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  1. #191

    I'm a Death Metal artist, am i evil?

  2. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. tralala... now i know what you are kebs.. you're a COPY AND PASTE of wikipedia. You're just showing your ignorance to music.

    ..just listen to yourself here .... hahayz, people like you is damn annoying, no conviction and relying on other people's research and trying to present it as your own opinion. I really pity you kebs.

    .. and you complain that this is transferred here in music and radio Is your capacity only limited to S&O and religion ?? oh yeah, it is,

    .. in the music world you're what it is called a POSER. A fake. Just like Avril, a poser to be a punk kid. You're a poser that thinks you know a lot, but when it comes to it, you're only stealing other people's ( wikipedia people ) opinion. The truth finally came out from your own mouth. Let me quote it again ....

    .. again, you can't comprehend what music is coz you're only a listener. Pity.
    .. tralala... now i know what you are kebs.. you're a COPY AND PASTE of wikipedia. You're just showing your ignorance to music.
    --- lols! its easy to copy paste! why do you have to type-in? lols! u must enroll CS101 keyboarding.

    no conviction and relying on other people's research and trying to present it as your own opinion
    --- omg, did i tell you its mine... i post the source man... lols! do you understand what bibliography means? lols!

    .. and you complain that this is transferred here in music and radio Is your capacity only limited to S&O and religion ?? oh yeah, it is,
    --- lols, im not the one complaining. I post a thread and you reacted... who's complaining now? I told them this thread is for SnO is that hard to understand? copyandpaste is the revolutionary way of doing things... FYI: YOU DONT HAVE TO TYPE IT AGAIN. I pity you also... lols!

    .. in the music world you're what it is called a POSER. A fake.
    --- i dont post In music and radio! it so happen, my thread is moved... POSER wat the hell do i care about your music. Im not into music so hush!

    Just like Avril, a poser to be a punk kid.
    --- so because avril is a poser she is fake? tell it to her fans you will have your shot then. Maybe she is fake as punk, but her music is her music, can you RESPECT on that Mr. RIGHT? amf!

    you're only stealing other people's ( wikipedia people ) opinion.
    --- stealing? YOU LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! How the hell do i steal others people opinion. I POSTED THE SOURCE. Can you please read post# 1. By the way I hope we have the same definition of STEALING. Check wikipedia for definition. lols!

  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by Kolussus View Post
    k.e.b.s. . . keber!

    unsay tan-aw nimo sa imo self? mura man kag promter, wala ka kabantay? aws, e check nya nko sa google ha? murag kulang2x man imo research fart. kulang2x liwat nimo. "check out the source"?
    murag sayop mana imo source bai oi. uu nindot jud ng uban sa daghan na dato sa relihiyon. madato jud ka bai. if madato ka ako advice nimo palit bag-o otok ra ky murag sa sobraan nimo ka swto wala naman nka kbaw sa imo ge pang yawit.
    mura man kag promter, wala ka kabantay?
    --- mura, pag sure oi! lols

    murag sayop mana imo source bai oi
    --- na hala pag himo og imo... himoon nato source!

    if madato ka ako advice nimo palit bag-o otok ra ky murag sa sobraan nimo ka swto wala naman nka kbaw sa imo ge pang yawit.
    --- wa man ko negosyo! ang hay blad tawon brad! relax... inhale-exhalex1000 <-- hope this helps.

  4. #194
    kasamok ba oi, here's a taste of your own medicine o. (most parts of my reply will come from wikipedia)

    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute
    hello!! ni ana gani ko na "in general"
    --- omg! do you know what you are talking? many Heavy metal bands uses cults symbol dba? satanist too uses the same...

    Ang Metallica kay thrash metal so ayaw pagtaka2x diha
    --- huh? Master of Puppets considered thrash... but the band is not...

    ang ako lang is SUBGENRE sila
    --- naa diay ni lalis og subgenre? wa man koy prob subgenre bani... u must have missed reading the first post.

    HEAVY METAL IS OFTEN CONNECTED WITH SATANISM. You might want to ask unsa subgenre... relax oi
    what do you mean by 'cult'? it originally meant 'a following', 'a religious practice', from the latin word cultus meaning 'care, cultivation, worship. so if you say cult symbols, then what about the Crucifix? is that satanic? haha pagtsur oi.

    symbols, yes, that are not even close to satanism.

    unsay 'but the band is not'??

    taken from WIKIPEDIA (dah.):
    The "Big Four" bands of thrash metal are Anthrax, Megadeth, METALLICA, and Slayer.

    Genres: Heavy metal, thrash metal, hard rock, speed metal
    taken from
    . . Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax will all share the same stage for the first time . .
    more than 25 years after its inception, thrash metal's big 4 would not only still be around. .
    taken from and WIKIPEDIA:
    Dave Mustaine, ex-Metallica guitarist, Megadeth guitarist: "Yes, I did say I would prefer not to play on concerts with Satanic bands, That doesn't mean I won't, it doesn't mean I would not talk with the bands either."
    They are NOT satanic. But that doesn't they won't associate with bands that are. This just goes to show that only some bands, not all (to make that clear), are satanic. and some bands are not. i listen to some satanic bands, but that doesn't mean i have a pentagram imprinted on my forehead.

    aguy, aguy. where is your research coming from. not from your favorite Wikipedia, obviously.

    also, o ikaw. nakiglalis ka ug subgenre. first post states Black Metal. your previous reply to me stated that i want to deny the thrash metal and black metal to be part of heavy metal. wa jud ko ingun ana. ana ko na dili ang whole Heavy Metal satanic, kundi some of its SUBGENRES. which you pointed out as Black Metal of the first page.

    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute
    if you talk again about 'the notion'. hilom na lang. we know where that ends up
    --- amf! where?

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. kebs, the way you blabber here in music and radio just magnifies how ignorant you are to music. Stop humiliating yourself. The more you talk the more you insult yourself with your ignorance.

  5. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    I'm a Death Metal artist, am i evil?
    for WIKIPEDIA, or whatever source TS used for the first line in his first post, then yes.

    for me, groundwork, fingolfin, kolussus (sorry for using your names bros, but i think we have the same sentiments), and other metalhead istoryans, probably a big NO.

    but that metallica song rocks. ahahaha

  6. #196
    Dave Mustaine, ex-Metallica guitarist, Megadeth guitarist: "Yes, I did say I would prefer not to play on concerts with Satanic bands, That doesn't mean I won't, it doesn't mean I would not talk with the bands either."

    -because they respect each others' ideas. THe best line from the man....endgame....pikas thread mag concert puhon ang testament sa pinas let see if duna bay yawa nga mogawas...lamp of God

  7. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by groundwork View Post
    Dave Mustaine, ex-Metallica guitarist, Megadeth guitarist: "Yes, I did say I would prefer not to play on concerts with Satanic bands, That doesn't mean I won't, it doesn't mean I would not talk with the bands either."

    -because they respect each others' ideas. THe best line from the man....endgame....pikas thread mag concert puhon ang testament sa pinas let see if duna bay yawa nga mogawas...lamp of God
    wa gnahan ko mutanaw! WAAA log

  8. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    mura man kag promter, wala ka kabantay?
    --- mura, pag sure oi! lols

    murag sayop mana imo source bai oi
    --- na hala pag himo og imo... himoon nato source!

    if madato ka ako advice nimo palit bag-o otok ra ky murag sa sobraan nimo ka swto wala naman nka kbaw sa imo ge pang yawit.
    --- wa man ko negosyo! ang hay blad tawon brad! relax... inhale-exhalex1000 <-- hope this helps.
    hays nimo brad murag ikaw may na hyblood. . . ky sa sobraan nimo ka sweto (based from wiki ra diay)
    na unay ka sa imong ge pang yawit. grabeh ka uwaw sa imong fart sah? kaluoy!

  9. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by linkinmark090791 View Post
    for WIKIPEDIA, or whatever source TS used for the first line in his first post, then yes.

    for me, groundwork, fingolfin, kolussus (sorry for using your names bros, but i think we have the same sentiments), and other metalhead istoryans, probably a big NO.

    but that metallica song rocks. ahahaha

    .. nyehehehehe.. no need to post our names, it's quite obvious to who's the REAL MUSIC FAN to the FAKE-WANNABE-WIKI-SOURCE.

    .. btaw, ako na ulaw sa part ni kebot, nag buot buot ug storya then wikipedia ra diay iya source, then he tells us that if we have some complains and objections we should go complain to wiki. pagka toytoy gyud intawn. How could he ever comprehend when he only LISTENS to music, he can't even understand what music is. anyway, enough about him, he's just a kid who relies on wikipedia, let him read all he wants, that's his business, he'll be on the ignore list from now on. I hate talking to people who has no conviction ...

    .. anyway... testament in manila.. damn. Skolnick, ( is the spelling correct? hehehe ) is a guitar god, when he left testament he made a JAZZ BAND. How sick is that, from heavy metal to jazz, that's how good this guy is.

    .. and talking about satanism and heavy metal... who has got that morbid angel album which has the opening song THE INVOCATION, it was like a ritual calling to satan or some deity. And the cover art of Deicide's ONCE UPON A CROSS. Damn, that was the sickest album art i have ever seen, jesus on autopsy. nyehehehe

  10. #200
    I sold my soul to rock n roll..

    devil: meet me at the crossroads

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