Kini nga Post ang naka offend sa mga parents bro dili ako .....
"There are no incompetent children, only parents."
Sakto man pud daghan man mga explicit lyrics diha .. devilish kaau, ****ing hostile .... dili maau sa mga bata
All i did say is base on this thread na Heavy Metal is a Medium of the Devil ... and i believe its true ...
Kanang Bible Verse ako gi quote it does not mean to Harm anyone who is into Heavy Metal ... all i want to prove is Heavy Metal is not the music that a true Christian should listen to.
Okay ra bro artistic freedom sa ato mga anak but make sure lang dili madaot ilaha pag skul unless fine arts or bachelor in music ilaha course..
And don't flaunt about salvation. Because that's what you guys are trying to do. Because obviously you guys are telling us not to listen to metal music because you won't be saved.
Don't tell us how to be saved (e.g. don't listen to heavy metal), if a metal head likes metal just because he likes it then he obviously just likes it because of artistic work, not because he is praising Satan.
Clive Barker made Hellraiser and we all know(if you know) that Hellraiser is a insanely satanic movie but does that make Clive Barker Satan's Minion? What about the people who read and watched his books and movies? Are they all minions of Satan now? I am one of Clive Barker's die-hard fans and I like his work so much mainly because of his creative imagination of Hell-on-Earth scenarios and such.
Yeah yeah, medium for satan bullcrap. Call Dante's Inferno a medium for satan nalang pud or even the bible because it mentions satan too. Murag lisud ra kaayo para ninyo i-differentiate ang "Artistic Work" ug "Satanism"
mao nga kinahanglan competent parent jud ta bro.. sa imong na achieve karon bro incompetent diay imong parents kay metalhead man pod ka suana?
mao gani nga depende ra jud na sa parents bisan pa ug way hilig music imong anak kung dili jud siya mag tarong ug skwela wala ra gihapon...
Kanang mga work nga involve ug Devil klaro kaau na its a work of the Devil .... unsa paman diay na paras Ginoo na .....
Dili na pasabot because you are artistic puede lang ka patuyang sa imoha gi bati naa sab na limit ... a Christian Artist does not perform that is part of the devil ....
sakto lage ka bro pero ang imu gibasihan lyrics ug beat ra...
mura ra nag sermon sa inahan nga pwerteng paspasa maka panungo sa anak.
Ang gi focus jud anang Heavy Metal is the unique and fast riffs,
Heavy Distortions, Face melting solos, blast beats, etc..
and from what i've said it's just for development of skills
Wa'y kalibutan si Satanas ug bout huna-hunaon.
Ang tao ra jud maoy nag yawa2x dili ang Heavy Metal Music.
ikaw ra nag ingon brad ha! You have miss read my post:
lols those were the days alternative RULEZ. Past is past...
grunge music is also associated with DRUGS & ALCOHOL.
--- naa raman diay ni. Unsay benefit sa DRUGS og ALCOHOL gani brad? hmmm... ikaw ra jud nag tell.. lols
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