bai, kita ka sa THREAD TITLE daan? is that how you start spreading the word about financial literacy? is that how you were trained? i know Piolo didn't dare give me crap like that when we met... he was professional... so was I...
cge, sorry kung medyo nasobrahan ra ko gamay guro... dili lang ko nahan gud nga ma mislead ninyo ang mga tao, labi na ang mga trabahanti tawn nga alkansi gyud tawn sila sa mga negosyanti... alkansi sila sa ilang mga AMO (as what others may call it... I don't... I have a number of "colleagues" working with me in my small business... I don't even DARE THEM TO CALL ME SIR/BOSS... para nako, para ra na sa mga mobo ug utok nga ganahan sila ma feeling TA-AS sa uban tao PAMINAWON... I know where I stand and I need not nonsense like that... and most of all, coming from more than 10 companies already, I know how important employees are..." ang trabahanti ang DUGO SA NEGOSYO maski asa pa ka sa kalibutang ibutang ni Lord bai... if you have EVER had a management subject, you should know that HUMAN RESOURCE is the most important resource in any business maski namaligya ra ka sa sidewalk or LUCIO TAN naka... any idiot who knows this not and is still in business, will surely die young out of the headache constantly changing employees make... matimingan pa gyud ug kawatan kay dali2 lagi ug hire, kaubo samot! lolz!
so to start a thread titled like this just to spread the word that IMG has a better offering than any call center job is downright immature, unprofessional, and just plain stupid... just another reason why I asked somewhere on this thread to discuss what are your professional backgrounds (IF ANY) and your experiences in business (IF ANY) because I for one am sick and tired of a lot of istoryans saying a lot of crap just because THEY CAN. and the worst part, OTHERS MIGHT BE MISLED. that's why I had to waste my time here to give my two cents (AGAIN) on how crappy your means of spreading the word about your financial vehicles are... you have stepped on the shoes of a lot of people that have done very well for this forsaken country (BILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth a year if I'm not mistaken... and that my friends, is WAY WAY WAY WAY, a MILLION LIGHT YEARS BETTER than what IMG WILL EVER GIVE OUR COUNTRY. pabuslot ko sa akong itlog kung maka-apas mo ana bai! (andam lang mo da-an ug tapak! lolz)...
I should have given you this advice a long time ago but I wanted to know what you two are really made of so there you go, i've made my shots (and so have others) and you don't even have a clue what we're pointing at... you don't even know why we thing you have a HIDDEN AGENDA in this so called "controvertial thread"...
If you want to let others know about the things you have learned in IMG, then why not start a thread titled along the lines of "PASSIVE INCOME - WHAT IS IT"? or something like, "HOW TO CALCULATE PRESENT VALUE OF MONEY".
That my IMG folks is how you gain CREDIBILITY. that's how you let people know YOU KNOW YOUR FIELD. and not by STEPPING ON OTHERS FEET AS IF YOU WERE BETTER THAN THEM/ANYBODY.
Good luck and more power to IMG!
Please PM me if you have new investment plans that carries health insurance benefits other than the ones you have presently...