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  1. #191

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjellybean27 View Post
    Employees are well aware of that sir.. I've known that for a long time, in fact I gotta tell you that's what's pushing me to be good at what I'm doing.. good thing for me, I have superiority complex.. hehehe. d jud affected if someone is in a higher position than me, coz my mind set is always, today this seat, tomorrow it's your seat... wehehehe!
    Valuable employees are always irreplaceable, that's what I believe in.
    And I hope you won't take this wrong but I think it would be a much better thing if you would be hands-on and not just leave it to people you think you trust.
    You're dealing with money sir, and money as you very well know is a very tempting reason to turn your back and even bite the hand who feeds you.
    That notion of being employed by your business is a sign of inferiority complex (I'm not saying you are)... When you're where you are as you say you are, then doing hands-on work would only build your self esteem. the thought na, hey I'm working in my own company and I'm proud of it. I personally know several owners of big and successful businesses who are hands-on and whew! I respect them soooo much...
    Check your books (not the books you read huh?), there might be discrepancies there... humot baya kaayo ang money...
    I'm just concerned because I know some riches to rags stories first hand and it all happened because wla nag hands on ang owner ng company... a wife can cheat on her husband regarding money matters gani, why not someone else pa?dba...
    I'm not saying you work your a$$ off...
    Even if you don't agree on my being employed, I hope you will take my advice on that.

    hmm.. i reflected on your post.. i guess my work is building busineesses.. im an employee of my passion in building sef-supporting systems that generate me income..

    thats one of the secrets ive learned in businessmaking.. you have to learn to create checks and balances.. maski pa i dont trust the person, as long as he is adequately competent sa iya trabaho.. he can perfom his job. without me worrying...

    maski pa dili ako nag directly manage.. i can detect mga binuang.. thats something i also learned over the years.. daghan mga things nga i find lisud iexplain.. there are things only those experienced in business knows.. its like describing a color to a blind-from-birth person.. we want to share, we just dont have the words to describe them

    thats another myth in having a job.. there is nobody who is irreplaceable.. the bosses know that if someone knows he is a very crucial person.. that person can dominate the business.. thats why employers have checks and balances to prevent a single person from becoming too powerful..

    there is a tradeoff kung hands on ka or dili.. kung hands on ka, grabe imu control and dako imu kita kay gamay imu overhead.. but mao lage.. you only have two hands, occupied kaau ka.. thats why dili ko mag hands on directly.. i use the hands of other people to do the micromanagement, kanang taas nga overhead, mao jud na consequence.. my hands gives commands and directives to a couple more hands. thereby increasing my capacity.. my businesses generate me income even while i sleep or party somewhere.. i wont expect to have such previledge if nagwork ra ko..

    para nako time is the more valuable asset.. rather than directly work myself.. id rather let others do the work. that way i gave them some honest source of income and in return, they give me the capability to multiply the work done with little effort from me..

    basically, i use the concept of outsourcing to a higher level.. that is my leverage..


    kining mag negosyo dili binuang.. gi saun2x ra nako dire describe. pero kung wala ka guts, determination, patience, imagination, leadership. di jud ka magdugay.. mas demanding ni ang magnegosyo kay sa maski unsa nga klase sa trabaho.. kining mga qualities ako gimention, you need atleast 3x more as compared as nag trabaho lang ka.. and dapat naa ka a bit of a gambler..

  2. #192
    Kanya-kanyang diskarte, so they say.
    I know about business and such actually.. My family owns a successful business, not located here in Cebu though.. My mom's hands-on with that biz.. My dad and I? we chose to be employed, not entirely relying on our family business.. maybe because this is where we are happier..
    My mother's very good at what she does, so's my dad.. my point is, where people are happier, more satisfied, then I guess that's where they should be.. employed or in a business..
    I hope people here will realize that.. especially Mr. TS.. We understand his point, but I know the reason why people here are clamoring to be heard.. being employed doesnt mean we've lost our imagination and we don't have the guts.. having a business doesn't mean we have it easy.. both sides have advantages, disadvantages..
    I'm sure all would agree on that at least..

  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    naa ko pangutana sa mga empolyado og mentality (some call center agents included na).. pila ka tao inu na tabangan?
    The entire Filipino populace, how? Through the very big tax that's deducted from our salary. We can't escape it.

    Businessmen (shrewd) however have under the table transactions with BIR to avert paying taxes.

  4. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by blueubeblack View Post
    The entire Filipino populace, how? Through the very big tax that's deducted from our salary. We can't escape it.

    Businessmen (shrewd) however have under the table transactions with BIR to avert paying taxes.
    kung wala tax, wala mo natabangan.. diba dili voluntary ang tax? in other words.. either we like it or not, we really have to pay taxes.. dako bya pud taxes ang businesses..

    technically dili kamo ang nagbayad sa tax ninu.. kanang gibayad sa inu limpyo na nah.. inu boss nagbayad tax para sa inu.. kanang tax, automatic deduction na nah even before moabot sa inu ang paycheck.. so its an expense to the side sa inu boss..

    actually gansi ang employer coz naa pa tax sa income, magbayad pa siya sa tax sa iya mga trabahante..

    what i mean is kanang directly...

    mga employers help people by providing an honest source of income to people.. (wa labot drug dealers ha)..

    kanindot sa negosyante kay ang iya panabang mo agi sa iya mga trabahante.. if he has 100 workers, he mulitplies the effects of his efforts by 100x..

    there is no shame in being an employee.. its a good way to learn the industry.. and as long as contributing ka community, you should be proud of it, dont forget, you as an employee is a representative of the company, the will of your boss passes thru you.. mas maau manarbaho kay sa manulis o mangawat...

  5. #195
    Yeah, and maski unsaon pana ang negosyo kinahanglan gyud nag empleyado. Maski ikaw ra isa kay gamay pa, you're still an employee of your own business.

    So, I don't get the fact why people would look down at any employment, much more in the call center industry.

  6. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    kung wala tax, wala mo natabangan.. diba dili voluntary ang tax? in other words.. either we like it or not, we really have to pay taxes.. dako bya pud taxes ang businesses..

    technically dili kamo ang nagbayad sa tax ninu.. kanang gibayad sa inu limpyo na nah.. inu boss nagbayad tax para sa inu.. kanang tax, automatic deduction na nah even before moabot sa inu ang paycheck.. so its an expense to the side sa inu boss..

    actually gansi ang employer coz naa pa tax sa income, magbayad pa siya sa tax sa iya mga trabahante..

    what i mean is kanang directly...

    mga employers help people by providing an honest source of income to people.. (wa labot drug dealers ha)..

    kanindot sa negosyante kay ang iya panabang mo agi sa iya mga trabahante.. if he has 100 workers, he mulitplies the effects of his efforts by 100x..

    there is no shame in being an employee.. its a good way to learn the industry.. and as long as contributing ka community, you should be proud of it, dont forget, you as an employee is a representative of the company, the will of your boss passes thru you.. mas maau manarbaho kay sa manulis o mangawat...
    Sure ka sir IKAW (as a businessman) ang nagbayad sa income tax sa imong mga emplyeyado? Nindota gud nimo nga EMPLOYER!

    Unsa diay backgroun edukasyon nimo sir? Ako Accounting akong degree ug nagdako ko sa law office sa akong amahan nga kani-adto nag private practice pero karon nag prosecutor na kay para daw mas challenge so sweto2 sad ko gamay sa mga kabuang ug balaud2 sa negosyo ug in general.

    Negosyanting pobri sad ko sukad pa pag 2005 ug empleyado sad ko at the same time sa nagkalain2 na nga companya mao kahibaw sad ko sa importanace sa mga emplyeyado sa isa ka negosyo ug kahibaw ko nga naa sad ko makat-unan kung manrabaho ko sa uban tao maski nigosyanti nako.

    Karon, sa ako gud nahibaw-an, DILI MAN INTAWON ANG EMPLOYER ANG NAGBAYAD SA TAX SA EMPLYEYADO OIZ! mga 10 na guro ka companya akong na-agi-an pero wala gyud ni nahitabo nako maski MULTINATIONAL pa nga companya mao belib kaayo ko nimo kung ikaw man gani nagbayad sa buhis sa imong mga tao! lolz!


    FYI lang para naa sad makat-unan ang uban tao, ang employer man OBLIGADO mobayad sa income tax sa employees - mao man siguro na ang atong gitawag ug WITHOLDING TAX (not sure). pero sigurado ko nga EMPLOYER gyud mokuha ana sa sweldo sa mga empleyado para ILANG E-REMIT didto sa BIR - PERO DAGHAN KAAYO WALAY REMIT2 kung dili gani, SAYOP ANG E-REMIT kay duha ka records ang gibuhat sa ilang mga bookeeper/accountant (dili nalang ta hisgot aning mga companyaha)...

    so again, IKAW GYUD KAHA NAGBAYAD SA INCOME TAX SA IMONG MGA EMPLEYADO? meaning kung 8k/month ilang sweldo, ang ilang makuha taga kinsinas naa sa 3,800 kapin kay kuha-an pa sa SSS/PHILHEALTH pero wala nay kaltas sa income tax kay lagi, IKAW NAGBAYAD PARA NILA?
    Last edited by MeMing; 10-23-2009 at 08:32 PM.

  7. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Ice View Post
    Yeah, and maski unsaon pana ang negosyo kinahanglan gyud nag empleyado. Maski ikaw ra isa kay gamay pa, you're still an employee of your own business.

    So, I don't get the fact why people would look down at any employment, much more in the call center industry.
    Simply because these people are ignorant of the fact that without the BILLION DOLLAR BPO industry in the Philippines, this country would have been full of gay, women, and men whores for the taking!

    Oh well, for some, "IGNORANCE IS BLISS". On the other hand, "IGNORANCE OF THE LAW EXCUSES NOONE". lolz! I sure hope I'm still making sense in this thread full of nonsense.

    But seriously, this should be locked down because many are being misled by the nonsense that some ignorant istoryans preach! ---> APIL NA SIGURO KO ANI NILA! LOLZ!

  8. #198
    @MeMing: What you said.

    And I, second the motion to lock this thread. It's starting to become a cyclic tiring tirade.

  9. #199
    Please keep professionalism in this thread.
    It is good to know the pros and cons and let the public decide on their own.
    It is good to have different points of view.

    Wala lay personalay, mura ra nig naa sulod sa house of representatives na mga tao didto cge lag lailis unya walay ma achieve na goal. Hehehe!
    Mao ng dili ta maka higusa sa atong tumong kay naa na untay good na idea birahon nasad padulong sa ubos kay gusto jud na ang usa nasad ang musaka. Hehehe! Paeta, mao ni atong nasod dili mag kahiusa.

  10. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by lorenzoleo View Post
    Please keep professionalism in this thread.
    It is good to know the pros and cons and let the public decide on their own.
    It is good to have different points of view.

    Wala lay personalay, mura ra nig naa sulod sa house of representatives na mga tao didto cge lag lailis unya walay ma achieve na goal. Hehehe!
    sakto si lorenzo..we all have different opinion on the topic.. let us be mature ebuf to accept the other's opinion..

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