up for this
negotiable & still available !
di ko mocomment kung sa akong tan.aw reasonable pud ang item! kung ikaw buyer, are u going to buy this item? kung modemand mog respect sa inyong item and post, respeto pud mo sa mga mamalitay oi! be reasonable enough and dapat worth it inyong ipost nga price sa inyong item..
ako ray open mo speak out diri coz ang uban igo ra man sa pagingon nga up, ok kau, etc.. diay to ang tinuod sakay2 lang and padugang sa comment para makapost.
and ayaw ko ingna nga igo lang kos comment and dili kapalit.. dili issue ang kwarta diri. it's not all about the money. But it's all about getting ur money's worth!
KAmo maoy dili educated! patuyang lag post ug mga items nga to think, layo na gyud tawon kayos tinuod! mauwaw and respeto sad mos inyong fellow istoryans oi!
Gusto ninyo moshut up ang tawo, nga klaro man gyud kayo nga y ayo ng inyong item!
brah,nsa mn jd ni u style? wa mi ng.post dri pra imuha lng FYI! ng.try rmi ani ug post s amu item na f kinsa 2 ganahan s items f naa. f naa maau! f wla,wa rapd mi mamugos.. i think wa ramn guro ka nmo g.pugos na mo.buy ky f g.pugos ka,dha rka dapat mo react. pasagdi lng ang uban na mo view s thread! again wa mi mamugos s mga buyers dri, ng.post mi ky mayb naay ganahan mo.buy s items. again we're not forcing people who are viewing the thread to buy its or them to look at & judge. in fact if only negative thoughts we dont need it. aight! & in fact,prices again are negotiable pa! f kahibaw u mo.read pd.. mao rna..
Stay cool... init na kaau...
for thOse naman viewing this thread and those who wants to comment,.just put limits on commenting (yaw nlng sad patoyang tawn),..
Saon pagkahalin kung nyo dayon sugaton ug negative inputs,.
@ least wa nya gitago ang slight damage sa shoe...PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE...
nice man ang shoes specially for those who knows these types of shoes (pros).. Etnies...wow!!nice shoes,,.la lang ko kwarta..hehe
for chickxidol: Sagdi lang kung kaw sad nya mg.post dri,,..tabangan lang sad nya ka nmo ug butang negative comments,,..murag mao mansad imo ganahan gud,,..!!!
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