anyhow. just so that everyone knows. Bane and I have tried this before.. Were both willing to give it a go again..question is. are there any takers.
anyhow. just so that everyone knows. Bane and I have tried this before.. Were both willing to give it a go again..question is. are there any takers.
sigoro ang buhaton lang is create lang og umbrella organization.
again, good luck.
it's good to know nga there are people who are willing to go beyond personal differences and contribute something for the upliftment sa esoteric community sa Cebu. pero mao pod lagi TheDarkLord is right naa ba kahai takers ani nga plan?![]()
just so we dont get any misconceptions here. We at mysterium are not really interested in doing that..The whole thing about Unification and all is simply an ideal pipe dream. but for now were very content with the positive changes we have made with our members, as well as the mutual relationships we have other other groups of respectable repute.
If however (for the sake of discussion) something in the grounds of such would take place. I would want to see it headed by someone that has the overall respect of practitioners nationwide.
Right now the ONLY person who comes to mind with such credentials is the beloved Maam Dulz. but as of late I dont think she is interested in such a movement
personally I too think of this as very idealistic ra, sigoro ang thread starter has a big heart lang jud. and if this comes to realization mas maayo sigoro nga it will be govern by body of leaders rather than headed by one person and those leaders dapat awakened na ilang god-self or dugay dugay na pod sa ilang craft.
nice man ni because it will serve as a platform were we share our ideas and guidelines towards harmony. sa Europe this coming 2010 there will be a grand convention sa mga different esoteric organizations.
I think I would agree with u DarkLord, arkanamama is fit since she is mature enough not to take sides in petty squabbles...hehehehe
well lets start with something simple then shall we?
Who here would want to discuss this more on a live channel like YM or email.
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thats the same for the YM messages
lets bring the new year to the Esoterics of this nation
i'm sorry for being out of touch lately. i have read all your comments and posts, and i really admire the seriousness that some of you have shown in response to this call to unification. i do believe that bane and TheDarkLord are aware that we have failed to do this the last time an attempt was made. and they are personal acquaintances of mine, bane is a close friend, for a time when he was here.
we failed simply because we were immature players in the game made for gods. i am guilty of the same immaturity. and to those who have experienced disappointment, i apologize. we let our egos rule, not the Ego that is our connection to the Divine. in effect, the group we sought to uphold became a battlefield of egotistical minds who fought over petty things not worth mentioning here. and this in turn led to its downfall. but the aftermath of that downfall became an epiphany to its members who became involved in other groups more appropriate to them. i do not seek to lead any group this time, this is not an attempt to form another "umbrella group". i will leave the leading to other more qualified practitioners. i seek only to be a catalyst.
i do understand the raised eyebrows i am getting. it is perfectly understandable. but here's my penny's worth:
i agree with TheDarkLord's opinion, that the plan failed because we accepted anyone who wanted to join. we focused on quantity rather than quality. now i do not believe that any organization should teach those who want to be unified their particular practice. that defeats the purpose that this idea was hatched. we should not preach nor should we strive to change and mold others' traditions according to what we think a tradition or a spiritual practice should be.
what i think we should put up is a "convention", a gathering of groups and individuals who are already established in their respective practice. an example is the Rosicrucians, and the Mysterium group in Manila. i don't know of other groups. and frankly i am content with the group that i am part of. but this convention will be a gathering of groups who have the same line of thinking, different practices and details maybe, but similar in their spirituality. nothing more should arise from this than a healthy discussion, a shared experience, a common ideal to uphold. no group should be formed, no organization founded. what should come out of this is an understanding of each other's differences, and a willingness to protect our brethren when the call to arms comes up. an ALLIANCE as my friend called it. UNITY IN DIVERSITY.
these are just my answers to the comments you've posted here. i hope i shed some light on what the "idea" is really about. as TheDarkLord said, "are there any takers?"
but the real question is, "how much are we willing to give?" i suggest only a gathering of minds, not a teaching people how to cast spells or read Tarot cards.
i have my own practice. i do not seek to "own" it as "my path". but it is a path. i believe that any path that leads you to God-consciousness whether it be Christianity, Gnosticism, Wicca/Paganism, Kabbalah, Magic, Yoga, Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc is a legitimate path for you. i do seek the philospher's stone. and the alchemy i practice is the alchemy of spirit, not of metals and physical elements. but your joke is well met.
as to the question on legitimacy of any path, i agree that to some, pedigree may be important. for those who want to have proof of a group leader's legitimacy, they usually look to his past associations, who is his master, or guru, or teacher, blah blah blah. but is this really important? the true master is one who is taught by the Master Within, the Ego. and if a leader is legitimate, the people who come in contact with him will FEEL him to be someone who has power. power knows power. and sadly, only those who have real power can sniff out a fake from the beginning. true masters do not advertise, they set examples. his true marks are compassion, humility, and peace.
but then again, even this is not an assurance. if you are an occultist or magician worth your salt, you will observe your leader, your master. THE FOOL WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING, THE WISE OBSERVE. if there's one thing i have learned in joining groups and listening to "enlightened masters" it is this: the true mark of a master is virtue. never believe anything until you've worked it. RESULTS are the basis of any technique's power, or of any master, guru, or group.
as to the comment on finding people with QUALITY, that remains to be discussed. i suggest that the Sorting Hat ritual be reserved within each group.what the "alliance" should be composed of are leading lights in the esoteric community, maybe a leader or representative from each group. no need to gather all members in one meeting. as to the suggestions as to who should preside over this alliance, i have this warning- choose a mage/witch/wizard/master who does not exhibit the qualities that give us the evil and kooky connotation we've been trying to shed. most people think people involved in the occult are sick, schizophrenic, kooky fakes who pose as something they are not, or who might have delusions of grandeur to cope for something that went wrong in their childhood or adult life. we must be careful to choose representatives who are examples of sound judgment, integrity, pragmatism, and wisdom. make assumptions were you feel the need to. get rid of posers and wannabes from within your own group. and the rightful leaders will show themselves in due time. always ask for guidance in these matters. do not choose leaders by default, especially if your basis is FAME and REPUTATION.
i hope that people will share their opinions to my comment..i appreciate your interest.![]()
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