundamental purpose of the game: to shoot your opponent out. If you cannot respect this, you have no business being on the field; you ruin it for the others and yourself, too.
We have a no tolerance policy about this and all the rules for that matter. Cheating is grounds for ejection from the games and chances are you won't be invited back..
Airsoft is a game of honor. As players we must take faith in the fact that other players will play honestly. Not following the spirit of any of the rules listed below will be considered cheating and will not be tolerated.
1 Gun Rules
1.1 Treat the guns as if these are real.
1.2 Consider every gun to be loaded, as such point these down to the ground or up at the ceiling.
1.3 Never point the gun at anyone/anything you do not intend to shoot.
1.4 Keep your fingers off the trigger until you are going to fire.
1.5 Be careful about what is beside or behind your target.
2 Basic Safety
2.1 No Real Steel Firearms or Weapons allowed
2.2 Wear your safety goggles at all times when in the playing zone. No goggles, No play.
2.3 No one is allowed play under the influence of alcohol or drugs
2.4 Avoid shooting anyone within 10 feet. (See surrender below.)
2.5 Avoid head shots whenever possible.
2.6 Put your weapons on safety and remove the magazine when outside the playing area.
2.7 If a player is seriously injured during play, call a “cease-fire” or ask a marshal to call “cease-fire”.
2.8 Test fire your weapons only in the designated testing area.
2.9 Stop shooting immediately when the player acknowledges the hit.
2.10 Avoid hitting “dead men” as they exit the playing field.
2.11 Stop shooting when “GAME OVER” or a “CEASE-FIRE” is called.
2.12 No shooting in the presence of civilians (See civilians below).
2.13 No throwing of rocks or debris. You may injure someone inadvertently.
2.14 No climbing outside the playing area. You may injure yourself (fatally).
2.15 No pyrotechnics during OAC games. (The use of pyrotechnics to simulate flashbangs, grenades, or smoke screens.)
2.16 No blind firing.
Conduct of Play
3 Game Control
3.1 The organizer and the duly designated marshals control the game play. They decide the type of game, the play area, when the game starts, and when the game ends.
3.2 Marshals shall, from time to time, rule players as “hit” or “out of bounds”.
3.3 If a marshal makes a ruling, it is final. That includes the determination of the adequacy of your safety equipment.
3.4 All newbies must attend the Safety Rules and Conduct of Play Briefing before being allowed to play.
3.5 The organizer reserves the right to refuse players into games from violation of any of the rules of Safety or Conduct.
4 One Hit Elimination
4.1 One hit eliminates a player from the game.
4.2 A direct hit on any part of the body, including clothing being worn, combat vests, backpacks, canteens or any other gear directly connected to your body is considered a valid hit.
4.3 Direct hits on headgear being worn or directly held by the player also warrants elimination. Exception is if a prop or some other device is supporting the headgear.
4.4 Gun hits do not count.
4.5 Shots that ricochet or bounce off other objects/players are not considered hits.
4.6 All penetrating shots shall be considered valid shots; and are not considered ricochets. Penetrating shots are defined as shots passing through grass, bush, leaves or thin material used for cover.
4.7 When both players simultaneously fired and hit one another, then both of them are considered hit.
4.8 Knife kills count as hits (See knife kills below).
4.9 Friendly Fire counts as hits.
5 No hit calling
5.1 A shooter cannot declare another player as hit.
5.2 A hit player must acknowledge the hit by calling out “HIT”, “DEAD” or “OUT” at least three times.
5.3 After acknowledging the hit, you must raise your gun over your head and proceed immediately to the Neutral Zone.
5.4 When trying to exit during a firefight, the “hit” player must continue holding his/her weapon above her head and shout “DEAD MAN COMING OUT!”
6 No Hostages
6.1 A player cannot hide behind a “dead” player, a marshal, or other non-combatants.
6.2 No engagements near delicate or valuable property
7 No holding or grappling
7.1 No rough physical contact between players
7.2 No holding on to your opponent or opponent’s gun
8 Surrender
8.1 When the target is within 10 feet and obviously without cover, ask them to surrender.
8.2 If they do not immediately announce “surrender” or they move suddenly, as if to evade or fight back, you may open fire.
8.3 When two players have ask each other to surrender then the first to ask will prevail.
9 Knife Kill
9.1 Is a way of eliminating your opponent when in close proximity. Its advantage over calling for surrender is that it is silent.
9.2 A knife kill occurs when a player “taps” the opponent on any part of his body. When that happens the opponent is considered “dead”.
9.3 A “knife killed” opponent does not announce that he/she is “hit”, but raises his/her weapon over his/her head and proceeds out of the play area like any “hit” player.
10 No time outs
10.1 You cannot call time out or cease-fire if your weapon is malfunctioning or the player is reloading.
10.2 Such malfunctions must be overcome in the field. If a player opts to go to the neutral zone to correct the malfunction, that player is considered “dead’ and is out of play.
11 Dead men tell no tales.
11.1 If you are already hit, you are not allowed to speak or signal to other players still playing.
11.2 You can cheer from the sidelines, but no coaching is allowed.
12 Civilians
12.1 Civilians are all people not involved in the airsoft game.
12.2 If a civilian enters the play area, you are responsible to call for a cease-fire and inform all other players in the area that a civilian is passing through.
12.3 After the civilian has passed your position, call “civilian clear”.
12.4 When all the players in your area have called “civilian clear”, you may mutually resume game play.
12.5 If a marshal is around, the marshal shall be the one to declare the restart of game play.
13 Observe proper decorum
13.1 Be courteous
13.2 No swearing
Conduct outside the game site:
14 Do not display your airsoft gun in public.
14.1 Your gun may be a toy, but it looks real. Because of this, care must be taken in handling it in public. There have been many incidents in the past wherein police have been called in because of the presence of "armed men". Please apply common sense.
14.2 Display of an airsoft gun is illegal under Letter of Instruction 1264. Under LOI1264, it is illegal to manufacture, import, distribute, sell or display "certain types" of toy guns. Airsoft guns have consistently been included as part of those "certain types". However, ownership or possession is not illegal, per se, just as long as it is not displayed to the public. Worse case is the authorities will confiscate the airsoft gun, but they cannot arrest you for possession.
15 Do not wear Battle Dress Uniform (BDU)/Fatigues in Public.
15.1 It attracts unwarranted attention and can also lead to people calling in the police. It may also be considered a violation of Usurpation of Authority clause of Article 11, Section 1, Chapter 2, Title 4 of the Revised Penal Code, particularly if someone mistakes you for being military or police for wearing BDU or Fatigues.
16 Do not play in full view of the Public
16.1 Playing in full view of the public not only displays yourself in BDUs and your weapons, but may also create an illusion that there is some distrubance, illegal militia training or terrorist activity going on. If you do insist on playing in view of the public, be sure to have the proper permission from the local authorities.
ngano man diay init init man karon ang airsofting? and asa mani nato mabasa ang rules?
and btw, legal ba magdala dala ug airsoft rifle sa gawas sa balay?