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  1. #1

    Default Any input on the Canon s90

    Good am,

    are there any canon s90 users here?

    i recently got one and like the two ring feature.
    it's small enough to fit in your pocket and can run manual mode with ease.

    what do you think of the picture quality? I'm not a pro at photography so any input would be highly appreciated.

  2. #2

    there's nothing really much to say about every point and shoot camera. all PnS is built for ease of use and portability and brings out decent quality photos. that's why its called point and shoot. you turn it on, point and shoot and these cameras already give you decent IQ. I noticed that PnS IQ goes down as the camera gets smaller. with PnS, its all about knowing the limits of your camera and working your way with or around it. Slow flash recycle, Poor low light performance, shutter lag and so many more. But if you learn to work your way around these negative points then you should be able to produce good IQ images.

    if you want a really good point and shoot camera, go for the powershot sx10 IS, sx1 IS or the sx20 IS or go for G9, G10 or G11, which ever you can afford. but then you trade of its portability for image quality with these series. its bulky compared to what you have but they produce the best images for point and shoot cameras under canon line up.

    I'm quite happy with the IQ of my Powershot A710 IS, although nothing compared to any dSLR even with just a kit lens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunch View Post
    Good am,

    are there any canon s90 users here?

    i recently got one and like the two ring feature.
    it's small enough to fit in your pocket and can run manual mode with ease.

    what do you think of the picture quality? I'm not a pro at photography so any input would be highly appreciated.
    My Photo Blog
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  3. #3
    i agree with regards to dslr pics. . . dslr will always beat a point and shoot.

    but the s90 in most reviews even beats the G11. so it is really one of the point and shoot "kings"

    Here's Kenrockwell's impression about the s90 against the G11
    Canon S90
    "The S90 beats Canon's own flagship G11 at its own game. The S90 has the same oversized sensor as the G11, but adds a faster f/2 lens, direct control rings and a bigger LCD in a smaller, lighter package for less money. So why would I want a G11? Just to carry more weight? That's the only reason I can see, and there are guys who buy things because they weigh more."

    I'm asking because maybe some of the photography veterans have a dslr and a good point and shoot(g9,g10) with all the manual options of a dslr and i want to know if they really find the pics of the good point and shoots "good" when compared to dslr pics.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgg1979 View Post

    there's nothing really much to say about every point and shoot camera. all PnS is built for ease of use and portability and brings out decent quality photos. that's why its called point and shoot. you turn it on, point and shoot and these cameras already give you decent IQ. I noticed that PnS IQ goes down as the camera gets smaller. with PnS, its all about knowing the limits of your camera and working your way with or around it. Slow flash recycle, Poor low light performance, shutter lag and so many more. But if you learn to work your way around these negative points then you should be able to produce good IQ images.

    if you want a really good point and shoot camera, go for the powershot sx10 IS, sx1 IS or the sx20 IS or go for G9, G10 or G11, which ever you can afford. but then you trade of its portability for image quality with these series. its bulky compared to what you have but they produce the best images for point and shoot cameras under canon line up.

    I'm quite happy with the IQ of my Powershot A710 IS, although nothing compared to any dSLR even with just a kit lens.

  4. #4
    I'm a dslr user. I mentioned my powershot just to support what I said earlier. If you ask the veterans here (wala ko labot ana) of course they'll say the same. dSLR tramps PnS in IQ. That's because they know how to push both cameras to their limits and get the best out of both. A PnS used by veteran photographer will perform at its best, but that's the same with the dSLR. We'll you already acknowledge this too in your recent post. So I'm wondering why you asked.

    You seem to know where you stand already based on your research online. The only thing left for you to do is shoot and compare It's always best to confirm it yourself right after researching. If you're in Cebu City, join us, shoot ta on Sinulog! and put that f/2 lens to test. That should be the best time to test the IQ under very unpredictable conditions.
    My Photo Blog
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dbgg1979 View Post
    I'm a dslr user. I mentioned my powershot just to support what I said earlier. If you ask the veterans here (wala ko labot ana) of course they'll say the same. dSLR tramps PnS in IQ. That's because they know how to push both cameras to their limits and get the best out of both. A PnS used by veteran photographer will perform at its best, but that's the same with the dSLR. We'll you already acknowledge this too in your recent post. So I'm wondering why you asked.

    You seem to know where you stand already based on your research online. The only thing left for you to do is shoot and compare It's always best to confirm it yourself right after researching. If you're in Cebu City, join us, shoot ta on Sinulog! and put that f/2 lens to test. That should be the best time to test the IQ under very unpredictable conditions.

    I really want to join you guys pero busy lagi bai. . . december to feb are the busiest months for me.
    i like the shots taken with our dslr but sometimes kapoy dala and sometimes you want to shoot when you see something you like. . . and most of the time you don't bring your dslr kay bug-at and i plan to bring the s90 with me everywhere i go. . .

    i asked because i can always bring the point and shoot and sometimes at events like a birthday party bulky usahay dad-on ang dslr. they say the s90 shoots pics very well but i don't want to miss out on the quality of the shots because the dslr is better but with good lighting i can't tell much of a difference and with night shoots with high ISO murag OK raman sad ang S90.

    here are examples of the shots I took. Please let me know if they are OK when compared to DSLR shots.

    1) night shot, hand held, manual mode no flash, f/5.6, iso-2000, shutter 1/8,
    when doing crops, it is grainy but this is iso 2000 and when i printed it out it looked OK.

    2) food pic- handheld, no flash, manual, F/4.5, shutter 1/3, ISO-640

    3) Handheld, manual F/4.5, shutter 1/50, ISO 250

    I know the DSLR shots are better but. . .
    Are the shots acceptable when compared to DSLR shots?
    What do you think

  6. #6
    ^-yup, ok ra kaayo bay

    if dili ka mo-ingon na PnS gamit nimo ani, pwede ni ma mistaken as taken by an SLR labi na tong 1st pic although medyo overexposed gamay ang chopstick...

    pero overall, nice shots congrats

  7. #7
    good shots lunch. good camera as well, seen few reviews. but exert effort bringing your heavy dslr most of the time, its worth the pain^^

  8. #8
    salamat @arisarnado and @chipmunk888
    . i really needed input kay lisud kaayo if there's a memorable event and bati diay ug kuha. . .

    so i think I'll go and invest in more items to make the cam better.

    found this custom grip for the s90 pero lisud paliton. . . i had one made nalang by our inlayer. . . in wood kamagong. . . he he

    Custom grip for the Canon s90

    basin naa lain s90 user dinha. . . please post your comments and new discoveries about the camera. . .

  9. #9
    oooh i just love this camera! got mine last january hehehee, just in time for sinulog!

  10. #10
    i might buy this model, i'll try to go into point and shoot offense, medyo overrated na ang dslr..

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