palms and soles have a lot of nerve endings w/c is perfect for massages to help the body relieve stress, why should the male organ be treated so differently?! is it becuase of the fact that it is a private part? how is a gynecologist different from a regular person when it comes to looking at another person's private part?!
I think people should be more perceptive instead of being judgemental when it comes to delicate matters like these. The reason such services are offered is becuase of the benefits(non-sexual) that the body gains from such svcs. If a person is bothered by such svcs, then by all means, don't try it out, nobody is imposing it on anyone.
Speaking of "not bringing a good name for cebu", no matter how hard we try, we can never really please everybody, so i say, don't give a damn about what other people think. What matters is that we are proud that we are cebuanos and that there is more to us than just this "lingam" issue.
Stand proud, stand tall...