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A lot of what you point out can be discussed in the Philosophy section. It seems to me that your view on atheism borders that of a religious organization in the name of not believing in a deity. I don't see the need to discuss your non-belief in a God. If you don't believe in God, then move on. This is what many, many accomplished atheists do. If you haven't seen The Atheism Tapes already, watch it. Perhaps it may soothe your ruffled feathers. For one who disagrees so much with religion, you seem to think about it a lot and seem to want to change people's beliefs ... something religion has tried to do over the centuries.
well, i'm sure there are a lot of people who wants to discuss about atheism. obviously this is not the only forum board where i can talk about the subject, so there is really no need to create one if you feel it's not deemed necessary. i just feel it's biased to leave it out while keeping a thread for the "Devout". it's like a two-fold blow if you ask me.