I would like to invite you to the beta testing of CliQ Magazine.
It's a website which contains headlines of different topics grouped into different categories including fashion, sports, money matters, movies etc.
Some areas are not yet functional but at least the layout is almost finished. More sections will be added later, and additional subcategories will be included as well, for example a Boxing category under the Sports Section.
A dedicated Facebook page was also created to post important announcements to CliQ Magazine fans.
Become a Fan now!
For Adsense publishers, ad slots are reserved on the site for your banners. Send a message if you would like to participate and get your codes published. It's free to join. The banners will be displayed at random for every page view to give all publishers a chance to get their banners displayed.
Site Updates:
added categories: Airsoft, Mobile, Technology, Movies
added categories: NASA News Updates (with live video broadcast)