i am using MS Access 2003 - .mdb
i have a project its a Simple Supply Chain Database
when a company is selected it displays Company Infos, Suppliers & Customers
here is my database design: *feel free to improve it if needed*
is making UI with access limited? i want to make all my UI with just access
i used the form wizard and ended up with this sample
but i want the UI to come out like this
but the values are unbound since i made this manually
how do i bind them? or is that binding easier in code?
how can i make it that when i open the mdb file ONLY MYFORMS WILL LOAD? and wla to ang sa access nga UI
i hope understandable ra ako pgHimo sa thread... really do need help
ug kana sd DAO, ADO, JET... unsa na cla? kani ako giHimo asa ni xa ana nila?