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Thread: an open mind

  1. #11
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    Jun 2009
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    Dugangi usa ug Muslim situation..........................he-he,

    I will still think if the suppose truth would suit me, would it support what I personally believe as correct, and supports my personal view of moral values and justice, if it can satisfy what I need, then without any hesitation I will accept.

    By the way I am a Roman catholic............
    Last edited by Tirong-say; 01-21-2010 at 02:06 PM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill View Post
    what if your current belief system i.e (Christianity, Islam, Atheism etc) is proven to be false? do you still have an open mind to accept what is true, and abandon your false faith?

    christian situation:
    what if one day Allah shows himself to the world and tell you that Christianity is false will you start believing in him and abandon christianity?
    If you mean to say that Allah might say to me that Jesus is not God then I guess there's much else I can do...but I doubt if ever Allah dismiss what Jesus taught christian to do, so in the end I might be still a christian yet believes in Allah since I follow Christ teachings of brotherhood and love.

    Would this be okay with Allah? You can't answer this because your not Allah.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. hhhhmmmmm, nice situational questions you got there

    ..well, me being an atheist, i belong to that first scenario. If God were to present himself, I would go to him and show him the middle finger for being an absentee landlord and i'll go to Satan and ask him to admit me to hell and make me a general. ( since God exists in these situations, all of the intangibles in the Bible or koran is present too, right ?? )

    @james, we get your point about that universal god you're talking about, but the problem is, that is off topic. Keep on track to the issue at hand. choose one of silent kill's situation you belong to and answer it.
    you're kinda stubborn lol
    your atheism stems from hate and not from self realization (or what you perceive is true)?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Existanz View Post
    If you mean to say that Allah might say to me that Jesus is not God then I guess there's much else I can do...but I doubt if ever Allah dismiss what Jesus taught christian to do, so in the end I might be still a christian yet believes in Allah since I follow Christ teachings of brotherhood and love.

    Would this be okay with Allah? You can't answer this because your not Allah.
    you miss the point, this topic is just about if you still have an open mind.
    in your statement you already made an assumption that you are correct in the end

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by bungot25 View Post
    the situation is quite simple, if it is false? then you have nothing to do about it and still go on with your life!
    what life are you talking about, the old one? still believing stuff that has already been proven false? or will you change some of your ways? please elaborate

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    do we have a choice?
    its not about your choice, its about if you still have an open mind , to change your ways when you are presented the truth

  7. #17
    first of all, how can you determine which is true and which is false belief?

    there's no such thing as true/false belief.. all beliefs are considered true by the believers and false by non-believers..

    so personally, this thread is pointless.. open mind is not a place for one's beliefs..

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by bluedes View Post
    first of all, how can you determine which is true and which is false belief?

    there's no such thing as true/false belief.. all beliefs are considered true by the believers and false by non-believers..

    so personally, this thread is pointless.. open mind is not a place for one's beliefs..
    so personally i think you don't understand what an hypothetical situation is.
    second there is such thing as an open mind its pretty common you can read that from jamesmusslewhite's post
    he clearly states if his belief system is proven false then he will change it to the correct one.

    i give you a simpler situation, before man think the world was flat, everybody believes it
    then it was proven false. the church opposed it at first but slowly accepted that fact... do you know what i mean?
    Last edited by silent-kill; 01-21-2010 at 10:07 PM.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill View Post
    its not about your choice, its about if you still have an open mind , to change your ways when you are presented the truth
    it is still a choice, whether you like it or not, but if the true God presented himself, then we are left with no choice, but still a choice nonetheless. hehehe libog ba?

  10. #20
    if the God-person shows himself beyond any doubt and declares his will, then so be it.. afterall, we are all after the truth.. if the truth is there, then what point is their of not believing...

    if my presumptions bout him are worng, then i would change it.. if i were a christian then the muslims were right afterall, then why shouldnt i go with them?

    ato lang i reverse ang scenario ha... what if the atheists were right? will you still have an open mind?.. what if you are very religious person (say like the pope), would you accept the truth? that most of your life, your belief was incorrect..

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