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  1. #111

    simple man kaayo story, pero grabe ang effects and budget of $250 Million of that movie. One of the biggest budget since Transformers (2007). And also James Cameron still have new upcoming movie come from Japanese Comics title "BATTLE ANGEL" coming 2011.

  2. #112
    Kita nako ganiha in 3D. Hmmmm....It was as good as the 2D cinemas but there were parts na nice jd pero I can only count em'. Xenxa na ha kay na addict jd ko ani ron.

    Maka sakit man sa mata and maka labad sa ulo ang 3D. Hehe. IMO, mas ok ra mutanaw sa 2D. Lahi ra siguro if sa SM MOA ta mutanaw ug 3D.

    Parts I love sa 3D cinema:
    - Mga computer nila. Nice au tanawon in 3D.
    - Kanang mga plants sa Pandora labi na if naa sa kilid murag arms length ra kau. Hehe.
    - Katong ning attack gani ang dinosaur-slash-hammerhead ug katong murag iro, kato nice siya tanawon kay mura sad kag g attack. Hehe
    - Katong nga war na sila, then naa bala nga g focus then padung gani sa mga viewers ang effect, kato ni lihay jd ko ato.

    Mao raman guro na...Xenxa first ko kita 3D. Hehe. Na ihas ko pag first. Hahha.

  3. #113
    you should watch this on can almost touch those jellyfish....hehehe

  4. #114
    nindot ang avatar, i watched it three times... twice sa ayala, then once sa SM Avatar 3D

  5. #115
    I pity those who only saw this on downloads or pirated dvds.

    As Steven Spielberg said after watching: “The last time I came out of a movie feeling that way it was the first time I saw Star Wars.” … “The most evocative and amazing science-fiction movie since Star Wars.”

    Bryan Singer said: “It was very cool. I had seen 30-40 minutes before, but the whole thing was amazing. From the beginning, with those shots in space, I felt goosebumps. It was inspiring. I’m going back and forth, debating, on using 3D for “Jack,” and it pushed me a little closer in the 3D direction.”

    Also you should watch this on RealD 3D, IMAX 3D, or Digital 3D. Don't waste James Cameron's new
    proprietary Fusion digital 3-D camera system he co-developed for this film. Also one of the reasons why he waited for so long to start making the film was to give more time for additional theaters to install 3-D screens worldwide.

    James Cameron said: Because the longer I wait, the more theaters there will be, and I want to be able to land in 1,000, 1,500 theaters — as many theaters as I can — in digital 3-D. Because I've been working with our 3-D cameras over the past six years. We've refined them. They work great. They work perfectly. I love working with them. I don't want to go back to shooting on film. I don't want to go back to shooting in 2-D, so for me it was just a question of waiting for the right moment. In fact, I think I've actually waited too long. Everybody else is out there making animated films and putting them in 3-D and this is such a big picture. We're not going to land in theaters until 2009. But I think we can be sure that we will have a lot of 3-D screens by '09 at the rate they've been increasing.

    The 15 year wait is definitely worth it.

  6. #116
    the best movie EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! love it! gonna watch it again! though maybe not in 3d anymore, it gave me a terrible migraine, it my opinion (lang), wala kaayu kow naka.feel sa pagka.3D sa movie. i dunno bout you guys. but still, the BEST MOVIE ever for me since I love sci-fi movies.

    ENJoy watching especially to those who haven't seen it!

  7. #117
    ^Me too sis. Nag labad akong ulo. Some parts ra nako feel ang 3D or in ana jd na? Hihhhihi

    Pero still...same emotions while watching it again.

    Gonna buy an orig DVD when it comes out in the market.

  8. #118
    Very nice movie!. really loved everything about pandora. for those who haven't watch the movie yet, better grab a ticket NOW!

  9. #119
    i saw the movie at ayala kay nag think ko daghan kaau people mu watch ani sa SM 3D cinema... i really loved it! na amazed jud ko sa graphics and even tho 3 hrs long ang movie, wala ko naka feel ug laay.... im planning to watch it again this time sa 3D cinema na jud!! ka nindut jud... weeeeeeeeeeeeee

  10. #120
    Senior Member lraM's Avatar
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    Pwede ba balik2 tan-aw sa 3D? Or Kaisa ra?

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