lytslpr: no beef with you bro and i know mosimos can irritate the best of us but i guess this statement is a serious threat not to mention a rather elitist remark. medyo hilas gamay bro... i know u personally ionno kung ka remember ka nako and murag dili man cguro ka ing-ana in person but i think the remark was a lil out of line and medyo mura gi-downgrade nimo imo self sa ani na post.
my 2 cents
Originally Posted by
Be careful of your statements here, you don't know who you're talking to!
Just a thought for you...
"Be mindful of the toes you step on today because they might be related to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow." or probably you or your parents or relatives are already kissing.
and about the topic: i still think they're guilty. a court of law convicted them and if the court decides that they be set free then ang court na bahala but for sure i will be less comfy walking inside a bar and naa ning mga tawhana. mag hasik man gyud na ug lagim. i'm gonna do the same if ma priso then buhi-an ko...