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  1. #1

    Default Sinulog 2010 from a Street Photographer's Perspective

    I went to the Sinulog 2010 Grand Parade last Sunday to shoot it like a street photographer would (real close and from the inside). In other words, I may be one of the photogs people are complaining about. Do I feel anything about the article. Not a thing.

    The weather was very uncooperative. It was rainy, cloudy, and sunny. I had to shoot under an umbrella when it was raining.

    I'll gradually post photos I like here.

    All photos were taken with a manual focus lens, the SuperTak 28mm f/3.5. Close ups are no picnic especially if I couldn't focus holding an umbrella.

    To other Istoryans, feel free to post your Sinulog 2010 photos shot like a street photographer here. Regular shots are posted in Post Your Sinulog 2010 Shots

    --- Set 1 ---

    Click to see large versions as they are best seen as such

    1 Kids using their prop as a shelter from the rain

    2 Kid patiently waiting for the parade to start

    3 Look how wet she is

    4 Kids entertaining us while waiting for the parade to start

    5 Even when they lack sleep
    Last edited by cmontoya; 01-18-2010 at 08:10 PM.

  2. #2
    oi nice ni... thanks for starting it sir... cge post ko some of my pics later.. if you would permit... i guess as you said in the first post... hehhe..


  3. #3
    @zubanu: Feel free to post any photos you've taken as long as they don't look like entries for the photo contests. Perhaps, they would look like entries for the Sidelights but I assume the Sidelights category would still have a photo of the Sto. Nino. It's kind of difficult to express what street photography really is, more so during festivities. If I were younger, another good series I would have taken are the street parties, e.g., people starting to get drunk and being unruly (labay botilya beer, mag-sumbagay).

    As I'm no expert, here's a good read about street photography:

    what is street photography?

    To quote, "The purpose of street photography will again vary from one street photographer to another. Some photographers are interested in simply and honestly documenting life as they see it, at times adding their own interpretation to the scene. Some want to make artistic photographs of available street scenes and others basically enjoy taking pictures and do it purely for the pleasure of it.

    As you probably guessed already the methods of shooting street photographs vary greatly amongst different photographers."

    So, post your photos here. I will make no judgment as to whether they're street photos or not. Life would be boring if we took photos the same way. I guess for me, as long as the photo shows that it's on the street, then no problem.

  4. #4
    i have some street shots taken ..pero im a noob so night photography for me sucks ...ngit2x man gd ..pero ill post it...upload sa ko

  5. #5


    Uptown Mango Scene


    any comments and suggestion about the photos will gladly appreciated ...pede pd hatag mo tips about lighting kay obviously ngit2x xa...just bought my cam just this month so nooewwbiee jud ko..

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by lithardcore View Post


    Uptown Mango Scene


    any comments and suggestion about the photos will gladly appreciated ...pede pd hatag mo tips about lighting kay obviously ngit2x xa...just bought my cam just this month so nooewwbiee jud ko..
    uie one!!! kanang first idol naku!! hahaha

  7. #7
    @lithardcore: Street photography at night is indeed very challenging. Considering you call yourself a noob, I'm impressed with the 4th and 5th photos. I suggest you refrain from using the flash (assumption: You did use it on the last two, right?) Remove any ambiguity from street photos unless you want to intentionally want your viewers to ask questions which is also good to some degree. If you want to do so, provide some visual clues. For example, in the first photo. I am left wondering what happens next? Is the man's hand going further and is that why the woman is blocking the path to er, you know. The 2nd and 3rd photos are somewhat vague. Is the 2nd photo capturing an argument? Is the 3rd photo capturing somebody puking?

    Again, there are no rules. Consider the above as my opinions. My style of street photography is rather mundane and that is just to capture typical scenes at night. For example (OT not from Sinulog),

    This is nothing more than a photo of a jeepney conductor taken at night. His face is hidden is in shadows but that is not important. He is framed by two jeepneys to ensure that the viewer stays focused on the conductor. The red light reflecting off him also serves to anchor the viewers at him. The weak point of the photo is that I captured his hand at the end of its motion. It would have been better to capture the hand beckoning at passengers to make the photo more interesting.

    An example of a vague photo with visual clues is the following (OT also not from the Sinulog, just to make a point):

    Her hand is hidden by her hair. Is she going to flick her hair with it? Or is she about to hail a jeepney? Is she just scratching her neck?

    This is the reason why I like your 5th photo. The pattern of light and shadow, the hint of homeless people sleeping, the sidewalk leading the viewer from the bottom to the top (with the motorcyle and standing person) all make a compelling photo.

    I also like the 4th photo because despite the chaos, there's one clear focal point: the half naked dude holding a beer. The blurred hand in the foreground adds depth and again the half naked dude has some space around him.

    Hmm, you're making me want do another night photowalk I need more practice myself.

    Just keep at it and eventually you'll become better. Enjoy your hobby.

  8. #8
    1 Drummers

    2 Pushing GMA7's float

    3 Boxing lightbulbs (I don't get it)

    4 Shooting from inside (Not sharp but I like it)

    5 One of the Higantes

  9. #9
    Its hard to shoot if your using tele lens kay daghan photogs mo block sa atubangan nimo. Nagpalahi nalang ko ug subject.

  10. #10
    simply awesome sir carlo!

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