cancelled!!! modz pls close... thanks istorya....
Originally Posted by mudstaticz for sale nako ako kingston 2gb ddr2 800mhz for only 1.8k negotiable pa... bought last oct. 28 2009 sa pcx NRA... da pani ang iya reciept... RFS: Upgrade Unsa ni siya nga Kingston? HyperX? is this 1 x 2GB or 2 x 1GB nga module? Please post pics to make it easier to transact. Thanks
is this DDR2 PC800 bro? double sided ni or one sided?
up before matulog...
pila man sad last price bro?
up nato this morning...
pila last price ana bro
nahalin na ni?
Originally Posted by oneeno nahalin na ni? available pa kaau bro...
up nato this afternoon.....
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