According to premise of the argument, the Bible contains a perfect morality and no ethical defects. But that claim seems incompatible with the fact that God is described in the Bible as killing people for no good reason. We have already mentioned the many children killed in the Great Flood, in Sodom and Gomorrah, and in the ten plagues on Egypt (especially the last). Here are some additional examples of people whom God killed:
1. A man who refused to impregnate his brother's widow (Ge 38:7-10).
2. Two men who offered God incense that he had not authorized (Le 10:1-2).
3. A group of about 300 people who opposed Moses politically (Nu 16:1-35).
4. Another group of 14,700 who sympathized with the first group (Nu 16:49).
5. More people who complained about the food and other matters (Nu 21:4-6).
6. 24,000 more because of some who worshiped Baal (Nu 25:3,9).
7. The Amorites who besieged Gibeon (Jos 10:10-11).
8. Seventy men who looked into a box (1Sa 6:19).
9. Another man who, with good intention, touched the box (2Sa 6:6-7).
10. A man who refused to use his weapon against another man (1Ki 20:35-36).
11. Forty-two children who called Elisha "baldy" (2Ki 2:23-24).
12. 185,000 Assyrian soldiers (2Ki 19:35).
God also killed all of Pharaoh's horsemen in the Red Sea (Ex 14:26-2
. He could instead have simply made their horses lame, which would have been far more effective than removing the wheels from the chariots so that the horses had to drag the chariots slowly along the ground (Ex 14:25). That would have also spared the horsemen.
IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL A LOVING AND INFINITE MERCIFUL GOD? c'mon kids you know better than that!