i notice wala pay formal cosplay photography thread might as well start one ASAP since daghan na active in cosplay photography.
Rules of this thread:
This thread is for the discussion of cosplay photography - everything from posing, to equipment, to etiquette and beyond. Photo critique is welcome, however please be specific in what sort of critique you are looking for. Please view the rules below, as they are extremely important for posting in here.
* Working Photographers are welcome and even encouraged to post in here, however, there is absolutely no solicitation in this forum.
* This is not a photo shoot scheduling forum. Please do not ask for a photographer, and please do not offer your services as one, for profit or even for free. I will be adding a section to the site in the near future to serve that purpose.
* Anything construed as an attempt to gain business will be closed and possibly deleted.
* No solicitation of anything, including camera equipment, prints, etc.
* No "seeking models", even free models, school projects, casting calls, whatever.
* Please remember that there are many, many styles and skill levels of photography. As with any art form, there will be as many opinions on what is the "right" way to do something as there are people who do it. Condescending attitudes in this forum will not be tolerated.
* If you are looking for photo critique, please be specific in what sort of critique you would like. It doesn't do anyone any good to see a photo without knowing what sort of advice you are looking for. Additionally, if you tend to take constructive criticism too personally, please do not ask for any.
* Please limit your photo size to 640x480, thnx.
* make sure that if you upload your own the photo or you can ask a consent from your photographer.
* This thread is not for requesting photos from conventions or posting links to convention galleries. Please do that in the convention anime and manga thread, and in their specifically titled threads if available.
*PP is allowed as long you dont murder the quality of the picture.
*Please add a description like photographer, cosplayer name (the model and the character he/she cosplaying), location/event, etc..
*And last please respect the cosplayer and the photo
So lemme start a bunch of my recent cosplay photoshoot
Photog: koto
Cosplayer: jay cosplaying as guardian warriors
location: Rizal high school, Rizal, manila
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
Photog: koto
Cosplayer: shiva cosplaying as kurama (taong lobo from ghost fighter)
location: Rizal high school, Rizal, manila
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
Photog: koto
Cosplayer: ara cosplaying as Mio from K-on anime
location: Rizal high school, Rizal, manila
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
Photog: koto
Cosplayer: laika and CHESHIRE cosplaying as alice and cat from alice in wonderland
location: Rizal high school, Rizal, manila
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
Photog: koto
Cosplayer: Harvey cosplaying as Krauser from DMC
location: Rizal high school, Rizal, manila
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
strangeheart, shot with
Canon EOS 5D Mark II at 2009-12-14
thnx thats all for now