Your understanding is not deep. It has a psychological meaning. If you don't get what it means your level of understanding is not that sharp.
You have still an employement mindset based on what you have just replied.
It is just a very simple example and yes everybody even grade one can answer that but reality speaking most people are more into A.
Yeah it is very simple but It could kill your finances.
Last edited by lorenzoleo; 10-18-2009 at 08:19 AM.
hehehe.. i like your trick question.. hehehe
1m per year income - 200k monthly expense
200k (12) - 1m = 1.4 pretty sure wala sila kapansin ani.. hehehe
daghan bitaw jud ordinary employees di ka tubag sakto ani.. hehehehe
im pretty sure somebody answered A.. (maau nlang wala sila ni post ila answer)
OT naman ni, the topic is "Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job".
Prove it!
Nganu man kaingon ang TS ani? Tungod sa:
Which I think is really false. Like what silverado said, these business men are driven by profit. kung kaya palang cguro na nila sila ra mubuhat tanan arun wala sila sweldohanan sila cguro mubuhat ana. pero no choice, kailangan gyud sila mu hire.You know what in reality these successful business person are making a self less act in order to build a big business so that it could give livelihood to most people
So nganu man nakaingon man mu nga ANY BUSINESS IS BETTER THAN YOUR CALL CENTER JOB? Mura man og nilabas nga worse job na gyud ang nag work sa call center.
Wala cguro ni answer sa question kay obvious naman kaayo ang tubag and wala naman nay labot sa topic. how can answering that question prove than ANY BUSINESS IS BETTER THAN YOUR CALL CENTER JOB?
Your REALITY, doesn't include me... i'm way above that, I look at it as a mathematical problem totally detached from any emotions, I don't consider it as a trick question either. one look at the problem i already knew how to attack it.
Psychological? here's for your satisfaction ----> I don't spend more than what I earn.
why cant people just humbly admit that somehow this post is offshoot, insensitive, and had the wrong thread/topic for the intention of a right message (going to business, going out of the comfort zone, etc etc.). . .
protagonists of this thread really didnt answer the question of Hot ice...a lot of things have been said..but right things at the wrong thread is still wrong coz its OT..doesnt answer the thread at all...its like answering 1+ 1 = sun is the center of the solar system...
looking down on people,questioning peoples maturity, racist comments, and arrogance is NEVER a key in business.. a GOOD and MATURE businessman always knows that business is about NETWORK and RELATIONSHIPS.....
happy sunday to all...
So LORENZOLEO is wrong when he said "businessmen don't complain" <-- this is by the way, a general statement... admit it, he is wrong.
what you/he meant was, it doesn't matter how much it cost a businessman as long as it drive up profit, then its OK. BUT if a wastage, unnecessary cost then of course businessmen complain... ----> LORENZOLEO, this is how you put your comment next time.. don't just blahblah without understanding the implications or you'll get burn here.
I always thought businessman are very cautious breed... start acting as one.
NO, but i'm going there.
I have something for you, amorsolox and the rest of the so called businessmen here to ponder on...
How many call center agent are active members of istorya? I bet there are a lot, after all we are the "in" thing now. How many call center agents bothers to enter and participate this topic "BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS"? my guess is the same as yours, ONLY A HANDFUL.
We painstakingly read comment in the hopes that this will give us insights, tips, advises and most of all business opportunities.... Call center employees and regular employees who regularly come to this topic have some sort of business acumen, the sense of urgency, knows value of business...AGAIN YOU ARE WRONG THAT WE HAVE AN EMPLOYEE MINDSET!!!
AND MOST OF ALL YOU ARE INSULTING THE WRONG SET OF EMPLOYEES... why? ok i'll explain for your satisfaction.. employees who don't like to go into business don't bother coming here and reading this topic and i like to believe that they are the ones you targeted.
This kind of mathematical problem makes me yawn... you don't have to simplify it, its VERY SIMPLE. i was really shocked why you bothered to put solution to it.
if it had been a differential equations, i would squeeze my brains out and i admit i hate differential equations. but this kind? its peanuts.
Again, does answering that question prove that "ANY BUSINESS IS BETTER THAN ANY CALL CENTER JOB"? Beside, if the person who posted that question wanted to air out an idea, try creating a new thread instead.
I for one used surplus of my salary to add to the capital of our start up family business. I can't imagine how I would have been able to do that if I were paid lesser. Admit it, you are wrong to say that call center agents are paid higher compared to other employees.
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