View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1501

    We should educate ourselves s that we won't be fooled by the RH propaganda. I hope istoryans will open theior eyes and see that overpopulation is not true. It is just an excuse by the RH bill peepz so they can fund their contraceptives and introduce abortion little by little into the Phils.

    murag naglibog ko nimo sir.. by anymeans you mean population control as enforcement? (para nako, enforcement would include possible abortions)
    So you admit that you cintradicted Lagman? So he really is a LIAR?

    Hahaha... you shot yourself again!

    NO NO NO to RH bill!

  2. #1502
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    I knew math wasn't one of your better skills. There are more violent incidents caused by pro-RH/abortion types than by pro-lifers.

    Human Life International has documented
    All of your sources are either from pro-life groups (biased) or some tabloid (daily mail). Is this how you deal with being given a sound beating with your poor logic, by simply ignoring issues raised?

    I'm still waiting for you to address the fact:

    1) That you lied about never having quoted a TABLOID.

    2) That you accuse me of being a woman-hater but never offered any quotes or proof of the same.

    3) That you engaged in a fight with a woman on the internet, something that is a very bakla act, as most istoryans are likely to agree.

    4) That you passed off the projection theory as fact, but failed to understand that by doing so you've admitted that you are a hateful lunatic who is likely to kill someone over the stupid church's abortificent stance.

    5) That you are unmarried, older than 40 years old, no children, never had any experience with women and yet you want people to incredibly believe you are qualified to comment about babies and population. If you're never going to have babies, and never going to get married or have *** with women, why the obsession over this issue? That's just whacko-jacko dude...

    6) Whether or not it really is vulgar to raise the suspicion that someone might be a closet gay, notwithstanding the fact that to most educated, liberal people gay is not an insult. I was stating that more as a sign of pity for you, because you seem like a very sad lonely man who spends all day cutting and pasting posts from pro-life and church organizations, passing them off as facts, and then getting a hissyfit when someone points out how biased and unreliable your articles are.

    Unless and until you address all of the above I will keep reposting them, maybe just to annoy you, but mainly because you should not get away with simply ignoring issues you cannot resolve!

  3. #1503
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    All of your sources are either from pro-life groups (biased)
    That's essentially an ad hominem argument,. You're just making excuses to ignore the facts. If you want to take issue with the evidence, then you must REFUTE the evidence itself. So far you have failed to do so. Miserably.

    I'm still waiting for you to address the fact:
    1) That you lied about never having quoted a TABLOID.
    Actually, YOU are lying. I ANSWERED your silly tabloid obsession in message #1477 ( I noted the story where the Daily Mail was mentioned. Here is what I said:

    The only story that mentions the Daily Mail is: The facts referred to are not only found in the Daily Mail, however, and have been referenced in other stories. The story itself is quite factual. By the way, the tabloid format does not necessarily mean that all stories in a newspaper are non-factual, although many tabloids are quite sensational. Perhaps you are thinking of The Sun? In any case, you are clutching at straws -- and citing no evidence of your own!

    But it seems that in your crazed anger and prejudice, you actually chose to ignore what was plainly before your eyes. You are losing it. Please call Kahupayan Center. They offer free help for women and chi9ldren in crisis,.

    Now I am going to wait for you to admit that you are a LIAR. Until you do, I will keep reminding you and your lackeys about your/their lapses in honesty.

    "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want." -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta
    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-22-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  4. #1504
    Here's an interesting opinion from a doctor about the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043).

    Though I am very much for educating the public regarding maternal care, prenatal care and postnatal care, and I would definitely want to see a decrease in maternal morbidity and mortality, I believe there are better ways of doing it. The end does not justify the means. There are more legitimate and more effective ways of promoting responsible parenthood. The use of artificial methods of family planning is not completely effective in preventing fertilization or the formation of the zygote. Hence, some artificial contraceptives are actually abortifacient. At the same time, these cannot totally protect users from sexually transmitted diseases. These may also harm the body in numerous ways. In the natural order, human life is a gift that is so great and so full of possibilities that everyone should value it. Man is not the absolute owner of life; he is but its steward. However, man has the right to self-determination, making his choices based on the good and the truth, always in keeping with Natural Moral law. This means that neither the State nor society nor any individual has the right to dictate to anyone on how to practice responsible parenthood, especially if the options go against their conscience and/or religious beliefs and convictions. With regards to *** education, children have different levels of emotional maturity and *** education is proper for parents. In order to prevent unwarranted curiosity and correct the misconceptions, *** should never be considered taboo, but should be discussed by the parents with the children with delicateness and sensitivity.

    The bill wants to uplift the quality of life of the people, to increase the share of each Filipino in the nation's resources, and to eliminate poverty. However, the solution to poverty is development and not population control. Without many people realizing it, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the United nations Population Fund (UNFPA) are usually behind the promotion of these RH bills around the world. These are the leading of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. What the do include the 5 As (Access, Adolescents, Advocacy, AIDS/HIV and Abortion). There are traces of eugenics in these and may actually be anti-poor rather than pro-poor. The reproductive health bill does not actually solve the problem; it may actually cause more predicaments. Since the contraceptive mentality (I can't have or I don't want this child) is already there, if the contraceptives fail, people may just consider having an abortion.

    Dr. Maria Fidelis Manalo, MSc.
    Bioethics Lecturer
    Hospice and Palliative Care, Department of Community and Family Medicine
    Fear Eastern University-NRMF Medical Center
    Fairview, Quezon City, Philippines


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1505
    Senator to tell Vidal: I didn’t co-author bill

    Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III yesterday said he never co-authored the reproductive health bill.

    He told CEBU DAILY NEWS that the misunderstanding may have stemmed from his chairmanship of the Senate committee on local government where Senate Bill No. 3122 was referred to.

    But Aquino said he didn't even sign the committee report because he wanted to interpolate and ask questions about certain provisions of the bill.

    “Somebody just assumed that I signed the committee report... and that I co-authored the bill because the (name) of the committee chairman has prominence in the report,” he added.

    In a previous ABS-CBN interview in Cebu City, Cardinal Vidal said he was disappointed in Aquino because he did not just sign the bill “he was a co-author”.

    Aquino yesterday said he has long wanted to speak with Vidal to clear up matters.

    “I have been trying to set an appointment but my schedule is so toxic and the Cardinal is also very busy,” he added.

    Excerpt from:

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  6. #1506
    i legalize ang abortion
    i legalize ang prostition

    legal or dili
    murag dili ni maka tabang sa ato kalisod

  7. #1507
    kalooy pud sa mga unborn babies if madayon na ang bill

  8. #1508
    We should have compassion for the unborn. They are people too. The bill is dangerous to them. And it won't solve any of our problems.

    My thing against the bill also is that it is anti-democracy. I have distant relative who are doctors. I don't want them to be forced to give abortifascient contraceptives and pills, or be imprisoned if they refuse to give them. Sobra. If people want to use contraceptives, that is their problem. Don't force others to help them get or use it!

    3) That you engaged in a fight with a woman on the internet, something that is a very bakla act, as most istoryans are likely to agree.
    You mean bro your father never argued with your mother? Or you enver argued with your sister? Cmon! So by your thinking, your father was bayut! And so are you!

    Stop this vendetta. You are dirtying up the forums and looking even more stupid.

    Calling the mods! This brat is crapping the thread.

    Yes to freedom!
    NO! NO! NO! to RH bill!

  9. #1509
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That's essentially an ad hominem argument,. You're just making excuses to ignore the facts. If you want to take issue with the evidence, then you must REFUTE the evidence itself. So far you have failed to do so. Miserably.
    It's clear you don't even know what ad hominem is! Make sure you know the meaning of words before stringing them into a sentence, to avoid appearing foolish. Scrutiny and criticism of sources is fair game in any argument, otherwise anyone can just quote from anywhere and expect people to accept as fact whatever was quoted regardless of whether the source is biased, unreliable or corrupted. I'm sure you would rather have things that way, but that is not the way civilized people argue. If you cannot adequately explain why your sources are reliable aside from the fact that they are "on your side" then you are engaging in what is the equivalent of lazy intellectual slumming.

    If that is the kind of argument you want, take it elsewhere. Dili mi ingon-ana nga ka sayon-sayonan diri sa A lot of us here are experienced arguers because in the first place we argue on a whole lot of topics and are not one-track minds obsessed with only one topic. Maybe this is why you expect your opponents to simply accept every source you throw out, you even get defensive when your source is attacked as a TABLOID, which is what it is!

    Actually, YOU are lying. I ANSWERED your silly tabloid obsession in message #1477 ( I noted the story where the Daily Mail was mentioned. Here is what I said:
    I raised it once because I noticed it, then raised it again when you chose to lie instead of deal with it. How is that an obsession? Care to explain? Besides which all the sources sprung from the tabloid, you know what they say that the fruit of the poisoned tree is not fit for eating. Same thing here.

    But it seems that in your crazed anger and prejudice, you actually chose to ignore what was plainly before your eyes. You are losing it. Please call Kahupayan Center. They offer free help for women and chi9ldren in crisis,.
    Give it a rest, old man. It is not anger and prejudice to question the validity of quotes and attack the character of a source. Also why do you keep repeating the Kahupayan Center. You have failed, again and again to explain why I should call them. Is this a sign of senility or are you just grasping for straws because you cannot win an argument fairly? You always do this to all your detractors, that is why you have no support here.

    Speaking of support, I find it unusual that all your supporters, with the exception of wakkanakka have registered only this month. I'm not making accusations ha, if these are bona fide real people and are not dummy accounts, then I will accept your categorical statement that this is so. Just remember that God is watching and he does not like liars. Also, if these are dummy accounts, I will have to say that there should be a latin term for it.. Desperadus Patheticus Closetus Binayotus. So I really hope it is not the case. As I said, your categorical statement to this effect would be sufficient, and if you lie, remember that your honor would be further cheapened.

    Now I am going to wait for you to admit that you are a LIAR. Until you do, I will keep reminding you and your lackeys about your/their lapses in honesty.
    I'll admit I'm a liar as soon as you show exactly where I have lied.. it boggles the mind why you keep insisting your opponents admit to lying when you have not proven that they have. That is just sad, imho.

    You have failed to address any of my concerns in points 1-6 which I outlined above. If you continue to skirt issues or fail to address adequately any of the above I shall be forced to repost everything just to remind you over and over again so you are forced to deal with them.

  10. #1510
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    Scrutiny and criticism of sources is fair game in any argument
    You still must refute the evidence presented. Simply calling a source biased is being just as biased.

    Speaking of support, I find it unusual that all your supporters, with the exception of wakkanakka have registered only this month. I'm not making accusations ha, if these are bona fide real people and are not dummy accounts, then I will accept your categorical statement that this is so.
    I do not make dummy accounts. As far as I am concerned, those who post here are bona fide, real people, although I really have no way of checking if they are. By the way, which "supporters" you are talking about? I don't count "supporters" here. My arguments must stand on their own and are not dependent on a popularity contest. Anyway, there's your categorical statement. You are bound to accept it as promised.

    Now, YOUR account is also relatively new, which makes me also suspect that it is a dummy account. Not that it really matters to me, so I won't bother you further about it. If it were a dummy account, the owner would still have to waste time pretending, so it would be counter-productive for him.

    I'll admit I'm a liar as soon as you show exactly where I have lied.
    Please read the previous post. You claim that I never admitted that the Daily Mail was a tabloid, when in fact I did say it was such in message #1477. Here's the link:

    I think I have now shown that you were lying. An admission and apology is in order.

    Also why do you keep repeating the Kahupayan Center.
    Because I think you need help. This is not a retort, but serious advice. The anger, prejudice, and hatred evident in your posts is indicative of deep-seated problems with religion, handling of disagreement, and latent homosexuality. I am pointing out where you can get good, professional help. I am not a professional counselor.

    Anyway, moving on, since contraception usage leads to more abortions, here's something on contraception.

    Contraception is not the way to fight global warming
    William West | 11 Sep 2009

    A report from the London School of Economics think tank Optimum Population Trust (OPT), arguing that population control would be the cheapest way of fighting global warming, has been rejected by population researchers.

    The President of the Population Research Institute, Stephen W. Mosher, criticised the claim by the OPT that limiting population would be five times cheaper than investing in "green technologies".

    "The idea that people equal pollution dates back to the very beginning of the population control movement in the Sixties," he said. "It wasn't true then, and it isn't true now. Free people equal prosperity, which in turn provides the resources that you need to conserve and protect the natural environment. So these anti-people fanatics have it exactly backwards."


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-26-2009 at 03:37 PM.

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