As dEcidEd dUriNg d' mEETiNg LasT
JAN. 30, 2010... d'
Cebu Ultimate Turtle Enthusiasts (C.U.T.E.) AgrEEd 2 jOiN d' PET EXPO in pArTnErsHip wd d' Aquatic Cebu Enthusiasts (ACE) on Feb. 15 to 21, 2010 @ White Gold Club, Cebu... Please FeeL FrEE 2 PM mEh U'r nUmbEr iF U'r vEry mUcH INTERESTED 2 jOiN d' sAid AcTiviTy so dAT wE wiLL kNoW hOw mUcH wiLL 8 cOsT 4 Us 4 d' REGISTRATION FEE... ThAnk yOu & hOpE EvErybOdY hErE iN d' C.U.T.E. wiLL pArTiciPaTE in dz UpcOmiNg EvEnT wHeReiN wE cAn SHOWCASE OuR bELovEd
**Note: You can also sell your turtles dr in d' venue or any pet u wanna sell...

Originally Posted by
We had a meeting this afternoon and finally it was agreed that Aquatic Cebu Enthusiasts will be joining the exposition this coming February 15. However, we have only 2 tanks available that are ready for display and two additional tanks will be set on site. As we have only few nano tanks for the show, we had decided to fuse with Cebu Ultimate Turtle Enthusiasts (CUTE) in our booth as a number of them are also ACE members. They have only 5 tanks for display. So all in all it will be 9 tanks.