Originally Posted by
miss istorya.net
I read the rules and regulations of this forum. Trust Me. And let me share to you this one rule that especially caught my attention:
RULE#2. Posts should be composed in such a manner that respects persons of all (my "people you know" included) races, religions, cultures, and sexualities. No post may contain personal attacks, as they have no proper place in discussions. The purpose of this forum is to facilitate growth, not to belittle others. This also applies to Private Messages and the Shoutbox entries.
There was absolutely no need for you to air an opinion such as "for a second i thought all the people you know has stuttering disorder (along with a rowdy smiley). It is not only belittling, it is also very derogatory. Nonetheless, I acknowledge your statement that you didn't have any intention to malign anyone I know. Your sincere apology is accepted.
OnT: i still go for commitments, not just hook-up buddies.
first off. you said you were just
twisting words to let me understand what you were talking about. i then replied by saying do not twist words that dont make sense
.. case in point "easier done than said" . when i post "for a second i thought the people you know has stutter syndrome" , I did it to let you know that twisting words just like what you did will not help me get your point....since when did twisting words make others understand you fully. I beg to disagree that its not necessary to air that because it is necessary just to prove my point that i didnt understand you fully.If you look closely, i was only backing my claim that twisting words to let me understand did not suit me well. how did that belittle your people? try to read it calmly miss... i did not and have no intention to belittle the people you know. just try to read again our posts and dont let anger blind you, try to analyze it slowly as to why i post such. no pressure. hehhe
btw. are you trying to have me banned?? LOL