With Smart Bro, I was able to download high-definition videos at a much faster rate than my landline DSL - over 200 KB/s
Globe Tattoo
Smart Bro
Sun Broadband Wireless
With Smart Bro, I was able to download high-definition videos at a much faster rate than my landline DSL - over 200 KB/s
mas okay ang smart bro sa amo location sa t.padilla kay 3.6mbps kusog ang signal kay sa tatoo,sa tatoo same mbps 3.6 pero mawala ang signal.
guys..pwde pa turo sa globe kanang cellphone gamiton..unsaon man para maka internet ang pc gamit ang pcnaka try ko pro ni gawas man dialp-up nya ngau username ug pass..then ni redial sya... unsay ka tabang nyo mga bossing??
dial-up ghpon ang set up naa boss..pero choose ka og modem which ang unit sa phone..next choose ka og provider..(globe) ang select sa imu ky globe user man...then run dyaon...pwede name ra na nimu boss..og password...
nagduha2 na hinoun ko og palit sa globe tungod ani..
LIVID - Jessica Zafra
October 15, 2009
LIVID | JessicarulestheUniverse
This is me, livid. You can tell I am thermonuclear with rage because I am smiling but my teeth are not showing. If my teeth are showing, it is a real smile. This smile says, “I am going to dismember you and feed the chunks to your children.” Yes, I am going to go Titus Andronicus on your ass, and I don’t care that you don’t know what a Titus Andronicus is.
I am catatonic with fury because not only has my schedule been disrupted by my futile attempts in the last 12 hours to connect to the Internet using a prepaid Globe Tattoo portable broadband gadget, but a total of P430 which I loaded onto the Globe Tattoo prepaid SIM has disappeared into the ether. Which leads to the inescapable conclusion: GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID IS A WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP.
I had intended to review the Globe Tattoo Prepaid in my Gadgets column on Sunday, but blogging is faster and I do not have to wait three days to say that GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID IS A WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP. Do I sound unnaturally calm? I always sound too calm when I am incensed, my voice drops an octave, and I talk twice as fast as I usually do, which is FAST. Unlike the slow, inefficient, unreliable, and now thieving GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID, A WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP.
From the time I acquired a mobile phone five years ago I have been a postpaid subscriber. This is my first experience with a prepaid SIM, and I say to you prepaid mobile users: You’re getting screwed. We postpaid subscribers don’t get billed until we’ve used the service, and if the service fails we do not get charged. You have to pay before you get the service, and if you don’t get the service, the provider is not compelled to address the problem because hey, they’ve already taken your money. Whoopee-doo.
Consider this little experiment. The SIM of the GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID, THAT USELESS PIECE OF CRAP, could connect to the Internet easily enough, but its speed did not exceed 2 kbps. The unit still had a load of P100, which I know because I saved all the confirmation texts and balance reports. On the chance that the prepaid SIM was damaged, I took it out and replaced it with the postpaid SIM from my phone. Holy Cannoli, it worked perfectly. It achieved speeds I never knew were possible on GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID, THAT USELESS PIECE OF CRAP. Hmmm. Postpaid, fast. Prepaid, so slow as to be nonexistent. Draw your conclusion.
I know how these problems are always solved. You complain to someone you know high up in the Globe hierarchy, and the problem goes away. It is as if the problem never occurred, everyone is charming, and Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala will say, “Hey, how about that new Stieg Larsson book.” Guess what, I am not calling the overlords. This is not about friendship. Globe, you’re going to deal with me as a consumer. A very loud consumer. I blog every single day, and I enjoy it. For starters, explain to me how the balance on my GLOBE TATTOO PREPAID, THAT USELESS PIECE OF CRAP, can go from P308 to P142 in 12 minutes of surfing at 0.00 kbps, and where the P100 from last night went. Now.
a follow up of that post.
Here’s what happened (updated) | JessicarulestheUniverse
October 20, 2009
Monday morning I get a call from the head of corporate communications at Globe. She admits that there are technical problems with their broadband product and asks to meet me.
I know what you’re thinking, so I’ll save you the neural traffic.
You: Jessica, you’re a media person so they have to talk to you. What about us ordinary consumers, are we going to get calls from corporate communications?
Me: Yes. No.
Around 4pm I meet with two managers from Globe. They are already aware of my complaint, and offer copious apologies. Essentially they admit the service is crap, though the word is not used.
You: You’re scary so they have to agree with you. What about us ordinary consumers who do not threaten Red Army Berlin 1945-scale wrath?
Me: Yes. I don’t know.
According to the reps, Globe systems were gravely damaged by typhoon Ondoy, and they are currently making repairs. They call it “recovery work”. They say this accounts for the slowness or nonexistence of a signal.
You: Yeah, right.
Me: Things I might’ve been told when I first made my complaint, thus heading off the unpleasantness.
And what of the disappearing load? Ah, the crux of the matter. It is supposedly the same problem that afflicts Globe postpaid subscribers who surf the internet with their phones, unaware that they are being CHARGED PER KILOBYTE. The charge is P5 for 15 minutes IF you are in Time-browsing mode. However, the Prepaid kit is automatically set to charge you PER KILOBYTE. You have to text TIME to 111 to have them change this to Time-charging.
Who charges per kilobyte?!?! The Globe reps say gamers prefer this as it saves them money. (Could a gamer confirm this, please. Update: See comments. A gamer explains why this argument is crap.) Why, when I installed that new prepaid SIM, was I not informed that I am being charged per kilobyte? (My postpaid SIM is on Time-browsing mode. I had assumed that prepaid, being presumably for the budget-conscious, would offer the more customer-friendly option. Na-ah.)
Nowhere in the package does it say, “We’re automatically going to charge you per kilobyte!” In the printed materials that come with the SIM, there is a section, “How you will be charged”. It goes on to say, “P5 for 15 minutes.” There is no mention of having to shift to Time-browsing.
The Globe reps say they need to work on educating the public about the difference between the two rate options.
For starters, they could print it on the package so users are not “inadvertently” suckered.
So. Official explanation as to why I was charged P165 for 12 minutes of a bad connection: kilobyte charging. But I couldn’t access anything in those 12 minutes since the connection was averaging 0.00 kbps!
The Globe reps say it all goes back to the recovery work that is being done on the systems damaged by typhoon Ondoy. They add that by early November there should be a dramatic improvement in the service.
You: Eyebrows shoot off the top of your head and go into orbit.
Me: So it’s true that the service right now is crap, but it’s supposed to get better in early November. This does not fully explain why the gadget works efficiently with my postpaid SIM, but we’ll see.
Then the Globe reps give me a new broadband kit, SIM, and prepaid cards to replace my vanished load.
You: Well, where’s my replacement kit, SIM, and prepaid load?
Me: File under “intrinsic unfairness of life”.
You: What, no Titus Andronicus even?
Me: Face it, anything less than a bloodbath will disappoint you. However, you now have the urge to check out Shakespeare’s lesser plays.
I’m going to test this new unit, then observe whether there is an improvement in the service by the first week of November. However, I cannot stop you from fulminating about worthless pieces of crap that you have shelled out good money for. Send me the horror stories, I will send them on to those who should be horrified.
* * * * *
22 October. Yesterday we received three comments in a row defending Globe and denouncing the manner of my complaining as “bastusan”, “You made us look like angry teenagers”, “kinda harsh…they didn’t exactly force you to use their products.”
Readers are entitled to express their opinions, but the arrival of three consecutive pro-Globe comments from members who only recently registered on the site, all using gmail addresses, and their admonition that we be kind to a huge corporation that spends millions in advertising the product in question, makes us suspicious. Also, they are clearly new to the general tone of this site.
If we are wrong and these readers are genuinely concerned (or just genuine), lashings of apologies. Rest assured that your opinions have been delivered.
up ta ani! payter kaau bah, habwa tinae sa globe execs!
Gayaya lang ang speed sa globe murag snail..Maypa ang Smart Bro...Ok ra ang speed...Smart Bro nalang tanan...Paytir kaau...Smart Bro na ta tanan...
Globe charges P5 per 15 minutes. Dapat unta per minute ang charging. kay maski maka connect ka in the first few seconds then ZERO kbps na gyud siya. charged naka automatic P5. so kung mu disconnect ka dayon mu connect balik, another P5. kinsa may alkanse ani? Kita ra! Way ayo gyud ning Globe Tattoo.
OT: Pero okay raman ang Globe DSL sa office. paspas siya and mas reliable hinuon compared to PLDT DSL. based on personal experience ra ni.
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