View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1371

    More on how the pro-RH fanatics are sneaking in abortion through various means (HB 5043, the RH/Abortion Bill, is just one of those means) and how the Church and committed pro-lifers are speaking out to protect the unborn.

    Child rights convention protects unborn says Holy See

    This past week in Geneva, the Holy See joined with pro-life groups to assert that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child protects unborn children.

    Tune in, below, to Pat Buckley speaking from Geneva about the rights of unborn children in international law. Pat was in Geneva, on behalf of SPUC, participating in the United Nations’ launch of the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Pat reports:

    “This was the first direct possibility we have had of challenging the fact that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is being improperly interpreted as commencing at birth, whereas it sets out in the preamble that the child needs special safeguards and care including legal protection before as well as after birth.

    “I attended a working group on discrimination against children at which Bruce Abramson, a Geneva-based human rights lawyer, spoke about his paper, prepared for the 20th anniversary CRC celebrations, Whose Human Dignity? Whose Human Rights? Discrimination against children in the pre-natal period of life. ‘The rights of children in the pre-natal period of life are the single biggest challenge to the children’s rights movement’ Bruce Abramson’s paper says.

    “I intervened too, reminding the meeting that discrimination against the unborn child represented the gravest level of discrimination against children and that, according to WHO statistics, there are 42 million abortions annually. I said that the preamble to the convention states that ‘the child by reason of his physical and mental immaturity needs special safeguards and care before as well as after birth’ and that this recognition of the existence of the child before birth was continued in Article 1 where the word child is defined as being every human being under the age of 18.

    “I pointed out that one of the panellists had listed the areas of non discrimination in article 2 but had excluded the fact that birth is part of that list and that there should be no discrimination by virtue of birth or other status. I continued that article 6 says that every child has the inherent right to life.

    “I also said that politically correct ideologies have been adopted by many governments and are hostile to unborn life and had to be confronted. The convention had to be interpreted in the manner it was intended and this is supportive of unborn life.

    “Fr Victor Ghio then addressed the meeting on behalf of the Holy See. He reinforced the points made by Bruce Abramson and myself. He also made the point that Article 24, the right to health, which calls for prenatal care, refers to the child and not tothe mother as the Convention on the Rights of the Child is focused on the child.”

    Video of Pat Buckley:

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  2. #1372
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    Wromg. He had goons to help him take over the government years before the war. He used force way before 1939. Can't you get your history straight?
    kay ang church walay goons? atleast kang hitler you know kinsa kahadlokan.. and their not wearing holy cloth.. hahaha

    these church fanatics sure do talk a lot of talk but have little else to do something productive..

    mga bishops nato puro power-hungry and vain.. mag apil2x pa jud sa politics.. tsk3x

    who's the smart person that would believe on someone qouting the bible and unverifiable statistics.. nobody believes on hot air like that..

    kung serious jud ni ang simbahan sa ila pro-life stand. dapat willing sila mo dawat sa tanan unexpected children.. and dapat hatagan nila quality education and food.. pero how come gamay ra kaau budget allocated ani.. aha man diay padulong ato mga love offerings

    maau ra simbahan sa storya.. puro porma, wala diay ika-buga.. tsktsk

  3. #1373
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    kung serious jud ni ang simbahan sa ila pro-life stand. dapat willing sila mo dawat sa tanan unexpected children.. and dapat hatagan nila quality education and food.. pero how come gamay ra kaau budget allocated ani.. aha man diay padulong ato mga love offerings

    maau ra simbahan sa storya.. puro porma, wala diay ika-buga.. tsktsk
    preha jd ta og pangutana bro. hahaiz...

  4. #1374
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Kindly read the Philippine Constitution, Section II, Article 12. They DO have existing rights that are protected under our Constitution. Do your homework.
    ah yes, the philippine constitution that was merely copy-pasted from the american constitution. the infamous provision that has been overly used by the patriarchal church to enslave women i.e existing thought processing human beings for the sake of unborn non-thought processing fetuses. the patriarchal church the just like hitler.

    even with this provision, it still doesnt change the fact that you are still relegating women -- existing thought processing human beings for the sake of unborn non-thought processing fetuses.

    this law will eventually be changed. women are marching. women's voices are being are heard. women's bodies are women's rights. it is nobody else's business, let alone a patriarchal church's business.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    I suggest you go back to your lessons in logic. An analogy is NOT the same as a similarity. An analogy is done to show that the LOGIC is the same. The subjects, however are different. A similarity -- in the sense that you are using it here -- is when the subjects are the same in some way. Like I said: do your homework.
    excuses. it still doesnt change the fact that you see women as objects, objects to be used for your “analogy of logic”. women are existing human beings. Oh wait, now I see it, you dont actually see women as equal human beings. but rather as objects and things to be used. so this is the foundation of your campaign? this is the reason all along that you are very quick to relegate women for the sake of unborn non-thought processing fetuses. you don not see women as equal human beings.

    so you are still in fact living in the “world is flat era”. sorry to burst your bubble but women are existing human beings. women have equal rights with men. women's bodies are women's rights. it is nobody else's business, let alone a man's business.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Well said sir! We must remember that Jesus told us not to judge PERSONS, but He allowed us to judge ACTIONS and BELIEFS. There is a huge difference.Actions and beliefs can be objectively right or wrong. We must use our judgement and evaluate actions and beliefs or else we will be totally unable to live moral lives at all.
    how high and mighty of you to be allowed to judge the actions and beliefs of other based on what you think is right and wrong. who appointed you to be the ultimate guardian of what is right and wrong in the first place? If jesus were alive today, he wouldnt even recognize the brand of christianity that you keep wavering under his name.

  5. #1375
    Quote Originally Posted by moving View Post
    ah yes, the philippine constitution that was merely copy-pasted from the american constitution.
    Anything wrong with that? And in cased you haven't read the 1987 Constitution, it is substantially different from the U.S. Constitution in many parts. You sound like you're still living in the era of the 1935 Constitution! Get to the 21st century.

    the infamous provision that has been overly used by the patriarchal church to enslave women i.e existing thought processing human beings for the sake of unborn non-thought processing fetuses. the patriarchal church the just like hitler
    You can't seem to tell the difference between moral persuasion and the use of armed force. That indicates that you have really serious thought-processing problems.

    even with this provision, it still doesnt change the fact that you are still relegating women -- existing thought processing human beings for the sake of unborn non-thought processing fetuses.
    Existence of though processing does not determine humanity. Animals are capable of though processing too. Does that now make them equal to women? Your logic is absurd.

    The bottom line is that you have NOT been able to give any reason why the unborn should be denied human rights. Each and every one of the distinctions you have used to justify their murder have been found to lead to absurd conclusions (reductio ad absurdum -- look it up)

    Of course that is all irrelevant to this issue. The Philippine Constitution determines who has rights in this country, not you. And that Constitution has determined that the unborn have rights. All your self-righteous histrionics won't change that. Stop trying to impose your selfish morality on everyone else who is governed by the Constitution.

    women's bodies are women's rights. it is nobody else's business
    The bodies of innocent children are NOT owned by women. They are persons with their own rights. All your sloganeering won't change that.

    it still doesnt change the fact that you see women as objects, objects to be used for your “analogy of logic”.
    On the contrary, YOU see women only as bodies, to be used as a means to destroy innocent children. Perhaps you ought to form your own Nazi party to promote your murderous ideology.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  6. #1376
    While I disagree somewhat with the author when he says HB 5043 is not YET an abortion bill, he does say that it is the launching pad for one (different characterization of the same thing, actually). The rest of what he says about the Bill in this article, however, is quite correct.

    The RH Bill: Could it win the presidency?
    The RH Bill: Could it win the presidency? - SHOOTING STRAIGHT By Bobit S. Avila | The Philippine Star >> News >> Nation

    While it is not yet an abortion bill, the RH Bill is undoubtedly the launching pad for one! The RH Bill has been proposed and supported by many economists simply because of their simple equation that a nation with a lesser population would end up having rich citizens. What these economists don’t tell you is that, those nations that supported similar laws, have ended up reducing their populations to zero growth. Hence the populations of countries like Japan or Singapore are now aging and spending millions asking their people to produce babies! What is worrisome for these nations is it would take two generations for the population to rise up again!

    There is no question that the population of the Philippines has grown by leaps and bounds, but no one has told you that our population growth has actually slowed down. Today we have become the world’s number one supplier of employees worldwide, thanks to ugly politics, because there are no jobs to be had in this country, hence Filipinos seek job opportunities outside and though they are separated from their families, they are actually better off than being home in the Philippines!

    I just came from Dubai and I had a first-hand look of Filipinos working and making a living in that city. Many Filipinos are working as chambermaids, room boys, front desk staff, sales and marketing not just in hotels but in many other businesses. It is a fact that many Filipinos with better jobs bring their entire families to Dubai, yes including their maids because after work, they have a nice house to come home to. Chances are these people live in less than middle class communities or worse in shanty communities.

    So the bottom line really is, our problem is not a raging population growth which the RH Bill is supposed to arrest, but rather it is the monies earmarked for the education of our poor people have found its way into the deep pockets of ugly politicians who stuff themselves with our tax money, making government service like a family business. So whether they like it or not, the support of the Catholic Church is very important, if not crucial to these elections. They may brush off the so-called “Catholic vote” but in a tight race, those votes would certainly count!



    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1377
    Growing debate over abortifacients:
    Abortifacients, drugs or agents that cause an abortion, are commonly sold to women who think they are getting substances that prevent conception altogether.

    Generally speaking, the average American, whether pro-life or pro-abortion, is aware that the number of abortions committed in this country is in the millions. Both the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), an arm of Planned Parenthood (PP), keep count by directly surveying doctors and clinics for the data each year. According to records they've compiled since 1967, when some individual states decriminalized abortion, an estimated 46 million surgical abortions have taken place in the United States. That's an average of 1.3 million innocent lives terminated per year.

    AGI reports that the number of abortions has been decreasing in recent years, from 1.36 million in 1996 to 1.29 million by 2002, with that trend continuing downward through 2005. However, these numbers don't account for chemically induced, sometimes called medically induced, abortions, which are now on the rise.

    Whether termed "abortifacients," "emergency contraceptives," or the "morning after pill," these are drugs designed to prohibit a newly conceived child from implanting in the womb for nourishment and are now widely available, with statistical use largely unreported. RU-486 (Mifepriston), methotrexate, and the Intra-uterine Device (IUD) all prevent the fertilized embryo's implantation, with Mifepriston and methotrexate also causing the fetus to be expelled. Some injections produce the same effect. The World Health Organization's newest "vaccines" make a woman's immune system attack and destroy her own baby.

    But the main abortion-inducing drug just may be birth control pills (BCPs). Experts in the fields of pharmacy, biology, gynecology, and obstetrics have come to the conclusion that today's hormonal contraceptives not only possess their contraceptive properties but have potential abortifacient mechanisms that can kick in when the contraceptive mechanism fails. Though these claims are backed up with scientific evidence, contraceptive users may be innocently ignorant about the true properties of these substances.

    Read the entire article at:

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  8. #1378
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Growing debate over abortifacients:
    Abortifacients, drugs or agents that cause an abortion, are commonly sold to women who think they are getting substances that prevent conception altogether.
    ahm... whats the point.. all i see here is women who dont want to become pregnant.. if gusto jud nila magka baby, then why pa man sila mo gamit mga ana.. kung gusto jud nila magpa abort.. mangita jud sila ana...

    you might as well propose to ban condoms.

    we should not judge them.. its their body,its their life, its their choice.. as long as it is inside their body.. it is their jurisdiction.. they reserve the right to either give birth or deny birth..

    hilabtonon kaau ni simbahan oi.. hilabtan pa jud sulod sa lawas sa babae..

    as long as it (embryo) depends on the mother for air, nourishment, and wala own conciousness and is currently inside and attached to the mother.. its part of her body... if you will say na it is independent.. try taking it out daw and see what happens

    now before you said what if comatose ko and magdepend nlang ko on artificial means to keep on living.. i must say that i will want to use my right to die.. sooner or later i will have to face my maker.. so why prolong the my agony and that of my family..

  9. #1379
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    So the bottom line really is, our problem is not a raging population growth which the RH Bill is supposed to arrest, but rather it is the monies earmarked for the education of our poor people have found its way into the deep pockets of ugly politicians who stuff themselves with our tax money, making government service like a family business. So whether they like it or not, the support of the Catholic Church is very important, if not crucial to these elections. They may brush off the so-called “Catholic vote” but in a tight race, those votes would certainly count!

    see!? thats what i mean.. we are corrupted by the catholic church! the church is bullying our politicians... the ideologies of the church doesnt apply to everyone. not all are catholic.. not all catholic same the views of the bishops. kining pag oppose sa RH-bill is just a political move by the church to exert its influence.. wala jud interest ang mga bishops ani.. mas interested sila sa ila power ma gain...

    maau kaau ang simbahan mo ingon nga bad ni ang RH-BILL.. pila ra pag-gamit sa words from the bible.. mga tao, uto2x ghapon.. hinuon i wont blame them.. kinsa ba di mokurog ang *tlog sultian nga kalaban nimu si GOD kung mo support ka sa RH-bill.

  10. #1380
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    ahm... whats the point.. all i see here is women who dont want to become pregnant.
    That's the problem: you choose top remain blind to reality.

    we should not judge them.. its their body,its their life, its their choice.. as long as it is inside their body.. it is their jurisdiction.. they reserve the right to either give birth or deny birth..
    No one jurisdiction over someone else's life to the point that they can choose to commit murder. Just because the unborn child is inside someone's body does not give them the right to play God with someone else's life.

    its part of her body... if you will say na it is independent.. try taking it out daw and see what happens
    Dependence does NOT determine humanity or personhood. Newborn infants are also dependent. Leave them outside for a few hours and see what happens.

    If we follow your crazed logic, we might as well kill newborn infants and old people. That's insane.

    we are corrupted by the catholic church! the church is bullying our politicians..
    You don't seem to understand how a democracy works. Politicians are SUPPOSED to be influenced by their constituencies! They are REPRESENTATIVES of the people. The Church is part of the people and it is their right to influnce politics,.

    Your problem is that you think that anyone who disagrees with your selfish politics should be deprived of their democratic rights. That's ridiculous. Grow up.

    The RH/Abortion Bill will be disastrous for our country. That is why the Church opposes it. And your totalitarian concept of democracy is just as deserving of rejection.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

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