View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1411

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    thats great.. and i hope all women think that way.. dapat pud tanan babae mag ingat2x anang biga2x.. immoral jud kaau kung sukian ang abortionist tungod kay bigaon ang babae..

    some for medical but some are forced do it for financial reasons... they have their reasons.. it would be evil of us to judge them.. (pero naa jud uban nga tanga and bigaon)

    those who are responsible life-givers are also responsible when it comes to family planning.. dapat educate ang mga tawo about responsible sexuality para dili na kinhanlanon magpa abort.. para pud healthy si baby paggawas..
    sakto gyud..

  2. #1412
    no to abortion. yes to education... educate everyone about family planning oi. pataka lng gd na og bilangkad ang uban dinha not knowing the up coming crises kng ma tao na ang bata. in the end, luoy ang bata... luoy ang pinas! hahaiz...

  3. #1413
    Manny Amador is 50 years old or older, has never had a girlfriend, is a virgin, and is unmarried.

    It's no wonder he thinks overpopulation is a myth! If every single pinoy were gay, a virgin and unmarried, then we certainly wouldn't have an overpopulation problem, in fact, we'd have a population shrinking problem!

    The solution to overpopulation is obviously not the RH bill or contraception, but to find a way to turn every Filipino male into a Manny Amador! Then all our problems will be solved, as every single male would be a sanctimonious, self-righteous, religious lunatic who is a deep closeted homo who hides his gayness by covering himself with the absolutist mantle of religiosity that would make even Mother Theresa blink.

  4. #1414
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    Manny Amador is 50 years old or older, has never had a girlfriend, is a virgin, and is unmarried.

    It's no wonder he thinks overpopulation is a myth! If every single pinoy were gay, a virgin and unmarried, then we certainly wouldn't have an overpopulation problem, in fact, we'd have a population shrinking problem!

    The solution to overpopulation is obviously not the RH bill or contraception, but to find a way to turn every Filipino male into a Manny Amador! Then all our problems will be solved, as every single male would be a sanctimonious, self-righteous, religious lunatic who is a deep closeted homo who hides his gayness by covering himself with the absolutist mantle of religiosity that would make even Mother Theresa blink.
    hahaha. ahaka gyud nimo oi. u never changed a bit.

  5. #1415
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    Manny Amador is 50 years old or older, has never had a girlfriend, is a virgin, and is unmarried.

    It's no wonder he thinks overpopulation is a myth! If every single pinoy were gay, a virgin and unmarried, then we certainly wouldn't have an overpopulation problem, in fact, we'd have a population shrinking problem!

    The solution to overpopulation is obviously not the RH bill or contraception, but to find a way to turn every Filipino male into a Manny Amador! Then all our problems will be solved, as every single male would be a sanctimonious, self-righteous, religious lunatic who is a deep closeted homo who hides his gayness by covering himself with the absolutist mantle of religiosity that would make even Mother Theresa blink.
    LOL... kaila diay mo? Puwede nato ni siya ipadala sa Simala para di na siya mag sige ug post diri?

  6. #1416
    OMG!...I was rolling around on the floor after reading that.


  7. #1417
    hahahahaha.. mao diay bitter kaau ni sya when it comes to S*X.. hahahah

    sa wa lang katilaw... or sa di kamao

  8. #1418
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    wui.. i found a very interesting topic.. pinas jud ni
    Overpopulation in Manila, the Philippines
    The article makes claims about overpopulation, but provides NO PROOF whatsoever that population factors actually cause poverty.

    For example, claiming that "overpopulation and poverty go hand in hand" does not show that the first factor causes the second. There could be other intervening factors that actually cause poverty, with "overpopulation" merely being incidental. The way to prove that overpopulation is the cause is to eliminate the other possible causes, and overpopulation logically become the "cause" by default . But the article has failed to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by raski
    Manny Amador is 50 years old or older, has never had a girlfriend...
    This is the kind of ignorant post made by someone whop has never learned to do any research. Why anyone should listen to Raski -- a hate-filled fanatic -- is beyond me. Even others on this board who barely know me can at least get my age right. This guy can't even do that. Not that such information would contribute to an intelligent discussion anyway, but apparently such meaningful discussion is beyond him as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    some for medical but some are forced do it for financial reasons... they have their reasons.. it would be evil of us to judge them..
    This is a self-contradictory statement. If it is "evil" for us to judge teh murder of innocent children, then how can we judge this judgement as evil? If you claim we cannot judge, then we should not judge at all, which means your statement -- which is in itself a judgement -- is false. Simple logic.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-15-2009 at 07:44 PM.

  9. #1419
    manny, please read the article.. clearly wala nimu gi basa ang family with 7 children..
    and i expected you to be a smart person...

    kung wala pa jud ka kasabot unsa definition as poverty, god,, your hopeless..

    killing is not evil unless people say it is.. its just like calling a soldier evil just because he killed a terrorist in battle..

    looking beyond good and evil

  10. #1420
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post

    The Santo Niño slums are home to thousands of these families. Among them are Bhong Esponilla, 33, and his wife, Charito Esponilla, 33, and their seven children. All of them live together in a tiny four-by-four meter home built with scrap pieces of wood and stone and a large wax tablecloth. There is just enough room for the entire family to lie down and sleep at night.

    According to the United Nations development program UNDP, overpopulation and poverty often go hand-in-hand. The poorest families are the ones who have the most children and subsequently have to support more people with fewer resources. Before they even reach adolescence, the children are doomed to a life of hereditary poverty.

    Charito Esponilla’s dream is to give her children an education. That is what his neighbour, with only two children has done. But the Esponilla family can’t afford to send their children to school. As it is, they have a hard time making ends meet and when the family runs out of money, they are forced to live on the charity of neighbours.

    The poorest social groups are incredibly ignorant. They don’t even know how a woman becomes pregnant. Some of them believe they are infertile while they are still breast-feeding their new-borns and others have never even heard of prevention or contraceptives. Others still are terrified of unknown side effects. That’s why women keep having more children, even though they neither want to nor have the economic means to provide for them.”

    FACT-BOX: Overpopulation in the Philippines
    The Philippines are a series of islands in South East Asia. The population is primarily made up of Roman Catholics and is led by the publicly elected president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. She has admitted to personally using birth-control pills earlier in her life, but refuses to recommend the use of contraceptives.
    The country is a former American colony and is still has close ties to the USA.
    The Philippines has a population of approximately 90 million, with more than 11 million living in the capital of Manila.
    The Philippines is the 12th most populated country in the world.
    In 1970, the government realised it had to act to slow population growth and launched the Philippines Population Program (POPCOM) and later the National Family Planning Program. Critics complain that the programs are no longer a government priority and have lost their effectiveness and are calling for a revitalised attempt to control overpopulation.
    There is no sexual education in public schools. Most people have little knowledge about pregnancy and prevention.
    The Catholic Church in the Philippines preaches against abortion and all forms of contraception and family planning programs.
    Abortion is illegal in the Philippines, yet it is estimated that every year more than 400,000 illegal abortions are performed.
    Poverty and overpopulation are closely connected. Poor families often have the most children.
    In the next 30 years, the population of the world’s cities is expected to triple. In the next 15 years, 18 of the world’s 27 mega-cities (more than 10 million inhabitants) will be in Asia, where half of the residents live in slum-like conditions.

    Sources: CIA, UN/ UNDP, World Bank, POPCOM.
    repost lang nako and ako gi shorten.. para sa mga tao ng dili ganahan or tapulan mo basa..

    i hope naka pansin mo anang POVERTY AND OVERPOPULATION ARE CLOSELY CONNECTED.. poor families often have the most children..

    - kung wa pa ka kasabot unsa meaning ana nga line sir manny, ill start to doubt the capacity of your comprehension abilities..

    the reason nga naa ta overpopulation because the church is being an idiot.. numbers dont lie..

    aha mas nanginhanlan daghan kwarta para supportaan? ang seven children or ang 2 children?

  11.    Advertisement

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