block ang porno
i block all porno sites sa amoa except for my laptop.... research and educational materials baya na sila...
block ang porno
i block all porno sites sa amoa except for my laptop.... research and educational materials baya na sila...
Better use k9 ky kung mugamit kag OPEN DNS, dali ra keu na usabon sa TCP/IP.
Goto this site:
register get your free domain. download updater for your account. after you register login to the site goto services, next click "Manage Internet Guide Settings" make a defense plan for that domain. block some url site that has a porn content on it. it can be done also using by your router to block those unwanted sites.
here is a explanation on how url sites are searched or viewed by most of users:
All ISP provider has a DNS server. DNS server is where we search a Domain name, like yahoo, google, bing, youtube, *******, *****, etc.. first we goto to our DNS host server to locate where the hell is that site is, now the DNS server point us to where the site is, then bling! we see that site. when we search, DNS host server is responsible of all url we see in our browser, with DNS host we can search any damn site.
bro naay router na naa built in setting ana..kalimot lang ko unsay brand ato
naa man sa mga settings sa mga routers ana bro... try lng access sa imo router page.
or try sad built-in parental controls sa windows(assuming windows gamit nmo)...
bro unsa imong ISP? Akong router from Globe kay naa may option na URL blocking so pwidi ra didto nimo iset...
Last edited by Jason4eveR; 02-07-2010 at 10:08 PM.
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