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Results 131 to 140 of 477
  1. #131

    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    satanist said they are atheist so kebot's brain tells him all atheists are satanists. hahaha... failed logic again kebs?
    lol. this made me laugh.

    you keep talking about the notion, the first-post notion. the "Heavy Metal is often connected to satanism." notion.
    is that your notion?

  2. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    they will burn you? burn you where? hehehe... chur uy.

    i'm aware of that; haven't been living in a cave. kebot is just so fond of taking things out of context. chad is only responding, now kebot becomes defensive. the usual SnO crap. haha!

    if you talk about moulding pot, heck there are a lot of moulding pot. you ever been to a bad neighborhood?

    satanist said they are atheist so kebot's brain tells him all atheists are satanists. hahaha... failed logic again kebs?
    they will burn you? burn you where? hehehe... chur uy.
    --- slow eh! try to catch up!

    'm aware of that; haven't been living in a cave. kebot is just so fond of taking things out of context. chad is only responding, now kebot becomes defensive. the usual SnO crap. haha!
    --- lols me defensive? why am i defending your Satanist quality chad? amf!

    if you talk about moulding pot, heck there are a lot of moulding pot. you ever been to a bad neighborhood?
    --- yes there are plenty... o wait, the fact still remains... this is still a moulding pot... asking for other excuses chad?

    satanist said they are atheist so kebot's brain tells him all atheists are satanists. hahaha... failed logic again kebs?[
    --- o noh! putting words to my mouth... frustration happens chad! better qoute rather than assumption... this is simple chad follow through ha!
    Not all Athiest are Satanist, Not all Satanist are Athiest... so why are you complaining? not unless, you want to separate the two... try harder chad!

  3. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. i'm glad that you've mentioned these bands. I think they belong to the genre Christian Heavy Metal. Those who brand Metal as an expression of satanism is purely ignorant on the matter.

    .. no offense to the religious, i guess they need to look into themselves first before barging in on someone's preference to music.
    .. no offense to the religious, i guess they need to look into themselves first before barging in on someone's preference to music.

    Mods, don't put the blame to religionist, Its you guys who moved the topic to music... In a cookbook fin you cannot avoid to mention numbers... but it does not mean its MATH. Sorry fin, im not barging on someone's preference to music, im promoting the ATHIESM Here in a bad publicity.

    To be honest i listen to it sometimes...

    Down with the sickness, o man it rocks! but i dont mind the meaning of the lyrics, but its still music and i listen to it, sometimes...

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by linkinmark090791 View Post
    as much as i hate to agree, but you're right here.

    It has been often connected to Satanism.

    Why and how? It's actually in the music.

    Have you heard of the tritone scale?. Most heavy metal bands use this scale because of the so-called "demon's note". Not that it was made by the demon, but because the sound is eerie enough, that you could place yourself in a horror movie after listening.

    This was first used back in the early metal days of such bands like: Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, etc3x.

    Now, as time progressed, more and more ignorant peoples thought that this tritone scale is actually a demonic and evil sound. That is why most bands are labelled as satanic, at first, because of this. Then, more and more bands got into fashion and decided to self-label themselves as satanic. boo.
    This thread is originally in SNO, yes music is music, Expression is projection... I dont care about music, I'm promoting Athiesm in a manner of music... now see what happens...

  5. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by linkinmark090791 View Post
    lol. this made me laugh.

    you keep talking about the notion, the first-post notion. the "Heavy Metal is often connected to satanism." notion.
    is that your notion?
    "Heavy Metal is often connected to satanism."
    --- yes
    A notion in philosophy is a reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations. Notions are usually described in terms of scope and content. This is because notions are often created in response to empirical observations (or experiments) of covarying trends among variables.

  6. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    "Heavy Metal is often connected to satanism."
    --- yes
    ok. so you mean to say that you do connect heavy metal with satanism?

    This thread is originally in SNO, yes music is music, Expression is projection... I dont care about music, I'm promoting Athiesm in a manner of music... now see what happens...
    Atheism or Satanism?

    the genre of metal that you cited (Norwegian Black Metal) are not atheists, in the strictest sense. They condemn Christianity and promote Satanism. They see Satan as the One. And burn churches because they oppose God.

  7. #137
    No different from gangster rap and drug crime. Dark metal flirts with satanism on a superficial level and most fans are just playing along with the fantasy. There are some who actually believe that stuff, but I think they are in the minority.

    People (even outsiders) want to "belong" and sometimes being part of something controversial is attractive. Problems have arisen when the mentally ill become involved in the scene, the distinction between fantasy and reality becomes blurred resulting in violent acts and of course sensational newspaper headlines.

    For me the music is credible and often interesting.

  8. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by linkinmark090791 View Post
    ok. so you mean to say that you do connect heavy metal with satanism?

    Atheism or Satanism?

    the genre of metal that you cited (Norwegian Black Metal) are not atheists, in the strictest sense. They condemn Christianity and promote Satanism. They see Satan as the One. And burn churches because they oppose God.
    First posts:

    More often than not, such musicians say they do not believe in legitimate Satanic ideology and often profess to being ATHIEST or AGNOSTIC, in some instances, followers of right hand path religions, while using that which appears to be "Satanic" for entertainment purposes and shock value...

    My focus is the association of Athiesm, Satanism belief. Both stands the same grounds even in music. Satanism have two types, thiest and athiest. They avoid the philosophy of Athiestic Satanism, that is why its nice to promote so they will realize, athiesm is... lols!
    Last edited by kebotDiNaMute; 12-31-2009 at 12:11 PM.

  9. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    Nope thats a wrong notion... If guilty as charge, at least honest japon...

    the notion states, Heavy metal music has often been connected with Satanism.

    GUILTY? still don't get it do you?? It is just because of stereotypes duh...from your words, you are clearly a bigot...

  10. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Vietcong696 View Post still don't get it do you?? It is just because of stereotypes duh...from your words, you are clearly a bigot...
    lols, i didnt say it... WIKIPEDIA SAID. Are they bigot? hmmmm! <--- read for yourself... don't blame me...

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