View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1481

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Are you forgetting that you are continually making the accusation of homosexuality and fanaticism? Those are the things you are projecting onto those you hate. Is your hatred affecting your memory too?
    Hahaha wow, so going by your "projection" theory, since you accused me of being a crazy hate-filled extremist who will end up killing someone over my beliefs, that is just you projecting your own insanity unto me right? I'm laughing my ass off at how your stupid logic has blown up in your own face!

    Besides which manny, the kind of people who blow up buildings and kill people are the obsessive, wierdo and closeted religious fundamentalists not the fun-loving pro-premarital s3x party people. Take note of how many incidents like just what you described have occurred where the perpetrator is a baby-monger pro-life "activist" and the victim is an abortion doctor/nurse/patient. There are too many to count.

    Also it's not likely I'd commit such a crime, because I'm a well-adjusted individual who does not have pent-up sexual urges due to not having been touched by a woman for eternity. Isn't it the truth manny, that the crazy loons who kill people over ideology are the abno's, those who are super-obsessed and have a one-track mind? Anyone who reads all your posts will see just how obsessed you have become over this one topic. You hardly ever comment on anything else on but the RH Bill, nor do you hardly ever post anywhere else but on this very thread, and when you do it's still related to the RH Bill somehow! Don't you think that's a little.. I dunno whacko? You even resorted to fighting with a woman poster here, unsay_ngalan_nimo.. isn't it so that only gay people attack women on the internet? Again, toink!

    I'm still waiting for you to prove that I'm a woman hater based on what I've said. Compare what I am advocating to what you are advocating. What you represent is subjugation of women, whom you clearly secretly despise or at least hold in less regard than your crass, one-track morality. So where have I been hate-filled against women, hmm? More crap from the wrinkled bunghole is it?

    The story was carried by Lifesitenews. The primary source of the story was the Guttmacher Institute. See here: Guttmacher Wrong: Legalizing Abortions Yields More, Doesn't Make Them Safer. Neither are tabloids. The latter isn't even a newspaper but a pro-abortion organization. Anyone, of course, can quote them, but that doesn't change the source.
    Not only are you a poor debater, you're a terrible liar as well. Post #1450, emphasis quote yours:

    However, recent news out of England dispels the long-held myth that promoting contraception and birth control reduces the number of abortions.

    According to the London Daily Mail, teen pregnancy rates in England are now higher than they were in 1995 and pregnancies among girls under 16, below the age of sexual consent, are also at the highest level since 1998.
    Liar liar pants on friar!

    What more can one expect from a lackey of the church but more hypocrisy. You make rules that apply to everyone, which you yourself don't follow. Binayot man na bai...

  2. #1482
    malo-uy jd ko sa mga bata nga ipang abort... but mas malu-oy ko sa mga bata nga makit-an sa dalan nga walay mga ginikanan unya bulingit pa jd kaayu...

  3. #1483
    there are people like me who encourage the use of contaceptives because we know nga luoy ang bata iabort and luoy pud pasagdan ra sa kalsada..

    wala maabort kung walay bata nahimo.. so kung dili mo gusto abortion, support the RH-bill. support the use of contraceptives.. support education..

  4. #1484
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    Take note of how many incidents like just what you described have occurred where the perpetrator is a baby-monger pro-life "activist" and the victim is an abortion doctor/nurse/patient.
    I knew math wasn't one of your better skills. There are more violent incidents caused by pro-RH/abortion types than by pro-lifers.

    Human Life International has documented more than 8,519 acts of violence and illegal activities by pro-abortionists. These crimes include: 1,251 homicides and other killings, 157 attempted homicides, 28 arsons and firebombings, 904 assaults, 1,908 *** crimes (including 250 rapes), 106 kidnappings, 420 cases of vandalism, 290 drug crimes, 1,616 medical crimes.

    Your pent-up prejudice and hatred is truly dangerous and it has been manifesting itself in obsessive expressions of vulgarity. Have you called Kahupayan Center? They address problems of women and children in crisis. You should talk to them.

    Liar liar pants on friar!
    Kindergarten shenanigans don't pass for an argument. You know Kahupayan Center's number now. Call them.

    After handling yet another childish rant from the peanut gallery, let's get back on topic

    Experts: RH bill doesn't address reproductive health problems

    MANILA, November 22, 2008—The controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill now being deliberated in Philippine Congress does not address “reproductive health problems,” say bioethics experts.

    “We commend efforts to improve the quality of life of the Filipino people. We agree that there is a need to address the present problems in reproductive health. This bill (An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population Development and for other purpose of House Bill No. 5043), however does not address these problems in a holistic manner. It focuses mainly on pregnancy prevention,” said a group of bioethics groups of the country in a press statement.

    The press statement titled, “Consensus statement on Reproductive Bill 5043) was signed and approved by Southeast Asian Center for Bioethics represented by Fr. Fausto B. Gomez, OP, president and Angeles T. Alora, MD, executive director; Edna Monzon, MD, president of Catholic Physicians’ Guild of the Philippines and chairman of Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Dominican-run University of Santo Tomas (UST), Mayumi Bismark, MD president of Bioethics Society of the Philippines, and Mrs. Lucia V. Soltes, Catholic Nurses Guild of the Philippines.

    Bioethics is the philosophical study of the ethical controversies brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethicists are concerned with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, philosophy, and theology.

    The "consensus position paper on RH bill" reflects the Catholic teachings of the Church, current theological trends and bioethics principles, said Father Gomez, professor of bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of UST, the oldest univeristy in Asia.

    The RH Bill 5043, which is in substitution to House Bill Nos. 17, 812, 2753 and 3970, were introduced during the first regular session of the 14th Congress by Edcel C. Lagman, Janettte L. Garin, Narciso D. Santiago III, Mark Llandro Mendoza, Ana Theresia Hontiveros-Baraquel and Elandro Jesus F. Madrona.

    Population control is a highly politicized issue in the country, where more than 80 percent of the 90 million population are Catholics.

    “We commend efforts to involve different sectors of society,” said the statement which was issued after lengthy deliberations of a colloquium held on November 14, 2008.

    The RH bill seeks to establish a national family planning program that would include *** education and use of on birth control, which the Catholic Church considers "immoral." The Church has objected on any artificial form of birth control and has been waging a strong campaign to block the passage of the bill.

    With regard to family planning, the group of experts on bioethics said, “The family planning agenda should use natural rather than artificial methods.”

    “Sex education is an important part in the integral development of the child. The responsibility lies first with the parents. Their role should be stressed. It should also involve the school with teachers who should be educated. The absence of content regarding values in the way *** education is taught gives an impression that there is no universal value, human sexuality, not *** education, should be taught,” said the bioethics groups that comprised of medical doctors, nurses, health professionals and teachers of health sciences and others.

    They (bioethics groups) further reiterated saying, “The (RH) program should provide information and definitions which are accurate and free of contradictions: the antiabortion stance of the bill is contraindicated by the promotion of contractive agents (IUD and hormonal contraceptives) which actually act after fertilization and are potentially abortificient agents.”

    “Clinical decisions,” as permeated by RH, “cannot be mandated (in the need refusing to refer patients to family planning services based on conscientious objection is penalized) but must be left to the informed conscience of the health practitioner,” the statement said.

    “Human freedom is a universal right. Health professionals and educators should be free to conscientiously object without fear of penalty and sanction,” the statement stressed.

    International aid agencies and economists have supported the RH bill saying it is crucial if the Philippines is to curb its annual population growth rate of 2.04 percent, one of Asia's highest.

    “We are all of the same intention in protecting the mother during her reproductive years but we must also consider the rights of others involved: specifically the unborn and those tasked with their care,” the statement said.

    “In the pursuit of the authentic common good, let us appreciate the obligation to ensure that no other aims or goals, no matter how pressing, obscure or overshadow our value of and respect for life and the dignities of person and family,” the press note said.

    “The bill should be re-shaped into a fully comprehensive RH bill after all the voices are heard,” the bioethics teachers and practitioners said.

    Many points of RH Bill such national agenda policy to control population, use of contraceptives, and *** education provisions go against established church doctrine and puts the social fabric of the mainly Catholic Philippines in peril, according to Fr Melvin Castro, executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).

    "We can't simply follow what the world wants us to do," the priest said in a separate press briefing.

    The Church hopes it has adequate support in Congress to defeat the RH bill promoting *** education and the use of contraceptives.

    "The bishops are confident they have the numbers," said Maria Fenny Tatad, executive director of the church lobby group Bishops-Legislators Caucus of the Philippines.

    Meanwhile, despite its tough campaign against the RH bill, CBCP has said that it will not take the battle against the bill to the streets.

    CBCP Family Life Executive Secretary Fr. Melvin Castro said that instead of holding mass protests, they want to dialogue the issue with the lawmakers who authored the bill.

    "We are not contemplating of any mass actions or mass protests because we view that it's not necessary," he said. (Santosh Digal)

    "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want." -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta
    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1485
    cge ra mo hisgot math pero all you discuss are unverifiable statistics... kinsa man motoo anang hot air...

    di man gani mo katubag aha mas barato.. ang 20pesos nga condom o ang 200 pesos nga gatas sa bata..

  6. #1486
    bogo na jud mga tao dire kung magpatoo pa sila sa lies sa catholic church..

    kita ra man tana katoliko sa asia.. pero isa ta sa pinakapobre... tsk tsk tsk...

    kung naa problema anang abortafacients, mas maau pa cguro nga mo suggest sila og alternative drugs or something.. instead of cancelling the whole RH-bill..

    mas gusto ang mga catholic priests nga daghan pobre.. nindut man ng pobre kay saun ra ilad2xon..

    the catholic church is not no way the universal truth.. it is no way the moral authority... it is the one corrupting the minds of the filipino people.. the catholic church is more interested on proving its influence over politics.. it has no genuine interest on the RH-bill..

    kung gusto mo dili magpa-abort.. ayaw ka buntis.. mao bitaw gi imbinto ang condom... tsk tsk tsk..

    the RH-bill is about addressing overpopulation... not abortion...

    over exageration lang ang mga pari...

  7. #1487
    Experts: RH bill doesn't address reproductive health problems

    this article is prepared by the church with all its biases and quarter of truths..
    another propaganda by the idiotic bishops running the church..

    the bishops of the catholic church are using misleading information to distort the facts... the primary purpose of the rh-bill is addressing overpopulation..

    (sowi kung ako gi large.. para dili lang boring.. hehehe para pud klaro ang storya)

  8. #1488
    Calling the bishops names and cursing them does NOT prove your point. It only makes you look childish. It is a clear indication that you have no evidence or rational arguments.

    Let's keep in mind that HB 5043 (Lagman's RH/Abortion Bill) is really a way to SNEAK IN ABORTION INTO THE PHILIPPINES.

    It does this by explicitly funding ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES. It also FORCES persons to distribute artificial/abortifacient contraceptives. These are done through section 9 (Hospital-Based Family Planning), section 10 (Contraceptives as Essential Medicines), section. 13 (Additional Duty of Family Planning 0ffice), section 17 (Employers’ Responsibilities), section 21 (Prohibited Acts), section 22 (Penalties), and section 23 (Appropriations) of the proposed Bill.

    Overpopulation is a myth. People produce more than they consume if allowed to. The real barriers to greater productivity (and causes of poverty) are:

    1. massive, widepread corruption
    2. Greed
    3. Injustice and unjust socio0-economic structures
    4. Economic mismanagement
    5. Indiscriminate debt servicing
    6. Bad governance
    7. War

    The RH/Abortion Bill will NOT address these causes. It will just waste resources addressing a non-problem, and will allow the real causes of poverty to continue.

    Reproductive Health Bill Misses the Point
    PUBLISHED ON March 31, 2009 AT 10:21 PM ·
    By Council for Health and Development

    Various arguments regarding House Bill 5043 otherwise known as the Reproductive Health Bill center on whether population control will actually alleviate poverty or whether the bill is moral or immoral. But community-based health programs say the proposed law misses the point.

    Over population?

    According to the National Statistics Office (NSO), there are three babies born every minute, almost two thousand in an hour, and almost four-thousand every day. This year, the NSO projects the population to balloon at 92.23-million making it one of the most populous countries in Asia. On the other hand, population density is 277 per square kilometer while the gross domestic product per capita is $3,400

    In an online article by Emil Jurado, a columnist in the Manila Standard Today, he cited fifty other countries which have a much lower density whose per capita is also much lower. There are also thirty-six countries which are more densely populated, yet their GDP per capital is also much higher. He argued that all these simply mean that the few are not at all richer, and the many are not always poorer.

    . . .

    Wrong priorities

    . . .

    Recently, the P1.414-trillion 2009 national budget was approved by Malacañang. Simply put, the government has allotted each of the more than 90-million Filipinos with a P15,331 budget for year 2009 or a meager P42 per day.

    Instead of beefing up funds for social services, the government allotted P252-billion for debt service. Originally, the amount for debt servicing was cut by Congress from P 252 billion to P 202 billion, but Mrs. Arroyo’s veto restored the original amount for debt servicing. The Department of National Defense (DND) on the other hand will receive P56.5-billion, as funding for highly questionable wars and military spending.

    In contrast, government agencies who are expected to provide basic social services like the Department of Health (DoH) received a measly P27.9-billion. Meanwhile, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) was allotted P10.5-billion (177% increase from last year’s allocation of P4.8-billion). However, bulk of the budget will be given away to dole-out programs such as donations and subsidies.

    Beyond numbers

    In a statement, Council for Health and Development (CHD) expressed that the issue of poverty should be viewed beyond the issue of an oversized population.

    It is time to kill this dangerous and anti-democratic Bill!


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  9. #1489

    tanawa ang conditions sa squatters and count the number of children per family

    aha mas saun buhion.. 2 or 3 children o 5+ children?

    (sa mga naa anak, kabalo ta unsa kalisod magbuhi bata)

  10. #1490
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    In a statement, Council for Health and Development (CHD) expressed that the issue of poverty should be viewed beyond the issue of an oversized population.
    It is time to kill this dangerous and anti-democratic Bill!
    before viewing beyond, look under your feet... laau ra kaau imu pananaw..

    to kill this-undemocratic bill?

    may i remind you that the catholic church is not a democratic institution. the congregation has no power to select their priests and church officers.. might as well kill this one coz it aint democratic.. and you may kill the commies too coz their not democratic..

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