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  1. #331

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    ahm. i didnt borrow money for that.. somebody paid that for me.. for his/her business interest, (well, im happy nga gi recognize nila ako talents.. hehehe) .. ang ako ra gyud gasto is pamilite pero grabe napud pati kana imu kwentahon.. hmm. lawyer ka no? look at the essence not the technicalities.. think big.. always look at the big picture first before going into the details..

    the professionals recognize the authority of who is paying them.. they know that their paycheck comes from the employer even if that employer is a college drop out.. and dont forget, you as an employee is always replaceable..

    i stand my ground nga dili magamit imo full potential kung trabahante ra ka.. even if manager imo position.. simply because you arent exposed to all aspects of the business, and you have nothing to lose if the establishment fails except your job which you can look for in other companies.. and also, your responsibities and duties are only to those that you are being paid for.. (you might also think about the time spent on your job can be spent on other activities)

    im not hands on.. why should i? i have people doing the things that needs to be done.. my job is to make businesses that are self sustaining.. not running them.. i dont need my employees to use their whole potential. why should i? that would create power bases on the companies i own, and also they have to spend energy on other parts of their lives except work diba?.. i limit what they know to what they need to know.. if ganahan sila magnegosyo ila. go. as long as dili sila mo competensya. better, if mocooperate sila.. il help them start their own..

    it might interest you that my first business is already 5 years operational using my formula ( i copied this from other businessmen) .. my other businesses are 4 year old and most are still 3 years old.. although i still have new projects going on.. i call them "babies"- nindut tana i advertise ako biz dre pero nah... basin naa tga- BIR, initan napud ko..

    what i mean of "nothing" is no money on my part.. i think OT na ta.. we should put this one under my thread starting a biz with nothing..

    kung manarbaho ka. i advise kanang industry nga gusto nimu sudlan kung magnegosyo nka.. gain contacts ang study how the company works from the inside.. being an employee is what i consider the safe way. but the rewards are limited.. pagnegosyo lang kung isog jud mo.. it aint fun and games...
    I really don't understand what you don't get with what I am saying.
    Even if GMA paid for your license, the point is that is still CAPITAL LIABILITY.
    hello, marketing 101 -- what every businessman should know!!
    It is not nothing. You, as a person, didn't even start from nothing.

    No, I am not a lawyer. harharhar. What made you say that?!
    Definitely not dealing with "technicalities" as you would say it..
    My profession requires my imagination and my talent and who are you to say that I'm not using my full potential?

    And if I as an employee is totally replaceable, what makes you think your business is not in the mercy of some other "power"?

    I'm not going to just focus on the call center agents... I will include the employed in general, k that's what you wanted to prove anyway that employed people don't use their full potential.. As PR people, do you think they are not using their full potential? As directors, do you think they are not using their full potential as well? Those are employed people for your information, just in case you forgot that the employed doesn't mean being stuck in the office whole day long.

    As for your employees who you say don't need to use their full potential, i pity them working for a selfish person like you are and someone who is satisfied with mediocre employees.
    And what if they compete with you? If you say you are as good as you say you are, then why be scared of them competing against you? You say so yourself you've been in the business long enough, established naka. You don't need to be scared of the competition oi!
    I am not anti-biz, i will repeat that again.

    5 years lang? My family has been in the business world for 30 years. I am 28 now, so I have been exposed to that business since God knows when. So, I definitely know what I am talking about here. Our employees are encouraged to partake of the knowledge of the business and they can definitely go into the same business. We have several who did that already. But did the business fail? NO! Simply because, we know that we are the pioneers and we have been in the business longer than they have been.

    But I never once thought that employees are people who don't use their full potential! If I had that mentality, I wouldn't even have continued my studies and just went with my family's business since I know the ins and outs of that anyway without having to finish school and sit on my fat a$$ raking in the moolah. Instead, I choose to be employed and explore my full potential.

  2. #332
    Quote Originally Posted by lorenzoleo View Post
    Bro you don't get the psychological meaning of that.
    Please compare them to the lifestyle of Warren Buffet then compare kung kinsay pinaka dato nila.

    Source : Warren Buffett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <- mentor's Biography
    bang! niliko man dayon. hahaha, change topic nasad? Lalis napud ta sa difference sa ilang lifestyle?

    barogi ni imong giingon:

    Originally Posted by lorenzoleo
    Wealthy people doesn't drove fancy cars, they love to save and invest, they live ordinary lives, they live below their means and they do anormal things.
    ingon ka "wealthy people doesn't (don't) drive fancy cars"

    Akong kaila nga dato kay nindot man og mga auto..

    Bro you don't get the psychological meaning of that.
    Nya unsa man diay psychological meaning ana bro? nganung dli naman lang nimu ediretso og ingon ang imung point? Nganu mu generalize man dayon nga wala man ka kaila sa tanan dato?

    Kasabot man pud ko anang investment bro kay akong parents 20 years na sigu na sila manager sa isa ka financial institution. Pirmi ko kaapil sa ilang seminar about investment og unsa pana dira.

    Back to topic nalang kaha ta. Puro naman ni OT.

  3. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjellybean27 View Post
    I really don't understand what you don't get with what I am saying.
    Even if GMA paid for your license, the point is that is still CAPITAL LIABILITY.
    hello, marketing 101 -- what every businessman should know!!
    It is not nothing. You, as a person, didn't even start from nothing.

    No, I am not a lawyer. harharhar. What made you say that?!
    Definitely not dealing with "technicalities" as you would say it..
    My profession requires my imagination and my talent and who are you to say that I'm not using my full potential?

    And if I as an employee is totally replaceable, what makes you think your business is not in the mercy of some other "power"?

    I'm not going to just focus on the call center agents... I will include the employed in general, k that's what you wanted to prove anyway that employed people don't use their full potential.. As PR people, do you think they are not using their full potential? As directors, do you think they are not using their full potential as well? Those are employed people for your information, just in case you forgot that the employed doesn't mean being stuck in the office whole day long.

    As for your employees who you say don't need to use their full potential, i pity them working for a selfish person like you are and someone who is satisfied with mediocre employees.
    And what if they compete with you? If you say you are as good as you say you are, then why be scared of them competing against you? You say so yourself you've been in the business long enough, established naka. You don't need to be scared of the competition oi!
    I am not anti-biz, i will repeat that again.

    5 years lang? My family has been in the business world for 30 years. I am 28 now, so I have been exposed to that business since God knows when. So, I definitely know what I am talking about here. Our employees are encouraged to partake of the knowledge of the business and they can definitely go into the same business. We have several who did that already. But did the business fail? NO! Simply because, we know that we are the pioneers and we have been in the business longer than they have been.

    But I never once thought that employees are people who don't use their full potential! If I had that mentality, I wouldn't even have continued my studies and just went with my family's business since I know the ins and outs of that anyway without having to finish school and sit on my fat a$$ raking in the moolah. Instead, I choose to be employed and explore my full potential.
    mao ni mentality sa usa ka employado.. mangita jud lisud.. no offense ha.. you see every problem with every turn man gud.. you know many things, but thats what i call textbook knowledge.. there are things you only learn in the streets.. you dont need to be a business school graduate to have a succesful business.. maau ra ng business school kung mag manager ra ka..

    is that your business? no.. its your parents.. dili nalang nako imention unsa kaduday ang businesses sa ako family... because those are not my businesses.. and secret pud ako age.. hehehe.. ako lolo (may he rest in peace)nag own pud several businesses, similar ra mi og business model.. i cant say na defective amo business model kay till now, naa pa man iya biz maski wala na siya..

    on full potential, im not asking for it.. i only ask that they do what they need to do.. be a part of the system.. they need to exert their other energies on other aspects of their life..

    As PR people, do you think they are not using their full potential? As directors, do you think they are not using their full potential as well? if they are using their full potential, are they willing to go beyond the what they are being paid for, without complaining for not recieving a raise or for not being compensated for the extra effort? guess not.. they do it because thats what they are being paid to do.. besides.. their life is not dedicated to the continued existence of the company.. are you as an employee willing to give your life and soul to your job? (kung sundalo or police ka, i assume you already do)

    i didnt finish my school, but im sitting on my fat a$$ raking in the moolah, i chose to be a businessman using my full potential even if i burn-out many times.. (being a businessman is more demanding but more rewarding than being an employee, dont start with this as an argument here, read my other thread for this)

    OT: i think nka-gets nako why ani ang title nga gihimo sa TS.. it hits the ego of many people hehehe.. naa jud mga tao nga dili mo sugot malabwan sa uban.. mao ni sakit sa uban mga tao ngano magpabilin sila sa ila jobs and why some businessmen fail, its because of pride.. kinhanlan jud ka baga og nawong sa business.. having a large paycheck gives you pride. it hurts your ego that there is someone earning a lot more than you do with half the (observed) effort you exerted.. im no psychology student, this is what you learn in the streets..

  4. #334
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    OT: i think nka-gets nako why ani ang title nga gihimo sa TS.. it hits the ego of many people hehehe.. naa jud mga tao nga dili mo sugot malabwan sa uban.. mao ni sakit sa uban mga tao ngano magpabilin sila sa ila jobs and why some businessmen fail, its because of pride.. kinhanlan jud ka baga og nawong sa business.. having a large paycheck gives you pride. it hurts your ego that there is someone earning a lot more than you do with half the (observed) effort you exerted.. im no psychology student, this is what you learn in the streets..

    Actually, sakto ka bro. Ang pride man gyud na sa tao ang naigo. Because, you should take pride in whatever you do may it be your business or your profession. Dli na basta basta and that's something you can take pride of kay daghan tao nga walay trabaho gyud, dli ka afford mukaon og tarong or mukaon og "lami", and/or walay tarong balay.

    dli man lang na sa CALL CENTER industry mu affect. Mu affect na sa tanan. Try gani pag himo og thread nga Any Business Is Better Than Your <fill in the blank> Job. For example, Any Business Is Better Than Your Teaching Job, Any Business Is Better Than Your Sales Job, Any Business Is Better Than Your Bank Job kay diba maka kuha pud ka sa ilang mga reaction.

  5. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Ice View Post
    Actually, sakto ka bro. Ang pride man gyud na sa tao ang naigo. Because, you should take pride in whatever you do may it be your business or your profession. Dli na basta basta and that's something you can take pride of kay daghan tao nga walay trabaho gyud, dli ka afford mukaon og tarong or mukaon og "lami", and/or walay tarong balay.

    dli man lang na sa CALL CENTER industry mu affect. Mu affect na sa tanan. Try gani pag himo og thread nga Any Business Is Better Than Your <fill in the blank> Job. For example, Any Business Is Better Than Your Teaching Job, Any Business Is Better Than Your Sales Job, Any Business Is Better Than Your Bank Job kay diba maka kuha pud ka sa ilang mga reaction.

    based on my experience lang ha.. ako mga klasmates way back before college days ni look down nako kay di kaau tag-as ako grado.. mas ubos pa jud ila pagtanaw nako kay wala ko nahuman.. but now.. i hire their firm to do audits for me.. mas dako pa ako kita kay sa amo cum laude nga nanarbaho.. so can they still look down own me? hehehehe most probably moingon sila sa ila self when thinking bout me, yati ra, kusog ang negosyo sa bagsakero ay. sa ila pride as accountants, motoo jud sila nga ila full potential ma achieve ra if they work for the best company or the best bank (sa ako klasmates nga nagwork sa bank nga naa ko accounts, tig-ihap ra mo sa ako kwarta, hahahahahaha who gets the last laugh now?).. they forgot the fact that they can start their own company"- (again i dont say being an employee is bad.. whats bad is that your whole life, your just an employee... i preach personal growth here...)

    kining pride, mao ni nkadaot nato.. dili ta willing mo accept naa jud mas labaw nato.. ako willing man jud ko mo accept nga naa pa businessmen labaw pa nako.. if given the chance i really want them to teach me so that i can rise to their level.. and to those below me.. id like to teach them.. if they want to be taught in the first place of course.. (mao bitaw mo sulat ko dire sa

    sa business.. pride counts for nothing, even worse, it could destroy you.. it has no monetary value.. it doesnt matter if you think you are right if your not earning profit, coz if your not wrong then you should be making profits laready.. sa negosyo, always remember that there are things you need to do that will hurt your pride.

    ang pride mas lisod tunlon kay sa bato.... but maau pa ang bato kay naa substance

  6. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post

    based on my experience lang ha.. ako mga klasmates way back before college days ni look down nako kay di kaau tag-as ako grado.. mas ubos pa jud ila pagtanaw nako kay wala ko nahuman.. but now.. i hire their firm to do audits for me.. mas dako pa ako kita kay sa amo cum laude nga nanarbaho.. so can they still look down own me? hehehehe most probably moingon sila sa ila self when thinking bout me, yati ra, kusog ang negosyo sa bagsakero ay. sa ila pride as accountants, motoo jud sila nga ila full potential ma achieve ra if they work for the best company or the best bank (sa ako klasmates nga nagwork sa bank nga naa ko accounts, tig-ihap ra mo sa ako kwarta, hahahahahaha who gets the last laugh now?).. they forgot the fact that they can start their own company"- (again i dont say being an employee is bad.. whats bad is that your whole life, your just an employee... i preach personal growth here...)

    kining pride, mao ni nkadaot nato.. dili ta willing mo accept naa jud mas labaw nato.. ako willing man jud ko mo accept nga naa pa businessmen labaw pa nako.. if given the chance i really want them to teach me so that i can rise to their level.. and to those below me.. id like to teach them.. if they want to be taught in the first place of course.. (mao bitaw mo sulat ko dire sa

    sa business.. pride counts for nothing, even worse, it could destroy you.. it has no monetary value.. it doesnt matter if you think you are right if your not earning profit, coz if your not wrong then you should be making profits laready.. sa negosyo, always remember that there are things you need to do that will hurt your pride.

    ang pride mas lisod tunlon kay sa bato.... but maau pa ang bato kay naa substance

    HEHEHEHE....nahan nasad ko basa balik.......

  7. #337
    nahan sa ko basa balik hehe

  8. #338
    I'll get Popcorn! dugaya pud to reply ang Employed sector ui...

  9. #339
    Quote Originally Posted by silverado View Post
    take this as an example: if an IMG "businessman" told you to join them cause they will give you financial freedom and after two years of selling, doing business orientation for IMG, you only see a little gain in his financial status, sakay lang gihapon ug jeep.. do you think you will not question if tinuod ba gyud ng financial freedom nila? But if after two years this IMG businessman has greatly improved his finances and from jeep to say, honda city or now driving a toyota vios and has bought a low cost house from camelia. I for one will surely envy you and will be more than willing to learn your IMG business kay naa man ko nakita nga improvement nimo.... BUT IF WALA KOY MAKITA AS PROOF, hahay kapait.

    I am simply asking for proof because being a skeptic as I am, dili na mahimo nga manghambog ka that you own this, you own that, you have this, you have that... SHOW US SOME PROOF and i will bow to you and say maayo gyud ka nga businessman...
    Tumpak kaayo. Dapat naay makita proof nga ni asenso gyud. Instead of mu REASON OUT NGA wealthy people don't drive fancy cars. Which for me is a WRONG GENERALIZATION. Basin kay wala silay nindot nga sakyanan mao nga murason nga ang mga dato dli nindot/gara og sakyanan

  10. #340
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post

    based on my experience lang ha.. ako mga klasmates way back before college days ni look down nako kay di kaau tag-as ako grado.. mas ubos pa jud ila pagtanaw nako kay wala ko nahuman.. but now.. i hire their firm to do audits for me.. mas dako pa ako kita kay sa amo cum laude nga nanarbaho.. so can they still look down own me? hehehehe most probably moingon sila sa ila self when thinking bout me, yati ra, kusog ang negosyo sa bagsakero ay. sa ila pride as accountants, motoo jud sila nga ila full potential ma achieve ra if they work for the best company or the best bank (sa ako klasmates nga nagwork sa bank nga naa ko accounts, tig-ihap ra mo sa ako kwarta, hahahahahaha who gets the last laugh now?).. they forgot the fact that they can start their own company"- (again i dont say being an employee is bad.. whats bad is that your whole life, your just an employee... i preach personal growth here...)

    kining pride, mao ni nkadaot nato.. dili ta willing mo accept naa jud mas labaw nato.. ako willing man jud ko mo accept nga naa pa businessmen labaw pa nako.. if given the chance i really want them to teach me so that i can rise to their level.. and to those below me.. id like to teach them.. if they want to be taught in the first place of course.. (mao bitaw mo sulat ko dire sa

    sa business.. pride counts for nothing, even worse, it could destroy you.. it has no monetary value.. it doesnt matter if you think you are right if your not earning profit, coz if your not wrong then you should be making profits laready.. sa negosyo, always remember that there are things you need to do that will hurt your pride.
    actually bro, in the real-world dli naman na mu matter kaayo kung Cum Laude baka or dli. And wala manay labot imung gisulti about sa TS. Ang ako pasabot, maski kinsa tao ingnun nimog kalit nga Any Business Is Better Than Your <fill in> Job kay mu react gyud cguro. Gawas nalang cguro og kamay pud nag sweldo iyang trabaho or wala siya mu take pride sa iyang trabaho.

    Sayop sad ka bro. Dapat mu TAKE PRIDE gyud ka sa imung gibuhat. Dli kay abi maestra then gamay rag sweldo ingnun lang nga "mastra LANG ko". Dli!!! Dapat ang tubag is "Mastra ko!!!". You should take pride in what you do kay arun dli sad ka magpataka or magpabahala lang kay "kay tungod maestra LANG, or janitor LANG"..

    Kana imung pride pasabot lahi pud na. pride na nga wala sa lugar.

    Pero sakto ka anang pagka empleyado bro, kay ako parents sigi sad ingon nako walay kaugma.on sa pagpangempleyado. Pero sa LAIN na nga topic then OT na diri.

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