It sounds like destiny na gi hatag nimo nako ang link during World Pasta Day. T_T
Cge, i'll pm it to you if naa nako sa ako computer.
link sa webcomic? xD
FFFFFFFFFF! Ep40 is out. Grr, ga work pa ko sa pc sa ako papa. x__x
Awesome na awesome ra ba ang convo nila England and France.
[The Battle for little America]
England: See? The guys at my place said that America's my little brother, you gitface!
France: Oh no~! The guys at my place said that a hundred years ago, eyebrows!
England: What did you say?!! Aarrrghhh!
France: Raaaaaaar!!
*strangle strangle strangle*
Hala cge, pa hambogay mo ug hari/wise men from your places. xD
me and my friends had this concept or idea of making characters based on countries involved in world war
I mean we had this idea back when we were still highschool.. probably 7years ago..
its soo sad to know that someone else got the same idea and is now famous with the hetalia work >.<
oh well the sad part of not becoming a mangaka D:
if you wanna check our really old drawings here are the links: hehehe really old art
World War Male Students by ~CCann on deviantART
World War Female Students by ~CCann on deviantART
hmm I'm thinking of making chibi hetalia prints somehow and give them away during upcoming cons! ^^
Haha.. Well, i bet you're not the only one who thought about it. xDD I mean, making anthropomorphic characters became popular during the 2000s (and prolly earlier). Himaruya made it a bit earlier than you, i think, because he had years of research, if i remember correctly. Although he debuted it around 2003.
But your art and concept is nice. I lol'd when i saw Austria as one of your female characters. Haha xDD
Wow, Hetalia prints. That would be nice.Some of my friends are also thinking of making Hetalia keychains and sell it during cons. You know, Comiket style. xDDD
2003? we had this idea around 2001 ^^;
well the difference of our idea was that we made it into a student life setting..something with student council and 2 parties running which are axis and allied
and yeah we were choosing which countries would be males and females and we designed them ^^
gah my coloring up there still sucks D:
hehehe yeah I was thinking about that prints. chibi prints hehecomiket style? what's that?
I really want to attend a con! and I just missed the archon coz of my medical schooling life!!!!! >.<
Well, Himaruya debuted it around 2003. But i dunno when he really started it, since he did say he was researching and developing the main characters while he was studying in New York before starting the webcomic. xD But i could be wrong though. I remember him saying that he wanted the main characters to be heroes with a modern day (NY) setting, but as he researched more about Italy's role on WW he changed it na lang. xD Haha..
Hahaha.. i bet you already know about this, but Hetalia has a school setting too. xDD Although it was purely just a sample game from the mangaka.
Yeah, Comiket! The convention in Japan where amateur artists/developers sell their fanmade works. Doujin/Fanmade works such as: games, manga, keychains, pvc figs, etc~
Aww.. sayang ang Archon, but don't worry. Naa pa mga 5 ka cons coming. Two will be this week (SM Halloween thingy and Satine Eclipse sa Parkmall). The other one (Otakufest) on December, and (Ozinefest) the last one kay TBA pa. D:
WT*!CRAP school life pud diay!? i never watched it man gud! D: gosh... i guess we'll probably surrender that idea of ours nalang >.< hahay
i know! sayangan kaau ko sa archon! ngano nag med ko!!! AGH!
kanang park mall musuway cguro ko ana!though I'm not prepared for art give aways or all those things though..
yeah I'll try that otaku fest! I must! ! !>.<
Yeah, the mangaka released a sample of a game he made (he was prolly bored haha). He made it alone, and it was really well-made. So yeah..
The setting was an international school where all the countries should enroll. Ang bida ato si Seychelles. Pero di xa about sa World War. Just a university for all the countries. I think ang time setting ato na game kay kadtong naa pay British colonies sa Africa (since the game was about Seychelles discovering the world outside her island, and she was placed sa Africa class kay sa continent of Africa man siya. And the other African countries introduced their selves, but with the line ___ colony. So yeah..). Si UK and France ang members sa Student Council. Hahaha.. But it's not really the storyline of Hetalia. It was just like an easter egg for fans.
But sayang noh, imo idea. Well, i don't think you should surrender it.It would be nice to see your works ana. :3
The nice thing sa Hetalia kay it doesn't stick to the World Wars. It moves from one timeline to the other. It even touches modern day issues. XD For History lovers, it can really be fun.
I hope you can attend cons. It's really fun.I'll be looking forward to see your art too.
Last edited by blissfullynaive; 10-27-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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