Good Day,
i got a problem, every time i echo a array with 1000 characters in my database, it only shows 250 characters. is mssql_fetch_array() has a maximum length?
heres my code sir:
$sql_retrieve = "SELECT jobid,jobno,datefiled,dateneeded,reqdept,reqdetail ,accincharge,jobstatus,reqdetail2,reqby,reqnotedby ,reqapprovedby,duedate,test FROM tbl_joborder WHERE jobno = '$jobno'";
$result = mssql_query($sql_retrieve);
While($newArray = mssql_fetch_array($result)) {
$reqdetail= nl2br($newArray['reqdetail']); // nl2br(); to text break area
$reqdetail2 = $newArray['reqdetail2'];
$reqby = $newArray['reqby'];
$reqnotedby = $newArray['reqnotedby'];
$reqapprovedby = $newArray['reqapprovedby'];
$duedate = $newArray['duedate'];
$test = $newArray['test'];
in the body:
<?php echo $test; ?>
'1234....250' only
but in my database i have about 1000 characters. have you guys have this problem?
so sample , $test has 1000characters in my database, but when i echo it in my page it only shows 250 characters... is there other way to retrieve the complete data?
i have look in my database the 1000 characters are complete but when retrieving it, it is not complete.