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  1. #371

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    I like to share my opinion about faith and work issue.

    I think it is true that by faith alone one can do many wonderful things including being saved. I think I remembered Jesus saying that one can move a mountain if you have faith as big as a mustard seed. I hope I am correct. So in theory, faith alone can save......but......we must also consider the practical side.......I dare anyone try to move a mountain with their faith right now, if one can do so....then I'll consider him/her as a saint........... I presume no one can do this right? So again for practicality's sake......maybe one can combine his/her microscopic faith with good works to at least gain merit and eventually a ticket to heaven......hehehehehe......

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador
    FAITH per se, NOT by works (Ephesians 2: 8 - 9), NOT by faith alone (James 2: 24), although it is NOT by works (Romans 11: 6 ), Good works are our calling, and that in itself is NOT optional, because the fruit of salvation is the good works we are created to do because we are God's workmanship (Ephesians 2: 10)
    That "creative interpretation" of yours is NOT what James 2:14-26 says. It clearly states that faith alone does not save. Works are required, and good works JUSTIFY us. Read James 2:24:

    "See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone."

  2. #372

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.


    Nope but only the pagan forms of idolatry obviously no real effort to correct idolatrous deeds that are related to Catholic affinities....

    Yes, James said that....And I said faith PER SE..... NOT "faith alone."

    If we talk semantics here, "Sola Fide" is only correct if it means FAITH PER SE..... James says "faith alone" in the context of apathy and refusal to obey God in love, by loving and looking out for our fellow man, in the very first chapter he defines the essence of blameless religion (James 1: 27)...... but if I use the word faith PER SE, Scripture doesn't contradict it either....

    In the long run, salvation is a spiritual- work out because we are created to do good works, but primarily and in essence, salvation is a matter of belief, trust, faith and grace (Ephesians 2: 8 - 9, Romans 4: 4 - 5, see also Romans 4: 24 - 25)

    But what is our purpose? Of course to do good works (Ephesians 2: 10)

    And what happens if a person is saved, yet refuses to acknowledge and carry out his calling and purpose as God's workmanship as stated in Ephesians 2: 10? You all know the answer......

    Works complement faith, yet salvation isn't earned. It is given as a gift, by grace, not by works so that no one can boast...... BUT in the long run salvation becomes a spiritual work out.... yet this is the fruit of God's doing (Philippians 1: 6), we* make a choice yes but it is by God's power that we can carry out the good work God become in us in Christ until the day He comes again....

  3. #373

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Creator of heaven and earth,
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

    Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
    born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, died, and was buried.

    He descended into hell. [See Calvin]

    The third day He arose again from the dead.

    He ascended into heaven
    and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
    whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
    the communion of saints,
    the forgiveness of sins,
    the resurrection of the body,
    and life everlasting.


  4. #374

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    news sa ta..

    Nourish flock: Vidal to new Vatican envoy

    i am sure mosimos wont like the picture..

    picture grabbed from

  5. #375

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.


  6. #376

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBiddle

    Nope but only the pagan forms of idolatry obviously no real effort to correct idolatrous deeds that are related to Catholic affinities....

    Yes, James said that....And I said faith PER SE..... NOT "faith alone."

    If we talk semantics here, "Sola Fide" is only correct if it means FAITH PER SE..... James says "faith alone" in the context of apathy and refusal to obey God in love, by loving and looking out for our fellow man, in the very first chapter he defines the essence of blameless religion (James 1: 27)...... but if I use the word faith PER SE, Scripture doesn't contradict it either....

    In the long run, salvation is a spiritual- work out because we are created to do good works, but primarily and in essence, salvation is a matter of belief, trust, faith and grace (Ephesians 2: 8 - 9, Romans 4: 4 - 5, see also Romans 4: 24 - 25)

    But what is our purpose? Of course to do good works (Ephesians 2: 10)

    And what happens if a person is saved, yet refuses to acknowledge and carry out his calling and purpose as God's workmanship as stated in Ephesians 2: 10? You all know the answer......

    Works complement faith, yet salvation isn't earned. It is given as a gift, by grace, not by works so that no one can boast...... BUT in the long run salvation becomes a spiritual work out.... yet this is the fruit of God's doing (Philippians 1: 6), we* make a choice yes but it is by God's power that we can carry out the good work God become in us in Christ until the day He comes again....

    The faith we have must be a repentant faith, not just an intellectual faith that believes in God. Repentance is not just a thought process (faith), but an act (work) by which we ask God for His mercy and forgiveness.

    Luke 24:47;*
    38Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 2:38, ,*
    19Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out,

    Acts 17:30
    30While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent,

    Justification = Inner Change of Person (Infusion); Not Just a Declaration by God (Imputation)

    Psalm 51:1-2 - O God, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. This cleansing requires an inner change of heart. Many Protestants believe that we are so depraved that God only covers our sins up by declaring us righteous (imputing Christ’s righteousness to us). The Catholic (and Scriptural view), however, is that God is powerful enough to blot out our sins and remove them. The view that God just declares us righteous by “covering us up,” denigrates the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, who continues the work of Christ through His work of justification and sanctification (infusing His grace into souls and changing the inner person).

    Psalm 51

    1Have mercy on me, O God,
    * *according to your steadfast love;
    according to your abundant mercy
    * blot out my transgressions.

    2Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
    * *and cleanse me from my sin.

  7. #377

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    The faith we have must be a repentant faith, not just an intellectual faith that believes in God. Repentance is not just a thought process (faith), but an act (work) by which we ask God for His mercy and forgiveness.

    Luke 24:47;
    38Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 2:38, ,
    19Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out,

    Acts 17:30
    30While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent,
    Yup, also 2nd Timothy 2: 19, for those who are willing to profess the faith and Lordship of Christ, they must depart from iniquity.

  8. #378

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador
    Quote Originally Posted by MrBiddle
    The church is NOT encouraging this yet the Roman church does NOT pro-actively correct and protest against these idolatrous venerations either.
    You're just plain lying now. I have heard with my own ears many priests warning about the dangers of idolatry and trying to teach the people the difference between veneration of saints and idolatry. I hear it done year after year. The Church DOES pro-actively correct and protest against such errors. You siimply choose to ingone the truth. Now that is sinfully dishonest.

    HAHAH! Manny my man, you crack me up! This is like me establishing a church where we have beautiful naked ladies standing around during the service, but I keep warning the flock about not touching and not having carnal thoughts about them... So your church makes Idols and says "DON'T WORSHIP THESE!" NICE!

  9. #379

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    HAHAH! Manny my man, you crack me up! This is like me establishing a church where we have beautiful naked ladies standing around during the service, but I keep warning the flock about not touching and not having carnal thoughts about them... So your church makes Idols and says "DON'T WORSHIP THESE!" NICE!
    Hehehe good analogy, Weedmeister

    But the Scripture must be fulfilled, Babylon will go on to be idolatrous until the last day...... for Catholics who deny the truth about Mystery Babylon, it is simply reader response critique and they dismiss it as an interpretation because it's too vivid to be true for them.

  10. #380

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.


    The least you could do is actually quote where such a statement occurred, and not quote an article that itself doesn't quote where the Pope said it. Quite clearly you have no idea what papal infallibility is. Do you disagree? OK, the kindly state the doctrine so we can see if you got it right. The last paragraph of the article you quoted, by the way, DOESN'T have it right.

    I already posted it, if you would care to read through the whole article. Papal Infallibility? Here, straight from Pope Pius IX's mouth:

    ‘We declare it to be an article of faith that the Roman Pope possesses infallibility in any doctrine relating to faith and morals. If anyone shall oppose this our decision, which God forbid, let him be accursed,’

    Meaning if tradition or the bible goes against the Pope, then the pope trumps both. what more can you mine out of that statement sir?

    You are so correct there! Absolutely correct! We should not take the phrase "all have sinned" literally... BUT, if you read the verse I posted, which you quoted, it says: "but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin" HEY! did that just say ONE?

    Kindly show me where in that specific it says ONLY one. None, right? You just shot your other foot.

    Hahaha, you argue like a child now... well if you want specifics, SHOW ME WHERE IT SPECIFICALLY STATES THE FOLLOWING:

    1. POPE*
    2. VATICAN*
    8. HQ IN ROME* (wasn't ISRAEL the promised land?)

    And so many more that you would have a hard time finding specifics to back up your church's claims... thats why when these questions are asked, then you move on to your anti-sola scriptura mode.

    Now if you look at all of the phrases with asterisks (*), you will notice that these were made up with a mind towards MAKING MONEY and WIELDING POWER, just like a modern day corporation would... care to go against this? *

    It seems that the NON-Worshipping of Idols has been debunked in this thread already.

    In other words, the accusation was WRONG. Good thing you admitted it.

    I admitted it? If i were you, I'd ask for a full refund on my education... *:mrgreen: *please don't jump to conclusions before actually reading and understanding what i posted, brother...

    The giving of authority to the Church is in the Bible too, in case you haven't noticed. I don't see any problem with Christ giving HIS authority and protection to sinners. It's a lot better than giving authority to a lifeless book! That's why Jesus NEVER told anyone to write a Bible.

    A LIFELESS BOOK? Are you sober? I suggest you not get carried away by this debate... THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD. YOUR POPE IS A CORRUPT MAN.

    What IS the basis of your faith, mannyamador? The "lifeless book?", the walls of your church?, the corrupt old man sitting on a throne thousands of miles away who doesn't really give a damn about you unless you can do something for him?

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