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  1. #31

    Quote Originally Posted by gregggy_ph View Post
    i say 15-20 years..artificial life will soon take over and control the world! *evil laugh
    what makes artificial life evil?any facts?

  2. #32
    if it does not violate the laws of nature and of God's, then it would be okay..

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by donna_belle View Post
    artificial life is possible. i think someone said here that dna cannot be created. actually it can be created because as what sir rodsky said we're made from the same star stuff.
    DNA can be created and replicated.. PCR --> Polymerase chain reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. #34
    The concept of artificial life is very broad and confusing..what one may say as being alive may not apply to another.
    In fact, we need to check first what level of intelligence do we require to say that it's already ALIVE?
    How do they keep themselves alive. How do they "feed" themselves? How do they die?

    Example: The simple algae: These are "alive" diba? Intelligence? I think practically zero. They photosythesize and multiply in the presence of sun. Life span: Very short. Do they heal/regenerate? Yes.
    Now check out our very own solar calculator. Alive? No. Intelligent? Yes and No. (Naa advance calculator na mo-solve na deretso sa mga logical functions problems)..but their "intelligence is pretty much ahead sa algae. How do they keep themselves alive? Through direct conversion of light to electricity. Do they "die"? Yes, especially if the energy they produced is no longer capable of powering them up.
    So when you sum it up, the only difference between the algae and the calculator is the inability of the latter to reproduce and regenerate/heal themselves..

    Ako lang ni na opinyon ha?..

  5. #35
    we'll be making way for AI like all the other animals in the planet did for us. i for one am interested to see what devolved humans would look like.

  6. #36
    naa man jud kuyaw sa science e.g. terminator.

    pero humans should have the manipulations or else. pero what made humans survive and dlourish is thier ability to love.

  7. #37
    This is also interesting ... really look forward to see the day. evolution rules.

    The Daily Galaxy: Great Discoveries Channel: Artificial Life

  8. #38
    are we talking about organic artificial life or computer artificial life? hehe
    Last edited by grovestreet; 10-31-2009 at 07:33 PM.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by grovestreet View Post
    are we talking about organic artificial life or computer artificial life? hehe
    organic of course...

  10. #40
    nice topic...what if himoong weapons ning artificial nga mga life?

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