Gi balik kay samok. xD
So yeah, i mentioned ganina na i will be posting a scan of the movie interview. Well, here it is. It's already scanlated, so yeah.. yay~!
Also, Pash magazine released these pic teasers:
looks like we'll be seeing meido Italy lolololol.
and Ukraine & Belarus (yay~! I love these two <3)
and Poland (in PINK) asjkdfhakfjajkf
I won't include the other scans because they're not a teaser anymore. xD (the latest episodes showed Canada, baby!America, etc already).
And more UK and Sealand, i guess..
Some of his outfits in this page are not yet shown in the anime. So yay~
Particularly, these:
Mmm~ Spy!UK. xDDD
Looks like magician UK will strike again.
Some say that's a teaser for the Halloween comic strip. Hopefully, it will be~ :3
Omake (because China is <3):
Music previews:
America's character song CD will be released some time in November. Here's a preview for his two songs:
Character CD vol. 6 - America
The songs? They're titled 『W・D・C~World Dancing~』 and 『HAMBURGER STREET』
Hetalia Sound World Preview (it's a CD of the show's bgm):
APH - Sound World Preview
Chibitalia and HRE's Marukaite Chikyuu:
YouTube - [APH] Chibitalia and HRE CD preview
You can die of diabetes now. It's too cute.
So yeah, that is all for now. Sorry for the looong post. I just love updates (and sharing them). kthxbai.
credits: and the Hetalia LJ comm. :3
Why did you grow up?
Watch Axis Power Hitalia II here:
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i would feed him pasta every single day. xD
@rhacieboy: uhm, i don't think that's allowed in here. D:
Ka remember man nuon ko sa ga spam sa wui. D:
Mamugos na mu watch ka ani na mga places for your anime.
Guys, ayaw ko ninyo biyai ig Hetalia meet. Kibaw na mo. T_T
Pagdala mo ug WHITE FLAG!!!
Tapos basig mag doodle2 ta para Hetalia banner.
For now, mao ra na ang activities. So yeah..
Hetalia Day, here we come~! :3
Hala. Nahan ko mu apil. : <
Patay. Must buy jud ribbons.
Huhuhu. Dako pa jud chance dili ko maka apas ani.
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