for me i don't blame God for the tragedy happend in the w0rld....
for me i don't blame God for the tragedy happend in the w0rld....
Most atheists, therefore, without any objective evidence on which to base their faith in “no God”, must resort finally to philosophical objections. And this problem of suffering is the greatest of these.
That is, they say, how can a God of love permit such things in His world as war, sickness, pain, and death, especially when their effects often are felt most keenly by those who are apparently innocent? Either He is not a God of love and is indifferent to human suffering, or else He is not a God of power and is therefore helpless to do anything about it. In either case, the Biblical God who is supposedly one of both absolute power and perfect love becomes an impossible anachronism. Or so they claim!
This is a real difficulty, but atheism is certainly not the answer, and neither is agnosticism. While there is much evil in the world, there is even more that is good. This is proved by the mere fact that people normally try to hang on to life as long as they can. Furthermore, everyone instinctively recognizes that “good” is a higher order of truth than “bad”.
We need also to recognize that our very minds were created by God. We can only use these minds to the extent that He allows, and it is, therefore, utterly presumptuous for us to use them to question Him and His motives.
We ourselves do not establish the standards of what is right. Only the Creator of all reality can do that. We need to settle it, in our minds and hearts, whether we understand it or not, that whatever God does is, by definition, right.
OT: being an atheist is ok. i think they are such due to lack of personal experience of god. they are more honest, imo. but i am a bit suspicious of self professed atheists asking questions like "why is god always innocent?". there must be a presumption of belief of god on the questioner's (naa ba ani na term ) part. ambot lang sad..
We should sell them these t-shirts bai.
bOffensive :: Religion :: Where Knowledge Ends, Religion Begins
But you asked where he was in those calamities, right? How can it be possible for him to be responsible of them?
Okay, you don't believe in God. But then how can you "dissect" his behavior if you think he doesn't exist? If he doesn't exist, what's there to dissect?just because i don't believe in GOD doesn't mean i can't dissect his "behavior".
So what are you really asking us in this thread?assuming and asking are two different things. i do agree, though, that one can ask a question at the same time creating an assumption towards an entity (or person) who is questioned. but this thread is a question directed to a society which claims GOD to be innocent in times of disaster, which i believe i made clear on the first post. maybe that wasn't clear enough. please let me know.
Did I say that I know he exists? Ramini made the statement that there is no God, and I was just curious why he thinks so, so I asked him that do you know that such a being exist?
Can you guys elaborate on the quote, "Where knowledge ends, religion begins"?
it like asking do u believe in ghost .. no , why, bec. no proff. how can u be sure that ghost doesn exist .?Did I say that I know he exists? Ramini made the statement that there is no God, and I was just curious why he thinks so, so I asked him that question.
same way we cant disprove it .
like the unicorn , sigbin , dawinde , or even Aliens . - we dont believe them bec . of lack of evidendence.
however - we cant also disprove their existence ....
an example of disproven idea is :
Flat Earth hypothesis. Although not a truly scientific theory, it was proved wrong by many scientific observations over a period of thousands of years, with evidence compiling and culminating in Apollo 11's images of a spherical Earth.
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