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  1. #71

    1.) Kasakit
    2.) Demise
    3.) Stallions
    4.) Zzubu
    5.) __________

    sa mga panchix:

    Frank! no.1 and forever no.1
    Last edited by Kolussus; 11-11-2009 at 07:20 AM.

  2. #72
    1.Queen City Crew
    3.Left Of Center

    ang uban:
    Hard Feces
    Cebuanos Fury
    Minority Blocks
    Philippine Brutality

  3. #73
    1. Stalions
    2. Demise
    3. Elchicano
    4. TBD
    5. TBD

  4. #74
    lisoda lima ra ei

    1. queen city crew
    2. demise
    3. urbandub
    4. sheila and the insects
    5. the ambassadors

    kung pwede muextend kay

    6. CDMC
    7. Powerspoonz
    8. Frank
    9. Natal Cleft
    10. Gardo
    11. 40 Diaz
    12. Pipebomblandmines
    13. False Graveyard
    14. Campbell
    15. Left of Center

    AYAY. NAGPATUYANG NAKO da. ahah LIMA RAMAN DIAY HAHA 15 NA TANAN, good for 3 people amo na 3 sa akong mga manghud??! haha

  5. #75
    1. powerspoons
    2. urbandub
    3. herbs
    4. CDMC
    5. island joe

  6. #76
    Junior Member EXZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Your Top 5 essential Cebuano Bands


    5. Powerspoonz
    4. Shuffled
    3. The Line Divides
    2. Franco
    1. Urbandub


    5. Twinkle Dudu
    4. Mindfool
    3. Sheila and the Insects
    2. Glitch
    1. Ambassadors
    Last edited by EXZ; 08-01-2011 at 07:17 PM. Reason: typo error.

  7. #77

    Default Re: Your Top 5 essential Cebuano Bands

    5. Comatose
    4. Indephum
    3. Streets of May
    2. Demise
    1. Stallion of the Burning Church

  8. #78

    Default Re: Your Top 5 essential Cebuano Bands

    1. GLITCH ( Way maka lupig )
    2. Faspitch
    3. Urbandub
    4. Powerspoonz
    5. ( Still looking )

  9. #79
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Your Top 5 essential Cebuano Bands

    1. glitch
    2. urbandub
    3. powerspoonz
    4. missing filemon
    5. cattski

  10. #80

    Default Re: Your Top 5 essential Cebuano Bands

    1. comatose
    2. demise
    3. stallion of the burning church

  11.    Advertisement

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