Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2?
This is kinda like a public service announcement for PlayStation 3 owners. Hopefully, it won't be as annoying and unbelievably insulting as actual PSAs.
Here's the thing: Bioshock released on August 21, 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC and at that time, there were only a tiny fraction of the PS3 owners that exist today. Granted, they may have played the game on either the 360 or PC but many PlayStation loyalists flat out missed it. Bioshock didn't release for the PS3 until over a year later on October 21, 2008 and while it could be argued that it was the superior version (due to extra content), the time gap is very significant. There were other great games to play on the PS3 by then and there was a misguided belief floating about; the belief that nobody wanted to play a 14-month-old title when other, fresher experiences were available. And now, as we're only mere weeks away from the release of the highly anticipated sequel, it comes in a month where most PS3 owners are fixating on the exclusive White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain. Now, I'm not saying one isn't allowed to have priorities, nor am I saying that it's wrong to put either of the aforementioned games ahead of Bioshock 2 on your list.
But I am saying that the stage appears to be set for too many PS3 owners to ignore this guaranteed-to-be-awesome sequel. We're looking at what should be a genuine Game of the Year contender here and it really should receive the appropriate amount of attention. Yeah, there are lots of of games coming out soon but if you missed out on the first Bioshock, you really don't know what you're likely missing if you pass on the sequel...
Source - Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2? - PS3 News