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Lack of Tolerance
What the world needs now is tolerance, live-and-let live attitude, co-existence. It seems that some powerful world leaders have forgotten to listen, to dialogue, to seek peaceful means for resolving conflicts. It is the vogue nowadays for sabre-rattlings, threats of economic sanctions, even threats of actual military invasions.
Most often, in so many instances the approach is important and vital in seeking ways out of a conflict situation. It might help to study the culture, the way of life, the beliefs and practices of the people we have to confront in order to reach a plateau of common understanding.
Tooth-for-a tooth solutions as we can plainly see, only lead to a spiral of non-ending violence. In such cases there will be no winners...only losers... and most of them are those that can't defend themselves...hapless civilians, children, women, old people...Â* Â*