>>>Love in its essence is good; it's something to inspire us, but we humans aren't perfect that's why when we love, we can't expect to do it perfectly. At times if not most of the time, either glad or sad, we tend to do something that leads us to North from South to meet our love; leads us to wear our hatest color just to match our love's attire color. Oh, that thing called 'crazy' love!
>>>I have my own fair share about that something 'crazy' in loving...
@ It's kinda weird, but let me start sharing...Two years ago~~~
I am not careful in loving a man, 'coz I am very careful, but oh...at once, I was in love with my student!Never did it come to my mind to put myself in this situation...(Lain ayu ba, teacher ka, tapos, in love ka sa imo student...
Siya kasi eh,,,Actually, na-develop ra ko niya...weeeeh)Please don't ask the details folks,,,it's kinda weird, really-really! Grrr...Good thing God was and is sooooooooooo good!
>>>That's mine, and yours? Hope yours are crazier...nyahahaha(THANKS!