mga exhibitionists na sila ...
naay usa ka laki nga wa na-blur iya private parts. klaro kaayu matan-awan sa abs-cbn footage.
unfair na cya....dapat d lng jud guys dapat apil pd grlzz...
right na nila, but to me it's not necessary, for how many years na nila gibuhat naa ba sila naani?.....they will say it is a form of protest....what protest? is purely people should not include it in their news....if they will then we should legitimize prostitution...
I know that this is an old topic, but after being directed here after a Google search and reading the thread and seeing that there are some things that are misunderstood, I felt I have a responsibility to clarify some things.
First, my bona fides on why I can say that I know what I am talking about:
- I am a UP Diliman alumnus under CAL. If you want confirmation if I really was a UPD student, you may PM me and let's talk there.
- I am an APO-ETA alumnus. My ID number is right there with my username (With the last digits redacted. Brods and sis, we can talk via PM to confirm each others' identities.) For non-APO, ETA is the UPD chapter.
Next, the clarifications I want to point out:
- The UP-APO Oblation Run, aka The Ritual Dance of the Brave, is an annual tradition by ETA Chapter which started in 1977 when one of our brothers ran naked around the campus to promote the play 'Hubad Na Bayani'. The play was about the excesses and human rights violations of the Marcos regime.The method of promotion and the play was a success. The Run, at present and true to its origins, is basically streaking by APO-ETA members as a form of protest and also to call the attention of the public on the social issues of the day. Some may say this is just attention grabbing. For the sake of argument, I will grant that. But don't you have to grab the attention of your target first, before you can send your message? Isn't that what advertising, even by your favorite products, does?
- Some say that the Run is just a gimmick to make APO more well known. Come on, let's face facts: There's no need to make APO more famous, but APO does have a need to make its message known. It is not APO's fault that the media chooses to promote the Run rather than our service projects. Perhaps because it is so controversial and therefore it is more newsworthy and, therefore, more appealing to the ones who patronize those same media outlets? After all, it is the interest of the viewers and readers and listeners of the media which dictate what those same news outlets show, print or report on. As long as people are interested, we will make our message known, and our message is our protests and our stand on the issues of the day.
- Some people say it is a stupid tradition. You, sirs, are entitled to your opinions and as a UP alumnus, I will defend your FREEDOM to make and state such opinions.
- Traditions are traditions and they just are. They become stupid because we don't get the logic, or the reasons why it is being done. For example, this Filipino tradition of parents not kicking their kids away from home when they turn 18? Even when they marry and have kids? For me, it is stupid. It just teaches those kids to be lazy, incompetent and irresponsible. But hey, it's tradition in our country and I just have to accept that it still happens, stupid though it may be.
- In UPD, only APO-ETA members are allowed to run. APO members from other schools are NOT permitted to run. This rule was relaxed only once during the UP Centennial last 2008. Never before nor since then were APO members from other schools permitted to run again. At most, they can be marshals, those APO who clear the way (and very much clothed) for the runners amidst the crowd.
- Neophytes are and will NEVER be allowed to run. That notion that it is neophytes who run has no basis in truth, and we members don't know how or why it came about. Neophytes are not members, therefore they are not allowed to take part in our traditions.
- Those women who ran naked in 2005 were not APO members. We condemn them not because they are women, but because they are not members who joined in the run.
- In UPD, the runners are all volunteers. We do not force our members to run if they don't want to.
^^nice explaination tolskie..
now i know, thanks! pero labad lang basahon walay uso spacing.
wow hapit nman sad diay! hehehe
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