View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1491

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    . . .
    That kind of OBSOLETE thinking went out a long time ago. Overpopulation is a myth.

    But the way, it is obvious you haven't even read the RH/Abortion Bill and the statements by its principal congressional pusher, Edcel Lagman. Because...

    Cong. Lagman clearly stated that the main purpose of his Bill was NOT population control!

    Even your fellow RH/Abortion Bill pusher, Giddyboy, has posted that fact several times on this and other threads.

    Looks like you just shot yourself in the foot there! Hehehehe...


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-21-2009 at 11:43 PM.

  2. #1492
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That kind of OBSOLETE thinking went out a long time ago. Overpopulation is a myth.

    But the way, it is obvious you haven't even read the RH/Abortion Bill and the statements by its principal congressional pusher, Edcel Lagman.

    Cong. Lagman clearly stated that the main purpose of his Bill was NOT population control!

    Even your fellow RH/Abortion Bill pusher giddyboy has posted that fact several times on this and other threads.

    Looks like you just shot yourself in the foot there! Hehehehe...
    he may be the author but.. i dont trust the guy... parehas ra man na sila politiko..just like the church, i dont trust the government either

    whether you admit it or not.. this bill directly links to overpopulation.. dont be stupid.. for political reasons, he is afraid of the church.. hes not dumb you know.

    that is my purpose.. to preach against overpopulation and this RH-BILL is the key.. we from pop-com have been waiting for this.. i do hope you know what pop-com is and what it does?

    Why the hell would they mention anything of recommended number of children if population was not an issue beh? kauban mi amorsolo sa popcom hehe.. i cant stand watching this thread without saying something

    FYI-- reduced ang budget sa popcom run..

    naa ko theory about politics.. i think this cong. lagman is trying to save face.. sa ako nahibalan kay iya district kay majority catholics man daw..

  3. #1493
    Quote Originally Posted by john_dux View Post
    he may be the author but.. i dont trust the guy... parehas ra man na sila politiko..just like the church, i dont trust the government either

    whether you admit it or not.. this bill directly links to overpopulation.. dont be stupid.. for political reasons, he is afraid of the church.. hes not dumb you know.

    that is my purpose.. to preach against overpopulation and this RH-BILL is the key.. we from pop-com have been waiting for this.. i do hope you know what pop-com is and what it does?

    Why the hell would they mention anything of recommended number of children if population was not an issue beh? kauban mi amorsolo sa popcom hehe.. i cant stand watching this thread
    heheh dux! nagwatch pud diay ka dire? ngeeeee...

  4. #1494
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    heheh dux! nagwatch pud diay ka dire? ngeeeee...
    oo oi.. hehehe. nindut nga debate material ni.. init.. naa lang ko wala nasabtan sa imu view bro..

    regarding overpopulation bah.. i have to agree with some points what mannyamador said.. dako bya jud area sa pinas..

    example bro..

    1.) sa province... ang mga tao didtu mohawa kay para moadto sa big cities.. so techincally, mag negative population growth sila? like dumaguete and san carlos city.. also bohol and camotes

    2.) share ko sa imo idea sa church but.. diba active sa popcom ang church before? we get donations baya?


    i agree about the ethics part.. sa ako lang nanotice is. teenage pregnancy? dili man limited to class d or E citizens.. naa bya pud rich and middle class families victim ani (dire ako experience nga part sa popcom.. kana si sir amorsolo, officer na sa ila chapter before.. lahi man gud mi area)..

    ako i blame kay..
    1.) mainstream media
    2.) lack of family guidance
    3.) lack of *** education (sexuality)

  5. #1495
    Quote Originally Posted by john_dux View Post
    1.) sa province... ang mga tao didtu mohawa kay para moadto sa big cities.. so techincally, mag negative population growth sila? like dumaguete and san carlos city.. also bohol and camotes

    2.) share ko sa imo idea sa church but.. diba active sa popcom ang church before? we get donations baya?
    1.) mohawa mga tao sa province kay wala trabaho.. thata a localized overpopulation problem.. too many people with too little jobs.. its simply kay ila infrastructure dili ka support sa ila pop growth,,

    2.) hahaha. active lage pero hatagan man pud directives.. have you notices ngano wala naghatag condoms ang popcom before.. actually naa some districts nanghatag but mostly wala.. sa mindanao kasagari nang distribute ang condoms..
    sa mga central areas like cebu and manila, wala jud naka distribute condoms.. simply because it draw flak sa mga politicians...

    so dux! you with me or not! need backup say YES (na no na hinuon nako gaina, hehehe) to RH bill!
    Last edited by AmorsoloX; 10-22-2009 at 12:28 AM. Reason: i said no isntead of yes

  6. #1496
    definitely dili ko abortion! thats EVIL! naa ko nahibalan girl way back before, victim sa gangrape. frat initiation man daw kuno to.. age 15 ang girl i think that time.. namatay kay nag profuse bleeding.. autopsy kay abortion-attempt daw

    sa RH-bill agree ko but naa ko slight probs with it..

    sakto si mannyamador.. it could promote promiscuisity.. maski condoms are not 100% effective baya.. i dont think effective ni nga program kung wala support from the church.. basta kami sa among popcom chapter kay mga madre amo superiors.. so amo mga materials and procedures kay
    based on the christian teachings.. multi-religion man pud to sa una..

    ang amo gigamit sa education part kay kanang 7 days before and 4 days after nga method..

    i think dapat ang church dili srtonghanded ani.. i think mas effective cguro ang cooperation.. kay kung dili ni supportaan sa church, ma parehas ra ni sa popcom sa una.. mawala taod2x

    i consider a big big big overpopulation a problem... ang mga pobre mas daghan jud anak kay sa mga dato.. knowing well nga dili sila ka supporta..

    i think dapat nato i consider other reasons for unwanted preganancy and uncontrolled sexuallity..
    ako number one culprit kay kanang too sexy media

    -nid help ko as business section

  7. #1497
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Cong. Lagman clearly stated that the main purpose of his Bill was NOT population control!
    murag naglibog ko nimo sir.. by anymeans you mean population control as enforcement? (para nako, enforcement would include possible abortions)

    RH- BILL IS NOT ABORTION BILL EITHER! dont shoot your head!

    hmmm.. (hapit ko na igo sa tiil adto dah. hehehe, tnx dux)

    kung dili ni about sa familly planning and s*x education, how come naa contraceptives? we all know pills wont work agains STDs.. (mao bitaw condom ako gipropose).. the purpose of contraceptives is to prevent the union of sperms and egg...

    i agree pud nga kini si lagman kurog itlog ani sa simbahan.. hapit na baya election.. THINK OF NINOY! kontra siya sa overpopulation!

    ayaw patol anang sa business section.. dilikado sa biz makig away nila..

  8. #1498
    im a former red cross volunteer also in hs.. i remember something about birth control and reproductive health.. dili man ko active adto nga project sa una.. naa mo link or article nga gikan sa redcross bout this?

    maau ng redcross kay wala jud bias...

    no to abortion! everybody has the right to live!


  9. #1499
    Quote Originally Posted by john_dux View Post
    he may be the author but.. i dont trust the guy.
    Neither do I. Lagman was lying, of course, when he said that population control was not the main purpose of the Bill. I'm glad you saw through his smokescreen. He was also lying when he said that the Bill would not promote abortion, because it actually does.

    Why the hell would they mention anything of recommended number of children if population was not an issue beh?
    Like you said, Lagman cannot be trusted. You were correct there. He was lying.

    sa RH-bill agree ko but naa ko slight probs with it
    It's great that you have an open mind. That means there can be a real discussion. Most of the other pro-RH people here are just too fanatical and just want to conduct a smear campaign against the Church.

    I would like to note that there are some sections of the Bill that are GOOD. I would specifically point to section 6 (Midwives for Skilled Attendance) and section 7 (Emergency Obstetric Care) as having good ideas. These two sections just need to be improved because the Bill does NOT provide for proper funding and institutional support for the provisions in these two sections. If this were done and implemented we could significantly lower maternal and child mortality (which are supposed to be two of the objectives of this Bill).

    These good sections of the Bill have been noted by members of the Church. Allow me to quote the "Open Letter of International Catholic Educators to the 14 Ateneo Professors" on this matter:

    Finally, it must be emphasized that there are two sections in the bill that should be applauded and expanded. Both Section 6 and Section 7 call for the expansion of midwives and birth attendants, as well as greater access to obstetric care. Such measures are critical to reducing maternal mortality and making progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, particularly MDG 5 (maternal health) and MDG 4 (infant health). Healthy mothers are the critical factor in assuring infant and child health.[11]

    Unfortunately, these two sections are the weakest in the bill. Most of the reproductive health proposals of the bill are mandatory and supported through financial means, as well as through the creation of new government agencies to assure implementation. Sections 6 and 7 of the Bill, which provide the only concrete health care and services to prevent or eliminate maternal mortality, are not mandatory, and the bill earmarks neither institutional support systems nor finances for their implementation. The POPCOM, which is established in Section 5 to implement and oversee the commitments outlined in the bill, has nine specific areas related to reproductive health and reproductive health services, yet no explicit mention of any responsibility in the area of maternal and ObGyn care. This most important section of the bill - and the only section actually consistent with Catholic social teaching - has been entirely neglected in the allocation of responsibilities to the agency established to oversee its implementation.

    Unfortunately, most of the Bill is really about funding and forcing the distribution of artificial/abortifacient contraceptives and services. There is a growing body of evidence that shows that certain types of contraceptives (such as all hormonal contraceptives and the IUD) can cause an abortion. I have compiled some evidence proving the existence of abortifacient contraceptives at the URL below:

    The Bill, sadly, directly funds these types of abortifacient contraceptives. That is why we properly refer to it as the RH/Abortion Bill.

    Allow me to offer some stuff to think about.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-22-2009 at 01:37 AM.

  10. #1500
    This is good reading!

    NO to RH Bill!

  11.    Advertisement

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