View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1511

    The "evidence" is refuted already by attacking the source itself as biased, defective and unreliable. I'm quite astonished how anyone could not understand something so simple. This is something that people in first world countries (with low population and high investment per student) learn in elementary. So for an old man to not already understand this very, very basic principle in argumentation is astonishing, and yet for you, unsurprising.

    And of course yet another post of yours that as expected manages to skirt all issues raised and ignore them as if they never happened because of your inability to admit your foibles which are all over the place and really quite embarrassing. This entire abortive thread should be aborted (pun intended) as the OP is clearly unable to sustain dialog on any intellectual level.

  2. #1512
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    The "evidence" is refuted already by attacking the source itself as biased, defective and unreliable.
    Wrong again. First, that may be true if the evidence is based solely on the reputation of the source and absolutely nothing else. But that is not the case. I have already posted evidence from other sources about the UK's high abortion and teen pregnancy rate. The fact that you cannot even check on this just goes to show how you have neglected to do even the most basic research.

    Second, the fact that a newspaper is in a tabloid format does not automatically mean that all its stories are non-factual, biased, or unreliable. The format in itself does not determine the credibility of content. In fact, all news agencies -- even the most reputable ones -- are prone to exaggeration and error, regardless of their format, but that does not make all their other stories non-credible. Case in point: the BBC. Attacking a source is a cheap shot to get away from really refuting evidence. And THAT is not credible. Anyone with capacity to think in a rational manner ought to know that. But apparently such a rational quality cannot be expected from you.

    By the way, where is your admission and apology? It seems you are skirting this issue as well. I have clearly shown that you were lying. Are you now backing out of your promise? I would not be surprised if you did since you have shown little honesty in the past, but I am hoping otherwise.

    "Cry of Anguish": African Synod Unveils Final Document Blasting Western Anti-Life Ideologies, Resource Exploitation
    Nigerian archbishop says that the issue of the Church's efforts for AIDS sufferers "cannot be reduced to discussion over condoms."

    VATICAN CITY, October 23, 2009 ( - In their final document, the participants of the second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa have denounced the imposition of foreign anti-life and family ideologies, issued a stern call for holiness and repentance by political leaders, blasted resource exploitation by multinational corporations and called for a rethinking of Africa by the rest of the world.

    At the penultimate press conference today at the Vatican's press office, John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, said that the issue of the Church's efforts for AIDS sufferers "cannot be reduced to discussion over condoms."

    Onaiyekan reiterated the Synod's final document, saying that the Church's work for those with the disease is "second to none" and "deserves greater publicity."

    It is rarely mentioned in western media reports that the vast majority of work caring for people stricken with AIDS in Africa is done by the Catholic Church. "Many of those who go around distributing condoms will not go near anybody with HIV/AIDS," Onaiyekan added.

    One member of the Vatican's press office staff told (LSN) of the frustration that some in Rome feel over the lack of media attention given to the Church's work in treating the sick and spoke of the difficulties involved in getting anti-retroviral drugs to those who need them in Africa. He said that the issue of caring for AIDS patients is being overlooked with the overweening emphasis on prevention with condoms, "and it's prevention that doesn't work."

    . . .

    The bishops called for "caution," however, in accepting financial aid for the projects being proposed by international aid organisations, which often come "with a hidden agenda." The bishops called on the foreign NGOs to be "more consistent and transparent in implementing their programmes."

    That hidden agenda the African bishops were warning about is in the RH/Abortion Bill too. All the more reason to dump HB 5043 now.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-26-2009 at 07:53 PM.

  3. #1513
    no to abortion. save lives... but be responsible...

  4. #1514

    Default Bad governance is the root cause of poverty, NOT overpopulation

    No Improvement in Sight
    By Richard Halloran

    In an East Asia that is generally experiencing political and economic progress from Seoul to Singapore, the Philippines stands out as a running sore that seems to have no cure.

    The Asia Foundation, the nongovernmental organization seeking to stimulate development, has reported that the southern Philippines "suffers from poor infrastructure, poverty, and violence that has claimed more than 120,000 lives in the last four decades" of civil strife, terror and insurgencies, and crime that goes unchecked.

    A retired U.S. military officer with long experience in Asia said that "the fundamental problem in the Philippines is that the Philippine government has not figured out how to help the people, to pick up the garbage and to educate the children."

    An American civilian official agreed, saying a "failure in governance" was the basic cause of the misery in the Philippines. He pointed to "the feudal society in the Philippines" and contended that "until that is changed, the problems will continue to be unresolved."

    From all accounts, Philippine and foreign, corruption is pervasive throughout the archipelago. Renaud Meyer, a representative of the United Nations Development Program in Manila, was quoted in the Philippine press earlier this year as saying corruption "is a primary obstacle in the effective delivery of public services and fulfillment of basic rights."

    He predicted it would get worse. "These are challenging times for all of us in our fight against corruption, especially in the next two years," Mr. Meyer said. "For one, we are in the midst of an impending international economic crisis, which is affecting both developed and developing economies. Second, 2010 is election period in the Philippines."

    The central government in Manila has appeared hapless in the face of repeated natural disasters in recent months.

    The Philippine archipelago, which form the eastern rim of the South China Sea, not only have experienced a breakdown in basic law and order; the country provides a haven and training site for terrorists and insurgents to move into the rest of Southeast Asia. They travel from the southern Philippines along island chains through the Sulu and Celebes seas into Malaysia, Indonesia and beyond.

    In the Philippines itself, the terrorists of the Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiya, and the Rajah Solaiman Movement, plus the communist New People's Army, operate with near impunity. A contingent of U.S. special operations forces, usually numbering 600 troops, has been assisting the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for about seven years in the southern Philippines but with little visible success.

    "The AFP," said a longtime Philippine hand, "are glad to have other people do their fighting."

    A U.S. State Department report four years ago asserted, "The major, and disturbing, trend in the Philippines has been the growing cooperation among the Islamist terrorist organizations operating in the country: Jemaah Islamiya, the Abu Sayyaf Group, and the Rajah Sulaiman Movement." The latter comprises Christian converts to Islam, which allows them to pass undetected in other parts of the Philippines.

    In a similar report in the spring, the department said Philippine troops, with the intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance help of U.S. forces, "continued to marginalize the remaining numbers" of the Islamic terrorists. But the report said the 5,000-strong New People's Army "continued to disrupt public security and business operations with intermittent attacks" on communications and transportation everywhere.

    Late last month, two American soldiers were killed in the southern Philippines by a roadside bomb believed to have been planted by terrorists linked to al Qaeda. The Associated Press said they were the first American troops to die in an attack in the Philippines in seven years. The U.S. Embassy said they were on a resupply mission for a school construction project on the island of Jolo.

    An obvious and disturbing question: Were their deaths an omen of things to come?

    Richard Halloran is a freelance writer and former New York Times correspondent based in Honolulu.

    Population control will NOT address any of the root causes of our country's misery. Why should we waste money on it? Population control will bring even more problems such as economic stagnation, breakdown of the family, and abortion.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1515
    New Study Shows 85 Percent of Women Say Abortions Cause Mental Health Issues
    by Steven Ertelt Editor
    November 3, 2009

    Washington, DC ( -- A new report from researchers at a university in New Zealand indicates 85 percent of women who had abortions report negative mental health issues as a result. The report is the latest from professor David Fergusson and his team showing abortions cause problems for women.

    The University of Otago team examined the medical history of over 500 women and concluded having an abortion generally “leads to significant distress in some” women who have them.

    It noted women reporting adverse reactions to their abortions were up to 80 percent more likely to have mental health problems and risk of mental illness was “proportional to the degree of distress” associated with the abortion.

    The study, which appears in the latest issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, examined data from women who had been interviewed six times between the ages of 15 and 30 and who were asked if they were pregnant and, if so, the outcome of the pregnancy.

    More than 85 percent of women reported negative reactions to their abortions including sorrow, sadness, guilt, regret, grief and disappointment.

    The study revealed that women who have abortions face more negative mental health problems resulting from that pregnancy outcome as compared with women who keep their baby and carry to term. Women having abortions had rates of mental health problems “approximately 1.4 to 1.8 times higher than women not exposed to abortion."

    Ultimately, Fergusson and his team said there is little justification for saying that legal abortions should be promoted on the basis of a improving a woman's mental health.

    “Collectively, this evidence raises important questions about the practice of justifying termination of pregnancy on the grounds that this procedure will reduce risks of mental health problems in women having unwanted pregnancy," the team wrote.

    The team said the study showed no reason to “support strong pro-choice positions that claim unwanted pregnancy terminated by abortion is without mental health risks.”

    The new study is a follow-up to previous studies Fergusson and his team conducted showing women who have abortions are more likely to become severely depressed.

    The original 2006 study found some 42 percent of the women who had abortions had experienced major depression within the last four years. That's almost double the rate of women who never became pregnant. The risk of anxiety disorders also doubled.

    According to the study, women who have abortions were twice as likely to drink alcohol at dangerous levels and three times as likely to be addicted to illegal drugs.

    A second study Fergusson's team released found that women who had abortions had rates of mental health problems about 30% higher than other women. The conditions most associated with abortion included anxiety disorders and substance abuse disorders.

    The authors concluded that anywhere from 1.5 to 5.5 percent of all mental health disorders seen in New Zealand result from women having abortions.

    British Victims of Abortion, which helps women who suffer medical and mental health problems after an abortion, has welcomed the results of the new report.

    Margaret Cuthill of BVA commented: "What we at British Victims of Abortion hear in the counseling room confirms the truth of Professor Fergusson's results."

    Buzz up!

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  6. #1516
    Quote Originally Posted by wakkanakka View Post
    We should educate ourselves s that we won't be fooled by the RH propaganda. I hope istoryans will open theior eyes and see that overpopulation is not true. It is just an excuse by the RH bill peepz so they can fund their contraceptives and introduce abortion little by little into the Phils.
    sorry but it should be: "Educate ourselves that we won't be swayed by the anti-RH propaganda. There is no need to hope that istoryans will open their eyes to the reality that the RH Bill is not based on the overpopulation myth nor an abortion bill. THEY ALREADY KNOW THAT IT ISN'T. The RH Bill is principally about rights, health, and sustainable development.

    The RH Bill is not an excuse. It is a need. Reproductive health is a basic human right."

    NO to Abortion!
    YES to the RH Bill!

  7. #1517
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    sorry but it should be: "Educate ourselves that we won't be swayed by the anti-RH propaganda.
    Your deceptive propaganda isn;'t fooling anyone intelligent. People have already begun to realize that the RH/Abortion Bill promotes abortifacient contraceptives. In other words, the Bill is sneaking in a form of silent abortion -- in total disregard of our pro-life Constitution!

    There is no need to hope that istoryans will open their eyes to the reality that the RH Bill is not based on the overpopulation myth nor an abortion bill. THEY ALREADY KNOW THAT IT ISN'T.
    You ought to tell that to your fanatical pro-RH allies. They continue to pretend that the Bill will address "overpopulation", and use that excuse as one of their primary arguments in support of this deadly Bill..

    Looks like you have more educating to do within your own ranks! Harhar!

    UN committee to RP: Pass reproductive health bill !!!!!

    MANILA, Philippines – Voicing “serious” concern over inadequate reproductive health services and information, low rate of contraceptive use and difficulties in access to artificial methods that contribute to teen pregnancies and high maternal death, a United Nations panel urged the government to pass the Reproductive Health (RH) bill. The UN panel likewise urged the Philippines to ignore the meddling of the Catholic Church in state affairs. The UN panel of course, can always meddle.

    A report released this October containing the concluding observations on the Philippines of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended that the government should “adopt as a matter or urgency the Reproductive Health bill awaiting approval by Congress and ensure that the bill reflect the rights of children and adolescents as enshrined in the Convention [Convention on the Rights of the Child].”. The report added that "the right of the unborn from the moment of conception, as enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, does not need to be discussed.". This is because the UN Committee is still clueless whether a child grows out of a fertilized egg at conception.

    “The UN Committee remains seriously concerned at the inadequate reproductive health services and information, the low rates of contraceptive use [36 percent of women relied on modern family planning methods in 2006] and the difficulties in obtaining access to artificial methods of contraception, which contribute to the high rates of teenage pregnancies and maternal deaths,”. The report also urged the government to strengthen formal and informal s3x education for girls and boys with focus on the prevention of early pregnancies. The UN Committee cited the success story in Britain (read it here), where s3x education is mandatory for kids starting at age five, while contraceptives are absolutely free and readily accessible, yet teenage pregnancies and abortions continue to increase. Oops...wrong example, the red-faced UN spokesperson quickly added. What the UN Committee further emphasizes is "strengthening of HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns". Take for example the success story in Thailand (read it here), which embarked on an aggressive promotion of free condoms, yet HIV cases rises by cumulative figures each year. Oops...wrong again...


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  8. #1518
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Your deceptive propaganda isn;'t fooling anyone intelligent. People have already begun to realize that the RH/Abortion Bill promotes abortifacient contraceptives. In other words, the Bill is sneaking in a form of silent abortion -- in total disregard of our pro-life Constitution!
    kapoy makiglalis katololiko.. daghan kaau garbage info..

    dili man ni sila gusto i-educate mga tao.. kay ma educated ka, mka choose man ka og something nga dili sila ganahan..

    by education, what the church means is to brainwash you with their beliefs.. anything contrary to the church, dili daw na education..

  9. #1519
    balahag mag antos ang mga bata basta moral lang ang ato katilingban

    kanang mga nag lisod sa kinabuhi mao ang daghan ug anak
    kasagaran dili maka pa eskwela
    dili maka eskwela = dili maka trabaho = kasagaran kapit sa patalim
    mangawat.. manghilabot sa ordinaryo nga katawhan

    naka badlong ang simbahan sa mga kawatan ug tulisan,?

  10. #1520
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    by education, what the church means is to brainwash you with their beliefs.. anything contrary to the church, dili daw na education..
    Wow, hasty generalizations and prejudice galore. Too bad you can't actually prove any of that. In the same way, you can't even prove the false claim that poverty is caused by overpopulation.

    Or may you can try to refute the evidence that the RH/Abortion Bill funds abortifacent contraceptives instead of just spewing hatred and prejudice against a certain religion.

    More on abortifacient contraceptives in the Philippines:

    Hello, what's this?

    Guess what I found in my Watsons plastic bag yesterday? I didn't know they gave such leaflets to people looking for toothpaste and floss now. This just goes to show how much money some people are sinking in to get women to depend on oral contraceptives.

    Quote from leaflet: "Oral Contraceptive Pills is the most popular contraceptive method because it is effective and convenient. It is an essential tool to women's reproductive health because it contains hormones to prevent unplanned pregnancy by preventing ovulation, thinning the uterus lining, and thickening the cervical mucus."

    [Grammar error concerning S-V agreement is leaflet's.]

    Oh the claims! "Essential tool to women's reproductive health"? It prevents ovulation! Why is that healthy? Isn't getting one's period every month healthy? Isn't ovulating healthy? And what's so reproductive about preventing ovulation?

    And the last part just states exactly how the bitter pill is an abortifacient. A thinner uterine lining means a hostile environment for a fertilized egg--the new life (which starts at conception, not implantation) will not be able to implant, and so it is aborted.

    Here are some links to:

    Explore the site too. Actually LifeSiteNews isn't the only source. If you want to read something scary, read the literature printed at the back of every contraceptive drug ad in those foreign women's magazines. Leaflets make things look easy and simple, because that's what leaflets are for!

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

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