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  1. #141

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    well.. mao man ni ako gi sunod..

    base sa BMR

    BMR(MEN) = 66 + (13.7 x wt in kilos) + (5 x ht in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)
    BMR(WOMEN) = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

    times activity factor

    Activity factor
    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or
    2 X day training, marathon, football camp,
    contest, etc.)

    so let say ako..

    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 105.8 kilos) + (5 x 180cm ) - (6.8 x 22)

    BMR= 2265.86
    activity factor let say 1.75

    so 2265.86 x 1.75 = 3965.255 <-- mao ni ang total calories ako need in a day

    so basi ani..


    we know that there is 3500 calories per pound of fat... just wanna play it safe(sample ra bitaw ni..) so i want to make a deficit of 20% ( the optimum is around 15-20% but sometimes some of us [like me hehehe.. ] are... umm... let's say XXXL, needs a larger deficit, so around 25-30% is ok) so we calculate is like...

    3965.255 - (3965.255 x .2) = 3172.204 (total # of cal - the deficit of 20% = this should be the amount i should eat in a day to lose the amount a week shown in the last part of the caluculation)

    3965.255 - 3172.204 = 793.051 ( total # of cal - the deficit total = the # of calories per day that i "missed")

    793.051 x 6 = 4758.306 (the # of cal... x 6 [i workout six times a day] = the number of calories you lose during the week)

    4758.306 / 3500 = 1.359516 lbs/week ( calories i lost / 3500( a lb of fat is about 3500 calories = the equivalent of pounds i lost in a week)

    of course.. ASSUMING i'm eating right with the right excercise & no cheat2x..


    Your lowest allowable calorie level should be:

    A) 1000 below maintenance


    B) 1200 for females/1800 for males

    whichever is higher.

  2. #142

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    @P-chan: hehe you lost me.. naay simpler version ana? hehehe

  3. #143

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    i've read this sd sa internet... i've even have this BMI application sa ako cellphone .... sak2 ni... :mrgreen:

  4. #144

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    Quote Originally Posted by ares623
    @P-chan: hehe you lost me.. naay simpler version ana? hehehe
    acutally it's simple... just follow it lang slowly

    Quote Originally Posted by baboy
    i've read this sd sa internet... i've even have this BMI application sa ako cellphone .... sak2 ni... :mrgreen:
    BMR na siya.. not BMI.. there's a diffrence..

  5. #145

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    keep active here til next year... ill post another transformation... from 135lbs last month... i'm 150lbs right now.. that includes fats, water and a bit of muscle... i might go up til 170 - 180lbs by december... or 200lbs? hehehe...

  6. #146

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    mo post nya ko dri akoa pics pohon ing decmber.. paeta aning pagamay oi lisod dyd..... no pain no gain man sd hehehehe!!

  7. #147

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    Quote Originally Posted by CrasHBURN
    keep active here til next year... ill post another transformation... from 135lbs last month... i'm 150lbs right now.. that includes fats, water and a bit of muscle... i might go up til 170 - 180lbs by december... or 200lbs? hehehe...
    unsa diay imong goal? diba ripped na man ka? super ripped? WOW

  8. #148

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    morag gusto ni ma Mr. Universe si CrasHBURN da.. hehehe.

  9. #149

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    Lifting wieghts Doesn't let you loose weight!

    If you lift wieghts more like you work-out and do boybuilding eventually through the principle of Overload you will gain more muscle (hypertrophy) and having more muscle than fat actually gives you a heavier weight!

    Remember Fat is lighter than muscle

    But if you do more Aerobic workout with the involvement of light weights and done for a sustained length of time like perhaps a straight 10-15 minutes for a start can actually burn fat and let you have that toned muscle minus the fat.

    If you are Fat (naturally endomorphic) and you want to look slimmer, you start with a good aerobic training or plan, like running, swimming, jogging, cycling, brisk walking and stairclimbing or etc. for a sustained 10-15 minutes with the same speed.You increased the time by 5 minutes until you can have it sustained for 45 minutes long. and do this for a month time daily or 5 times per week you'll surely loose that fat and you will be thin.

    But thats not all! Diet plays an important role in this Program of losing that fat. You choose a high fiber diet with a moderate amount of good unprocessed carbs and replace the bad fat with good fat like fish oils or plant based oils like olive and a good amount of lean protein fish will be a healthy intelligent choice for this.

    If you will be done with the aerobic phase it will be good to start the building of the muscle phase. The more muscle you build the higher is your metabolism! By the end of the 1st few months of aero enroll yourself in a gym and have a good over-all compound exercise regimen to target major muscles and jump start your building of good muscles.

    ANd who said supplements are needed to loose weight or fats? Do not drink any supplement since you can get all the natural vits and minerals out from the fresh fruits and veggies you eat. Unless you can really afford it and you are a movie star and you want that ripped body effect then by all means use it but supplements are for lazy people, those people who wants to have something but do not work for it. Like Raelly Work for it!

    If you want more advice please give me a message

  10. #150

    Default Re: Lifting weights == losing weight?

    @darkspawn: lolx...

    true, muscle weights more than fats but it's the muscle that does the burning of the fats.

    As for those endomorphic.. yhea.. it's true cardio(areobics) is really necessary


    when you lift weights it's the muscle that grows which in turn burns the fat.

    vitamins&minerals don't make people fat or lose weight.. what vitamins&minerals do is to prevent deficency..

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