Murag brutal jud ang thread title. But well, they have some points that I consider good.
There are truths in what they(pro thread title) mentioned.
Sometimes, we need to listen and consider ideas even if it hurts the "pride" within us.
Murag brutal jud ang thread title. But well, they have some points that I consider good.
There are truths in what they(pro thread title) mentioned.
Sometimes, we need to listen and consider ideas even if it hurts the "pride" within us.
yeah OT na ta.. what im mean about pride is the destructive kind of pride.. imu pride kay dako ka sweldo.. imo pride kay naa ka PhD.. kanang klase sa pride nga imo gigamit mo compare sa uban.. mao na nka lisud.. you may acknowledge nga naa tao ubos nimo, pero di ka ganahan mo acknowledge nga naa taas nimo...
you should take pride if what you do is for the benifit of many rather than for yourself only or yoiur immediate family.. example.. pride of being a soldier who protects the country, pride of being a firefighter who saves lives.. etc.. never take pride from what you get, take pride on what you give
many call center agents pride themselves because of their large paychecks.. not just call center agents.. there are even businessmen who pride their huge profits thinking they are better than other businessmen... destructive pride blinds us from reality..
sa ako lang observation, i think mao ni nga pride ang gusto ig-on sa TS..
OT lang ha... pakapin gubot lang gud ta mga pipz.. chill
why dont somebody start a thread nga "any job is better than your _________ business"..
try this
1.) any job is better than your shabu business
2.) any job is better than your kidnap for ransom business
3.) any job is better than your UNO recruiting business
4.) any job is better than your pimping business
5.) any job is better than your hold-up business
6.) any job is better than your loanshark business
ana lang ba..
"when a job is better than a business?"
you find a job or you start a business.. but bottomline is, you want to make money.. thats it..
My job is to find more business.... agi lang murag init kaayo dre
wla may shortcut sa business gd (unless u inherited it). So sa mga wlay capital (like me), muagi sa gd ug pagka-empleyado. di lang gd unta i-compare sa mga "so-called businessmen" ilang self sa mga empleyado (samot pa gd na gi-specify gd na call center job). if you want to give advice, then go ahead. just don't say that what you are doing is better than our job. hinambog na mn gd na.
Mao ni ako pasabot. But, dli rana para sa kana nga trabaho. Sa tanan na trabaho. For a call center agent, pride nga naka tabang cya sa company and sa tao nga nanawag. Para sa ako, pride nga nakaabot ang team sa stats, nga naka tabang kag agent makat.on, and daghan pa. Dli pwede nga dli mu take pride ang tao sa iyang gibuhat. Kasagaran anang tao nga dli mu take pride sa iyang gibuhat is either ni stuck as a subordinate or as an employee nga walay lain source of income. Katong tao nga ni take pride sa ilang gibuhat kasagaran ato na promote na tungod sa ilang mentality nga wala nila gimaliit ilang gibuhat and ila gyud gitarong.
hmmm... dli ta ka sure ana kay maski ang TS wala mu defend sa iyang stand.
And.. dli tanan call center agent ang pride kay naa sa ilang dako nga paychecks. Dli ka angay mu generalize kay wala man ka kaila sa tanan call center agents cguro. And kung mu ingon ka based na sa imung nakit-an; ingnun tika wala paka kita sa tanan.
agree.. ambot aha nato ang TS..
i didnt genaralize, thats why i said many.. not all.. ang nka sakit sa tao, kay kung naa kwarta, feel niya siya tag-iya sa kalibutan.. dili ni limited sa call center agents, naa pud sa uban fields.. maski negosyante naa pud ani.. sa ako na notice man gud dire nga thread, and pinaka usual argument kay aha ka mangita og ingani ka dako nga paycheck dire sa ato?.. so it goes to show, mao ni ang ila gi value..
i even know of a pastor who entered a call center to learn about the life in it.. sa iya ko nagkuha basis ani nga argument in addition to my observations.. naa jud mga tao nga tungod kay dako sweldo. feel nila superior na sila sa uban nga lesser ang income.. mao ng kini nga thread mo igo jud og nerve.. its a wake up call..
share lang nako ni nga qoute ha.. (para ni sa mo pride sa ila dagko kuno nga sweldo, maski pa unsa iya trabaho or negosyo)
"Delusions - there is no greater joy than soaring high on the wings of your dreams except maybe of watching a dreamer who has nowhere to land but in the ocean of reality."-ambot kinsa
To the businessman out here nga nagsige panghambog that he have a business of this, he have several of that, he have etc etc....
I have a quiz for you..... let's see if you are really a good. this is what i've been asking for you.
P _ O O F......? WHAT WORD IS IT?
Im really tired of reading your post of how you brag about your business, how you started your business out of nothing. but when asked about naming your businesses you declined. making BIR as an excuse... that's too lame for an excuse.
There's only one reason why a businessman is afraid of the BIR is that HE IS NOT PAYING THE GOVERNMENT ITS DUE... unya PATRIOTIC KUNO SIYA.
Di ka mahambog kung di ka kasuporta sa imo gipanghambog.... kay pwede ra man ta ka panghambog diri..
pwede man ko moingon nga ako ang top sales agent sa amo center.
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